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The Australian Thread: Part Fifteen

Rainbow Sky

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So, like, you know how I said school starts next week?









Yeah, so I guess it started this week:


Davina sent 4/08/2008 2:26 PM:

wey!! you naughty girl!! why didn't you show up for school today??? XD


So, uh, I guess I started off good on the "not skipping any school this semester" front. And also on the "wow, I am like brilliant at maths and can totally count to seven" front.


On other news, however, I did NOT just wake up, I woke up at 12.30, because I had a hairdresser appointment at 1. Funny thing. I also woke up at 12.45 at night (I know, like, I was totally asleep then!), because I fell asleep at my computer at like ... who knows when, and my light was still on, and I woke up at 12.45, looked at my clock, was like "HOLY CRAP! Hairdressers appointment in 15 minutes!", jumped out of bed, ran out of my room and then was like "What the HELL?? WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON! WHY IS IT DARK!?!?!?!?!" and then I sort of calmed down and figured out what had happened and went back to bed.


hahaha sounds like fun!

and dc stands for don't care lolol


Haha, really? I am sooo bad at acronyms :naughty:


Something will happen to them though, they will turn into huge ducks and drakes!!!


We had ducklings, after a few months the kids were too scared to go into the backyard they were both drakes though.


Shhh, noncents! My mum wanted to put them on her property when they get old enough




But - but, guess what? She asked her boyfriend and-and-and ... he said his dog eats birds! He used to have a goose, an adult goose, and HIS DOG ATE IT! WTF? WTF! So we can't have them :crybaby:


I mean, my dog has been known to try and eat small birds *glares at ambrose* but he wouldn't try and play with a bigger bird like a duck, he would be scared of them...


hahhaa. That only ever reminds me of an MFCer we call DC..


I know me too, I always wondered how he got his own smiley...


I know - I am just trying to get the hot weather feeling by visiting

you guys down under (virtually!!)

I am getting about a bit - but spending less time on here than usual,

so trying to perk myself up again. Feel a bit lost


But it's WINTER here! :doh:


But you're doing vetinary studies! You can't tell me that you don't have 50 million acronyms to remember everything by, like you have in nursing...


I KNOW! :crybaby: I just have to learn it off by heart - acronyms mean nothing to me!


Purple, I changed my mind a million times before the guy could even get the cabinet unlocked in the shop.


I plan to paint some cute pictures on it, was gonna get a red one and turn it into a lady bug, for now its just normal.


Oh my god, a lady bird would have been soooo cute! I got this one a while ago: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/disney-mickey-mp3-player-from-iriver-more-photos/

(Although, because I am a cheapskate, I got a dodgy replica-type off ebay and it's pretty ... dodgy)


But Iwas never in the cool group at school... I was more in the really weird group ... but lucky for us we weren't the most unpopular group in my year!


Me tooooooo! I was in the 'weird group' that ran around sticking caramello wrappers in each others hair, but there was the just 'uncool group', and they were below us :naughty:


I play email Scrabble *zhhz*


EMAIL SCRABBLE? How the hell?


I correct my first impression, then. AWESOME kids.


Yes, that's more like it.

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Autism.. DS was only formally diagnosed earlier this year at age 8

At 3 he was still not talking and I was put on a merry go round of dr visits speech therapy etc, so although not assessed or diagnosed earlier, his behaviour has been documented the whole way along.


MSN I must avoid the temptation. It makes me neglect my kids and drives DH mad, he thinks I am chatting to men and gonna run off :shocked: and even if he sees me here he gets jealous of Mika :naughty: I do love Mika a little too much though :wub2:


I can only assume that it's been documented with Britt... But like I said, that's what the paediatrician apparently said...


*is reminded of PamRam*


She's a woman who used to come on here, and would drool over Mika and say how hot he is... she even said how she had to minimise the window MFC was open in when he walked by, saying it was like having an affair with Mika :blink:...


Needless to say, her hubby was not a happy camper...

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And WTH is Black and Gold (besides being the name of home brand groceries)?


Home Brand is a brand too :msnslap:


Hi! I'm about to head off to maths tutoring. Which I don't mind because it helps me actually finish my maths homework rather than continually putting it off.


Can you ask your tutor how to count seven weeks and not 8? :naughty:


My day was quite good. We weren't overloaded with too much work at school. But in science I had a rather confusing discussion about subject selection next year and now I'm unsure about whether I should do the minimum 12 units or start with 14 units and then drop a couple that I don't like.


Fourteen units? That is like so confusing :naughty:

We had 5 or 6 units :blink:


Attention! I may be replying to you even if I didn't quote you


:naughty: It's okay, I think most people read everything anyway.


MSN I must avoid the temptation. It makes me neglect my kids and drives DH mad, he thinks I am chatting to men and gonna run off and even if he sees me here he gets jealous of Mika I do love Mika a little too much though



Maybe it doesn't help that you have a bit of both "the" SD videos in your signature.


