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The Luke Juby (the sober Gray Skelly) Thread Part 4


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The bang had come from down the hall. Everyone froze for a second, and then 20-odd people attempted to sneakily peer out of JJL's door. Most of us ended up either underneath or on top of someone else, or both.

Everyone stared in shock as Sara picked herself out of the rubble that dropping through the ceiling had created.

'Hi guys,' she said breathlessly. 'Miss me?'


Andy paced his secretly located apartment angrily. He was running out of ideas, it was impossible. No, it wasn't that, it was that he'd let himself get too attached to Phunky. But that was a good thing, wasn't it? It fit in with his plan. At least now he didn't have to kill them all. The fact that Luke was trying to get with Rosie already was a good thing. Lolly and Becky already hated eachother over Cosmo. If only he had a way of...

Oh, excellent, Andy. He grinned to himself. He had a plan. It involved a false cause for celebration, and lots and lots, and LOTS, of booze.



'' SARA??? '' they all asked '' is that you?? ''

'' euh.. yes..'' she answered embarassed

'' i didn't even notice you weren't there anymore '' becky said

'' it's alway nice to see you '' sara said sarcastically '' btw have you seen mike?? ''

'' no! but where have you been '' ER asked curious, pulling a chair for her

'' it's complicated... that genie thingy you see... anyway... you're sure you don't know where he is! '' she asked worried


for a moment he thought about giving up on it and leave the ppr's alone.. at least phunky. the phone rang at this very moment and of course it was george.

'' i know you're doubting! i felt it when you left but if you betray me you're gonna regret it... you wouldn't want me to be angry... '' george said calmly but there was something agressive in his voice

'' no i wouldn't '' andy immediately changed his mind and his thought about phunky was for him a moment of madness.



"Michael? No, I have no idea, he left with you..." said Calvin.

Sara stared at us, horrorstruck, for a moment and then burst in to tears.

"Oh NOOO!" She wailed. "I left him in the raisin dimension!!"

"The what?" Everyone said at once.

Sara looked at us. "You know, the raisin dimension...that's where I was. It's where raisins come from. Didn't you know that raisins come from another dimension?"


"I thought they came from grapes," said Jack stupidly.

"What were you doing in the raisin dimension?" I asked.

"Oh, ummm...sorting out...stuff," Sara replied evasively.

I raised an eyebrow at her, but didn't question her any more. Instead, I said: "So, how are we gonna get Michael back?"

"One of us could wish him back!" Piped up Glow.

Sara shook her head sadly. "You can't wish people out of dimensions..." she paused, thinking. "You can wish them into them though."

The next thing we knew, we were standing under the hole in the ceiling, after Sara had explained to us that you could only get into the raisin dimension through a ceiling and there was no use in making another hole in the roof of the hotel. Our bill would be pretty hefty.

"OK, everyone stand as close as possible," Sara instructed. "Right, hold hands--wait for me--now, Lolly, make the wish!" She shouted.

Lolly squeezed her eyes shut and yelled, "I wish the PPRs into the raisin dimension!"

"GRANTED!" Screamed Sara, and we felt ourselved being yanked off the ground and crashing through multiple ceilings. After about five minutes of rushing through air/time/space/whatever it was, we all felt like we were being squeezed through a very small hole. Then, it was over. We fell on the ground gasping, and then took a look around us.


Raisins everywhere. The whole place was made of raisins. There were huge raisins walking around, going into raisin stores and buying raisin groceries. There was a funny quality to the air, and it tasted like raisin.

"OK guys, we have to find him quick, or else you'll all turn into raisins, like them." Sara pointed to the raisin people.

"What??!" Spluttered Artsy. "You didn't mention that! We wouldn't have come!"

Calvin hit her. "Yes we would." Artsy glared.

Sara giggled. "It's OK. We'll find him easily, just listen."

We strained our ears, and sure enough, there was the sound of Thriller coming from a distance.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go before we shrivel up." I said, and we set off in the direction of Michael's singing.




'' MICHAEL!! '' sara screamed as they ran to him'' you're a lil.. violet, michael, and... wrinkled .. ouch!''

'' sara!! he's becoming a raisin! we have to get him outta here!!'' m4l screamed

'' ah ! oh! yes sorry! '' sara said, turning red

'' quick lolly!! make a wish '' ER said looking at her hands starting to shrivel!'' i don't wanna be a raisin'' she cried

'' i wish the ppr's (and michael) in our dimension ''

sara clapped her hands '' granted!! ''

they were now back in the human dimension

'' why didn't you follow me the first time michael?? you could have turne into a raisin! i was worried '' she said angrily

'' i don't know...and why are you mad you ain't my mom or my girlfriend pff....'' he said insulted... she turned her back to him, embarassed.

they all looked at each others then artsy broke the silence '' i'm hungry!! let's call for pizzas ''

ER nodded '' yeah ! good idea... coming sara? i'll show you where the toilets are..! ''

'' what?? i don't nee... oh yeah! thanks! '' she followed her

they got out of the room and ER suddenly spoke '' you know you're there since 5 mins and already you're fighting! ''

'' no i'm not!! '' '' it's his fault !OMG!!''she said pointing ER'S face

'' what?? WHAT?? ''





I awkwardly stood at the front door staring up into the eyes of the world's most gangly human being. I looked from pimple to pimple, braces to taped up glasses, to sweater vest. "That'll be.....70 dollahs please." he said in an odd bostonian accent.

I stopped staring and dug through my pockets to find some change.

"Finn honey, can you go get me a 20 off the top of our dresser." I called out to finn.

He came to greet the pizza delivery boy and trotted up the stairs. I checked out his butt before returning to counting my change.

"I have 50 here, I'm just waiting for my husband." I said my eyes staring at the massive mole on his neck.

