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YKYAMFW you've started writing a video script idea for One Foot Boy :teehee: complete with ideas for the dance moves... :blush-anim-cl:

Oh wow! sounds cool! :biggrin2: *is curious for it*

YKYAMFW you play TBWKTM on full volume when you're angry at your parents to annoy them...


hahaha brilliant! :roftl:

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You know you're a Mika fan when

- When you give to your husband as a Christmas present a new car stereo and he ask you to record some songs in the USB, you copy some Mika´s songs, and he comes after testing it and he tells you: Mika´s sounds SO good in the new car stereo, and you feel absolutely happy about it.:pbjt:

- When your doing your daily walk listening to Mika and your MP3 battery died just when you started and you go crazy trying to find a store to buy one.:lol3:

- When your husband comes home and he ask you: What´s for dinner?, and you don´t have anything ready because you just spend the afternoon at Mikasounds, MFC, etc, etc.:blush-anim-cl:

- When you measure 6’3” with a measure tape just to see how tall he is.:blush-anim-cl:

- When your are saving money to buy a gig ticket, without knowing yet if he´s going to come to your country.:dunno:

Plus almost all the other reasons you´ve mentioned before.


I´m crazy, I know.:insane:

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You know you're a Mika fan:


When you spend the whole day thinking about him and singing his music


When you do something, see something, feel something ... and you think "Mika would have liked or had fun at that"


When you spend your time looking for news about Mika


When you begin to dress more colourfully than before!!


When you say "i might stop and try Sinatra, Gaga, U2 or anything for a few days coz if i keep like that i gonna end "identity mad" !!!!!"


(and i could go on, but better stop:shocked::blush-anim-cl::blush-anim-cl:)


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You know you're a Mika fan when

- When you give to your husband as a Christmas present a new car stereo and he ask you to record some songs in the USB, you copy some Mika´s songs, and he comes after testing it and he tells you: Mika´s sounds SO good in the new car stereo, and you feel absolutely happy about it.:pbjt:

- When your doing your daily walk listening to Mika and your MP3 battery died just when you started and you go crazy trying to find a store to buy one.:lol3:

- When your husband comes home and he ask you: What´s for dinner?, and you don´t have anything ready because you just spend the afternoon at Mikasounds, MFC, etc, etc.:blush-anim-cl:

- When you measure 6’4” with a measure tape just to see how tall he is.:blush-anim-cl:

- When your are saving money to buy a gig ticket, without knowing yet if he´s going to come to your country.:dunno:Plus almost all the other reasons you´ve mentioned before.


I´m crazy, I know.:insane:


*grabs measuring tape* .. :shocked::aah: I feel stunningly SHORT. :blush-anim-cl:

... I think I know he will come to North America some time.. hopefully this year, but I am saving :biggrin2:

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You know you're a Mika fan:


When you begin to dress more colourfully than before!!


I do that!


You know you're a Mika fan when


- When you measure 6’3” with a measure tape just to see how tall he is.:blush-anim-cl:


I´m crazy, I know.:insane:


lol. Im finding my measuring tape tomorrow. :aah:


And we'd have to exile you if you weren't insane :thumb_yello:

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YKYAMFW you look for joy in a strange place...


Hahahaha! :naughty:


YKYAMF when you get all excited from hearing a preview at a theater for a new movie is playing "Love Today" I literally had to hold myself from jumping up and down. I did tell my sister and Dad right away. They never play him here. :(


YKYAMF when you wish you where awake with your Mom one night because she told you that late at night they played "Love Today" on VH1.

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You know you're a Mika fan when you've subscribed to 167 threads on MFC so far and the number keeps growing everytime you use the computer!

When you plan to go into a toy store to buy a badge it machine for Mika's third MFC jacket when the stuff you send for his second jacket just got into Foalbaby14's mailbox!

When you only have Mika CDs in your car and MP3 player!

When your heart sort of jumps at hearing the begining of "Rain" vid as you know that when you look up to the TV set you eyes will be diving into Mika's

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YKYAMF when you hear Grace Kelly and need to get out of the room and start dancing and screaming the lyrics and jumping up and down in private.

You continue being a Mika fan when your older brother catches you and you mumble "it is a good song" and continue to dance when he's left!!!!

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You know you're a mika fan when you take a screenshot and "like" everytime someone posts something mika related on facebook! The second friend in a month just wrote "relax, take it easy <3" on their walls!!! :boing:


:woot_jump:ANT! Hi, are you finally back now? :wink2:

Aww you're already off again :emot-sad:

That's cool :boing:

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