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'thirteenturningfourteensoonandallMikaobsessives' group


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so girls and boys, i remembered our yesterday conversation, and i thought i have to make a thread :roftl::roftl:


so all 13 turning 14 soon all Mika obsessive, welcome :roftl:




Bel (mikaloov3) #1

Carlota (neiobi) #2

Liene (bubuciiis)#3

Sammy (pianogirlsammy)#4

Alice (xhurtfulpurplex)#5

Alice (Mikas best friend) #6

Mafaaaa #7

Roxy♥Mika♥ #8

Freestyle #9

BellaDonnaNoire #10

Samantha who? #11

Daniella92 #12

Devin (mika-fan1001) #13

pinkfakecheez #14

Karolina!. #15

Marie (superstar) #16


everybody who was here before and wanted to be added please PM. cause i have to add new ones, so it ws my mistake and im sorry, cause i think there were more than 7, and i forgot to add someone. PLEASE i cant remember everyhthing ;)

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so girls, i remembered our yesterday conversation, and i thought i have to make a thread :roftl::roftl:


so all 13 turning 14 soon all Mika obsessive, welcome


Yeeeeeah !!!!

At least people can't say we're too young :D:D:D we can talk about ANYTHING here hint hint :chkn:

Anyway .... you say 'so girls' boys are welcome too but they might be a bit, well I dunno, unless they're gay, they might wonder why the hell the only thing we talk about is when we'll finally meet Mika and what we'll do to him :naughty:

soooooo .... WELCOME !!!!!!!!!!

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Yeeeeeah !!!!

At least people can't say we're too young :D:D:D we can talk about ANYTHING here hint hint :chkn:

Anyway .... you say 'so girls' boys are welcome too but they might be a bit, well I dunno, unless they're gay, they might wonder why the hell the only thing we talk about is when we'll finally meet Mika and what we'll do to him :naughty:

soooooo .... WELCOME !!!!!!!!!!


i was wondering the same, now WE can say youre too old :mf_rosetinted::roftl:


youre right, i will change it .

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i was wondering the same, now WE can say youre too old :mf_rosetinted::roftl:


youre right, i will change it .


Yeeeeah. Anyone over 14 is welcome until they say something bad and then they're TOO OLD to be on this thread.

so, any chickeny pics ????


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This is an amazing idea, becuase people are like "oh, tey are so young, they must not be that big of fans.."

LIES! I am a bigger fan than most people, and my age doesnt matter! So what is up, my little friends?


Of course you can be part of it.

Me and Bubuciis having thought up the idea we can decide what people do and don't say


:chkn: and fish, btw, are very welcome here :naughty:

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Im terrible sorry! Happy late b-day..

So.. so far, am I the oldest in this thread?

14 as of January 4th?


Oh and yeah,,,,, when I first meet the love of my life (Obviously the main man, Mika) I will ask him for a hug because that is my biggest dream! EVER!


i WAS 14 in may..

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Im terrible sorry! Happy late b-day..

So.. so far, am I the oldest in this thread?

14 as of January 4th?


Oh and yeah,,,,, when I first meet the love of my life (Obviously the main man, Mika) I will ask him for a hug because that is my biggest dream! EVER!


Errm ... maybe ? Dunno ... You're certainly older than me ...


OMGoood. You share my dream. Well, you share my most possible dream. Others are just a little bit, well ... more :chkn::naughty:

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um...fish....am i missing something here?



Weell, that conversation was part of the one we had yesterday talking about making this thread.

I was talking to my baby twin buffaloe about what she'd eaten (because she'd previously had chicken :D) and she said she'd had fish.

Soooooo, some naughty things stirred up in our thirteenturningfourteensoon minds and Fish became a new MFC word. For us lot anyway.

It means tickle.

Nooow, don't you just dream of fishing Mika ???? :naughty:

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Wow..... u seen just a little bit older than fourteen, well atleast act that way.....


;D Why does every MFC conversation eventually turn out to involve chicken?


OH YEAH! I should tell you this story!

So my friend and I are both bgi MFC'ers, and so i sent her a not in school and told her

"Im a better person than you because I am a vegetarian. That means I can never have chicken, but you can whenever you want."

SHE LAUGHED SO HARD, our teacher yelled at us. ;D

If onyl everyone was an MFC'er....


im 13 btw.

and i hope you understand that im just joking, about this whole chicken thing, and its because its funny and you dont have to take it so serious its just fun, and i think the name chicken is actually for people who are shy to joke about sex, so they can use the word chicken instead.

and i actually look at Mika as a sexy person not that way but just very handsome guy, i cant say hondsomy, so i say sexy or chickeny.


thats a good one, i wish there would some people MFCers in my real life. :blush-anim-cl:

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baby buffaloes?

once again, am i missing something?




okayy :roftl:

well, this is so funny, when I was in the Mikagasmic part 14 I was saying how people should slow down cause they just kept on posting stuff so every time I logged in again there would be about twenty more pages of looovely Mika pics and I said it was like if we were baby buffaloes getting trampled by the big buffaloes every time we logged out. My baby twin buffaloe was in the same problem as I was so I guess... we just magneted into twins !

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