About the autism/whatever thing, am I the only one that finds it crazy that of the ... like 5 people who have kids in this thread, 3 of them are autistic/that other one beginning with a?


*is reminded of PamRam*


She's a woman who used to come on here, and would drool over Mika and say how hot he is... she even said how she had to minimise the window MFC was open in when he walked by, saying it was like having an affair with Mika...


Needless to say, her hubby was not a happy camper...


:roftl: All these stories I hear about this PamRam character :naughty:

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I know, I'm horrible, really. I'll take that bet!


Hi SD!


HI CD!!!







So, like, you know how I said school starts next week?









Yeah, so I guess it started this week


Nice one! :do:



Me tooooooo! I was in the 'weird group' that ran around sticking caramello wrappers in each others hair, but there was the just 'uncool group', and they were below us :naughty:




ZoZo the Terrible! was in a weird group too.. they used to stand on tables singing Reproduction from Grease 2 :lmfao:



The uncool group was the one that was full of losers and people who took drugs... see, my school knew that drugs weren't cool :mf_rosetinted:

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Sucky about school...*sympathy pains*


:naughty: :naughty:


Oh noooo, and I promised myself I would wean (is that how you spell that?:blink:) down my MFC usage coming up to school :doh:


Oh well, *glares at everyone* no making me laugh when I log on from the library :sneaky2::naughty:


I don't think I missed much, I believe I only have one or two lectures on Monday mornings ... *should probably print out her timetable or something*

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ZoZo the Terrible! was in a weird group too.. they used to stand on tables singing Reproduction from Grease 2 :lmfao:


The uncool group was the one that was full of losers and people who took drugs... see, my school knew that drugs weren't cool :mf_rosetinted:


Oh yeah, I was going to comment that your school's groups sounded a bit strange, but my MQ is broken so I miss things all the time :naughty:

The bitchy group was the most popular group in my school, and the druggy group was just below them (above me) - because they went to parties I guess :naughty: I mean, non-Harry Potter ones :lol3: The un-cool group was the real losers, and they just sat in a group playing their DSs and reading and stuff :naughty:

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Awwww ... well just sit yourself down by the fire with me & my 3 pups ... :huglove: ... 'tis almost 1:30am here ... cosy & warm ... & we are snuggling up & watching old B&W British movies ... one of my fave pastimes ! Whilst also being on MFC , of course !


Hiya Happi :huglove:


How's that halo??



Awwww. I know that feeling. Hang with us some more :wub2:





Am hangin', and the halo is fine thanks :naughty:



*can't log into msn*

*pain in the ass friend has turned up*

*isn't reading this as I type*







But it's WINTER here! :doh:



Thats still warmer than our summer!!!! :roftl:

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:naughty: :naughty:


Oh noooo, and I promised myself I would wean (is that how you spell that?:blink:) down my MFC usage coming up to school :doh:


Oh well, *glares at everyone* no making me laugh when I log on from the library :sneaky2::naughty:


I don't think I missed much, I believe I only have one or two lectures on Monday mornings ... *should probably print out her timetable or something*


It's only your just desserts. I demand revenge.:naughty:

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Home Brand is a brand too :msnslap:



Fourteen units? That is like so confusing :naughty:

We had 5 or 6 units :blink:





About the autism/whatever thing, am I the only one that finds it crazy that of the ... like 5 people who have kids in this thread, 3 of them are autistic/that other one beginning with a?



:roftl: All these stories I hear about this PamRam character :naughty:


Yeah I know that... I do work in a supermarket you know!


Most subjects are worth 2 units... except for RE (which is 1), and the extension classes (Ext 1 is 3 units, EXT 2 is 4 units - and are only English and Maths related)


I don't have kids... Britt's my niece... and is so much like me in personality it's not funny... no wonder mum thinks I have Autism... and it's Aspergers...

Oh yes... she's a real character... DC's in love with her! *zhhz*

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Oh yeah, I was going to comment that your school's groups sounded a bit strange, but my MQ is broken so I miss things all the time :naughty:

The bitchy group was the most popular group in my school, and the druggy group was just below them (above me) - because they went to parties I guess :naughty: I mean, non-Harry Potter ones :lol3: The un-cool group was the real losers, and they just sat in a group playing their DSs and reading and stuff :naughty:


Yeah well...


There was a group that sort of... well I guess they were the nerdy group...


It actually changed in yr 11... a lot of groups merged... the nerdy ones and the popular ones merged (ish)... most of the bitchy/slutty/loserish ones left, and the left over bitchy ones joined the popular group...


and the boys and girls popular groups joined as well... we also had a few of the loser ones join our group... so we went from a group of 7 to about 11...