I refrained from doing the austin powers thing. "50...20...70." Said finn taking the money and handing it to the puberty master. He handed us our pizzas and left. I had never felt more attracted to finn in my life, and quickly rushed him into the broom closet.



Sara looked into the mirror to see her face swelled.


There was a sudden outburst from what seemed like all of the PPRs. It wasn't long before they were all in Sara's room.

"My hair!"

"What has happened?!"

"My hair!!"

"Look at me!"

"My hair!!!"

"Stupid dimension..."

"My hair!!!!"

"Sara, make it go away!"

"Look at my goddamn hair!!!!!" Mika looked like he was about to have a heart attack as his curls, which he took full pride in, was a violet colour. A few of them couldn't help but snicker.

"It's not funny! Look at it! How can I get papped looking like this?!"

"What, and we're all happy about being papped with wrinkles and purpleness?" Luke replied, not touching anything in fear his wrinkly hands were fragile.

Everyone seemed to have either extreme wrinkles, and stong, odd, old raisin smell or something purple. Only Andy, Phunky, Cosmo, Kairi and Lumi had escaped the wrath.

"Edwin looks kinda cute in purple." Glow commented, surprised at how Edwin's fur had turned bright violet. "However, my nose does not!"

Mika continued to freak out about his hair, though Kelzy and Becky thought their new hair colour was quite funky.

"Why could I have got something cool like you have? I have purple ears!" Cried Lolly, as she helplessly tried to cover them with her hair, though failing miserably.

"Hello! I have swelled up! I thought I was only slightly allergic to raisins..." Sara replied, as she contiued to touch her swelling face, failing to notice her wrinkled feet.


"Um, Finn, did something spill on you in that cupboard?" M4L asked, staring at the growing spot of purple on his arms.

"Wha... Oh my god! What's happening?" Finn said, frantically rubbing his arms. His eyes wandered up to M4L, when he looked at her oddly.

"Um, M, sweetie, I don't suppose you forgot to put on your anti wrinkle cream this morning?" M4L glared at him.

"I'm far to young to need anti wrinkle cream!"

"Well, your face has shrilvelled up..." In shock, M4L felt her face.

"The raisin dimention!" She exclaimed, taking his hand and running towards the stairs. Like they could take the lift looking like this.


"There must be something Sara..." Artsy begged, sick of the strong odour that had surrounded her.

"I don't think I can wish this right. This comes under physical appearance."

"Bt technically, we're just changing ourselves back!" ER replied, trying to ignore Luke as he kept making eyes at her.

"I could always try and speak to the guy who does the rules, and see if he can bend them, but I doubt it."

"Try! Please!" Mika begged.


Sara had been persuaded by the PPRs to visit her boss. She remembered the last time she had gone, and he was a nasty piece of work. She hated him. Yet she couldn't let down her friends.

The whole place was beautiful, however. Genies only, and anyone who disobeyed that rule was instantly punished in the worst of ways. Sara knew why. Normal people just would understand what a pure paradise this place was. All of the rugs, multicoloured bottles, the shape of the bottle they were in and it's design. Sara could live here, if there wasn't a rule against it. She'd worked here for a few months numerous years ago. It'd hadn't changed much, and she was glad.

"How may I help you Sara?" A worker had come to greet her.

"I'd like to see The Boss please."

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'' he is waiting for you '' he immediately answered.

she became nervous suddenly, because she couldn't bring human in other dimentions and disobeyed twice. she entered the large room. the boss was standing by the window.

'' you're here! '' he said still looking outside

'' yeah.. i'm coming for.. ''

'' i know what you're coming for ... i know everything you think. there's a little problem however... i can't stop that process ''

'' what?? but you can't let us turn into raisins!! there must be a way to stop it!! ''

'' yes, but it's not free... you disobeyed.. twice, you'll have to pay for it! ''

she knew what was gonna happened and it scared her!

'' so.. what's your decision?? ''

'' ok ''



'' ahhh... MY CHEST HAIR!! '' mika screamed, running half naked through the room

'' my feet! they're so tiny! i wonder if i'd run faster..'' ER asked to becky

'' are you serious?? '' becky rolled her eyes when calvin fell on the two girls! his legs were as short and little as candy sticks, which was strange cause the rest of his body was the normal size. it was as if a cockroach was grafted under a giraffe's neck. '' sorry, my legs are not strong enough '' he said

becky, scared started to scream! '' sara!! come back!! ''

luke's head was shrinking... it was now half its normal size



I stared at everyone, laughing at them for I knew the secret.

Let me explain:

As a favor to Andy, I had filled the room with a toxic gas, causing people to become dillusional. noone's head was shrinking, turning purple, or anything. There was no raisins everywhere. There was no pizza guy. Sara was the first one to think she had come from a land of raisins because when i found her outside i forced her down and made her inhale the gas. She was the most infected of everyone! Then i instructed her to climb on top of the roof (which i knew wasn't sturdy) and she fell through. Why did I betray my friends? Because I loved Andy. Let's go back to when andy first walked into my life while i was in the PPRC:

i fell at his feet drooling, as i said, but while everyone was occupied with becky and kairi, andy had put me into the corner of the room and explained to me waht was happening:

"Okay, you aren't going to like what i am going to ask you to do." he said holding my hand

"As long as it isnt kissing that filthy man named Lukas!" I laughed, but Andy didnt smile.

Andy explained to me his plans for breaking us up. Of course i wanted to run and tell everyone, but i couldn't for he was holding me down like a caged animal.

He proimised me good things to come if i betrayed my friends.


So i sat there, while everyone freaked and laughed. I was turning evil. But as soon as I sw luke's face, sad, i started feeling guilty. i slapped myself realizing that i still had feelings for luke!




okay. sorry that was relally long. but that is the excerpt.

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