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come onnn

you can have another obssesion :naughty you can live with that! lol


girlss! i`m finishing my drawing! :boing

is not what you expected but it`s cute.. mikaish style :naughty

Hahah! I can't escape him anyway. He's everywhere!!

I started a "rpattz" folder today. :naughty:

Do we get to see the drawing?


LMFAO!! :roftl:


:licks_lips: *saves to folder*

f_2s6wtw6m_e31e885.jpg<- SO take this fools! ^^


WHATTT?! Pereeez! I dun wanna be zexy!!!! >_<

Ohh.. Now he's zexy in a less pretty boy way. :naughty:

He can't win.

Accept fate Rob.

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oooh I like this pixspammin trade ^^


*_* a chair..wheeere?! whoamI? ç_ç XD


*continues with the paparazzi stalkerish mode on*



why we all love Rpattz:


his I.don't.care attitude {oh lookie^^boxers!};>



his awkard flirting all the time with everything >_>



his smexy way of takin out the trash XD {ok, maybe it's the red color. wrrrar!}



He seems uncapable to dissimulate his true feelings {"OK STOP STALKING ME btchs!!"}



Did I mention that he's also a great actorhttp://www.4shared.com/network/search.jsp?sortType=1&sortOrder=1&sortmode=2&searchName=pattinson&searchmode=2&searchName=pattinson&searchDescription=&searchExtention=&sizeCriteria=atleast&sizevalue=10&start=0 and a interesting singer^^?




i`m so printing at least 4 pics of him today :mf_lustslow:

the last one for suree :naughty:

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^^ mwahahh the auntie-sweater! XD XD XD


@Kelzy: your last banner inspired me..





Rpattz: Cmon Kris, raise your hand, vote for me nak...









they're so cute :3


f_0000tf2bm_e9c0994.gif Rpattz is my happy pill :] f_druwim_5d8aa7d.gif



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that's what this thread has become ^^


eew da hair...

What I’m wondering is what he’s going to do nowf_17566505m_0fc4b94.png

because he runs his fingers through it all the time,”

Rachelle LeFevre said. “What’s he going to do with his hands?!” f_robani7m_c6359e2.gif


hey, we could start a

what normal people and rabid fangurlz say about SpunkRansom



Robert Pattinson continues his "answering dumb questions with even dumber answers tour," claiming that he doesn't like to tell people he's an actor because "It's kinda cheesy, so I prefer to say I do something else. I don't like the word 'acting'. I prefer the word 'creating,' because I want to build a character with an idea that turns into something that people will remember."

Oh, dude. Dude! Stop it!


In Pattinson's defense, he's probably high.


Gotta do something to get through this Twilight mess

That's how i like to imagine my Pattinson.

Totally high. f_littleashesm_5cbc4c1.gif

Maybe a little drunk. f_littleashesm_60c3114.gif

And defenitely acting like a loose cannon.

God bless his heart.


I enjoy his nutball behaviour,

especially when he's calling Stephenie Mayer crazy



His interviews are some of the best youtube watching around!


other hylarious commens here *posts a quite odd pic*


















Edited by greta
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I don't need another obsession. I don't need another obsession. I don't need another obsession.

I don't need another obsession. I don't need another obsession. I don't need another obsession.


:mad3: damn him. :das:


:lmfao: :lmfao:! *feels your pain* :crybaby:


Bianca says:

okay, so i think i really have enough ridiculous obsessions to be getting along with. but please attempt stepping inside the rpattz thread on mfc and not fainting. i dont think its possible. ****


*attempts to back out of thread*

*fails immediately and delves in further* :mad3:

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he himself said something like he detests that even children and married women "wanna have his babieees" so he tried to be as disgusting as possible...but then the messier the sexier so :lol3:

Hmmm. I don't blame him for thinking that way. I think, strangely enough, that he's resembling Edward in alot of ways by saying that.. That "No girl is good enough" line in the movie makes it sound like he's read all their minds and it disgusts him to know that they'd jump on him without any hesitation.

Life imitating art. (And this has probably been said before)

quite frankly i dunno if I'm going to see NewMoon...


neither if they show an emo story this time^^

...even if...


it's Rattz dmn! :aah:

I'm not interested in emo stories either.

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