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Thats still warmer than our summer!!!!


*looks outside*


Yes, good point you have there actually :lol3:


Which reminds me, I have been wanting to go to the beach to try and do something, yes, I think I will do that now while I think about it.


It's only your just desserts. I demand revenge.


I have read this sentence 40 times and I still don't get it. But it's something to do with making you laugh while you were in the library, which is exactly what I was thinking about :naughty: And I remember thinking "Oh, good thing I have a week left to wean off and not feel the need to log on in the library (I enjoy deluding myself)


Yeah I know that... I do work in a supermarket you know!


Most subjects are worth 2 units... except for RE (which is 1), and the extension classes (Ext 1 is 3 units, EXT 2 is 4 units - and are only English and Maths related)


I don't have kids... Britt's my niece... and is so much like me in personality it's not funny... no wonder mum thinks I have Autism... and it's Aspergers...

Oh yes... she's a real character... DC's in love with her! *zhhz*




Ohh, that's confusing. We just had to choose 5 or 6 classes :naughty:


I know that! I was classic Zo zo as the "person in this thread who has kids" :naughty:


Yeah well...


There was a group that sort of... well I guess they were the nerdy group...


It actually changed in yr 11... a lot of groups merged... the nerdy ones and the popular ones merged (ish)... most of the bitchy/slutty/loserish ones left, and the left over bitchy ones joined the popular group...


and the boys and girls popular groups joined as well... we also had a few of the loser ones join our group... so we went from a group of 7 to about 11...


Oh wow, that is so freaking confusing


I would call the loser group the nerdy group, they were nerdy, but they weren't smart, and I feel like nerdyness requires smartness, and for some reason every single dux award went to my group. We were the smart/weird group :naughty:


The groups didn't change like ... for all of highschool. My group was actually called the Hill Group, and we sat on The Hill (okay, so we named it), although we were often seen to be rolling down it.


EDIT: The only group merging was when we held our fabulous "Hill Group Picnic Parties" :lmao: and people came by and decided we were cool enough to join for free food.

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Ohh, that's confusing. We just had to choose 5 or 6 classes :naughty:


I know that! I was classic Zo zo as the "person in this thread who has kids" :naughty:




Oh wow, that is so freaking confusing


I would call the loser group the nerdy group, they were nerdy, but they weren't smart, and I feel like nerdyness requires smartness, and for some reason every single dux award went to my group. We were the smart/weird group :naughty:


The groups didn't change like ... for all of highschool. My group was actually called the Hill Group, and we sat on The Hill (okay, so we named it), although we were often seen to be rolling down it.


EDIT: The only group merging was when we held our fabulous "Hill Group Picnic Parties" :lmao: and people came by and decided we were cool enough to join for free food.


Yeah... they do choose 5 or 6 subjects... each subject is worth 2 units...


Even though the bold sentence doesn't make a whole lot of sense, I get it...


My cousin got Dux of the school... she was in my group... and another 2 people in my year got a lot of awards too...


I used to go for walks around the junior area when i was in year 11... partly to see a good friend of mine that I've known since I was 5, and partly to perve on someone in the same year as my friend...


We sat near a tree...

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Hiya Happi :huglove:




Am hangin', and the halo is fine thanks :naughty:









Thats still warmer than our summer!!!! :roftl:

WENDIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!! Welcome back !!! :huglove:



OKD: Yup, email Scrabble !! :thumb_yello: Fancy a game ?? :das: I IZ already HAZ 2 games on the go .... :bleh:

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WENDIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!! Welcome back !!! :huglove:



OKD: Yup, email Scrabble !! Fancy a game ?? :das: I IZ already HAZ 2 games on the go .... :bleh:


Hiya :wub2:

I played scrabulous on Facebook - but they have removed it now :(


p.s. school sucks.


Liz :huglove:

I loved school - (I think - it was a long time ago!! :naughty:)

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Oh my god, a lady bird would have been soooo cute! I got this one a while ago: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/disney-mickey-mp3-player-from-iriver-more-photos/

(Although, because I am a cheapskate, I got a dodgy replica-type off ebay and it's pretty ... dodgy)


Okay so I tried to multi quote but I just ended up with this one :shocked:


That is cute, am I weird or do others think it looks sort of rude from some angles :blush-anim-cl:like testicles that have fallen out of a nut sack




Now to remember what I wanted to quote without going back through all the pages.


Ummmmm, yeah funny about the high rate of Autism lol. maybe forums attract semi autistic mums cause we are not comfortable with face to face contact as much as cyber friends. Our kids must have a little of us in them.


Oh I remember... my sig causing DH's jealousy to be worse, well I try not to let him see me here at all (hence me shutting my window constantly and re logging in rather than staying here)


Well if he is gonna be jealous and think the worst anyway I may as well just indulge :naughty:


Damn... Sprung

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