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The Australian Thread: Part Seventeen

Rainbow Sky

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Becs - hope your day is still going well! :punk:


Teegs - that's awful news about what happened to the centre. :boxed:


Am I the only one that thinks it's strange that shoes made from wool are called emu shoes?


Well now that I've Wiki'd "emu" and re-learned its a bird, then I too, think it's strange. :naughty: But there are automobiles out there called "Beetles", "Rabbits" (Volkswagon), "Cougars" and "Jaguars". :blink:


What are emu slippers? (even after you posted the picture I don't know)


An emu is a bird. I knew it was an animal, but I just looked it up and it's a bird native to Australia.

*Looks down at slippers and doesn't see emu looking features on it*


But "Emu" is just a company/brand name. I think it's a less expensive Ugg copycat. My slippers are not very pretty (quite unattractive actually :bleh:) , just comfortable, warm, and cozy. And the price was right - because I wouldn't have paid what they'd normally cost. I was telling Twatty the other day that being "thrifty" is the new cool. But I'm not trying to be cool (warm & cozy rather) and I just hate paying regular price on anything.

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Hi and Bye CD - nice to see you back!!!


Hey there Wendi!



Hmmm ummm hummmmm hmmm.

It's always hard to remember how far back 3 weeks is.

Wendi's dog had puppies, Bec's cat had kittens, HK had a snake, we talked about forked penes, forked penes took over the forum, forked penes were removed from the forum, mika put a picture of him and a chicken as his youtube avatar, it was revealed that Bec was born in 1988 and not 1989, as I had been lead to believe. Thats about it?


Hey OKD. So, congrats on the pups and kitties Wendi and Bec. HK had a snake? What sort? I presume you mean inside the house! Scary biscuits! I haven't looked on youtube lately so I haven't seen that... Mika and a chicken... well, if the boy's going to practically flaunt his sex life at us! *rolls eyes* Bec being born in 1988 is significant how?


Welcome back chickadee!! I was wondering about you the other day.


I'm not sure about much that's been happening. I haven't been posting much lately, except for the past couple of days. But if there's anything you need to know, just ask << him.


Anyway I'm going to bed now.


Na-night everybody!


Hi SD. I've still got avvies turned off so I don't know what << is pointing to. Somebody fill me in please?


Right,... now that I'm 20 I'm off to bed... got to wake earlyish tomorrow...


Ah! Happy Birthday Bec! (Will have to go find birthday thread and put a cake in it.)





CD !!! welcome back ...


Hiya HK!


I don't know about the rest of Perth, but our water here is from our own bore


Today it's a "primordial dwarf" *goes to google*





Creepy, right?


I watched the show about the primordial dwarfs as well. I don't know if creepy is the right word, I just felt incredibly sorry for these kids, cos the world is going to be a tough place for them, but then any kid who's different has some of the same issues. I really liked what the girl's mother was talking about with the poem "Welcome to Holland". I have to apply that to my own life.


.... looks like YOU are headed STRAIGHT for the Naughty Corner !!!



Ummm, naughty corner? Is this new?


I'm not sure if you're aware, but I've been helping mum out at the community technology centre... we got some computers so the people in the area can use them, cause it's a disadvantaged area...


Anyways, over 2 hours ago I heard the alarm go off down at the hall where the coputers are (it's about 500m down the road), and I go out and look at the hall... I then see some people run out, so I race in, tell mum and dad that I think someone's broken in, and dad and I go down to check...


Part of the inside fence has been pulled down, a couple of the windows have been broken, the window in the front door was broken, and in the main hall the door was pulled off the hinges, the alram keypad was pulled off the wall, the cupboards were pulled open (a couple of them had chains and they just pulled the doors), there is a great big hole in the wall from the fire extinguisher, a whole lot of kids paintings were pulled down, a kettle and a couple of plates were broken, and I'm sure other things were ruined...


Luckily they didn't get into the computers (the door has a deadbolt and a normal lock)... but there were a few bloody shoeprints in the entry area... and one of the council people saw a boy with something wrapped around his arm...


Little f**kers...


I always wonder about the people who do things like this. And what I wonder is What kind of crap is going on in their lives that they want to do this? And if there isn't a lot of bad stuff going on in their lives, but just everyday issues that most people deal with, what the hell is going on with their coping mechanisms? Maybe that's oversimplifying things... I don't know. But I'm sad to hear that this happened Teegs:huglove:


They can be charged from age 8 here in Scotland!!

If there is no adequate deterrent then it's really hard to

see any way forward!!


I believe it's 10 here. When my son was younger there was an incident at his school. There were some factors at play that made it unusual and it hasn't happened again, but the school did say to us that if he'd been 10 he could have been charged with assault.




... Testing ... testing ...


What does this mean??


Just a note....in honor of Twatty, this is what I had last night for dessert:




Are they cheesecakes? Why is this in honour of Twatty?

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Which Honourary Aussies are willing to give me their mobile number?


You know I totally would, but I have no mobile and there is no way in hell that my mum will let me give out our home number. :naughty: What's the occasion?


Hello all!


Fmbm! Today in English one of my friends started talking about how she's reading Twilight and how good it is. And then my teacher came over and talked about it with us for a while. And then I mentioned the movie and how Robert Pattinson is playing the main guy. And my teacher thinks he doesn't suit the role!


That reminds me--Nono, German Mini RPattz is called Lennart (Don't call him Lenny) :naughty: And I still don't have a picture of him, at least not where you can see his face.


Does anyone here like (or know) Muse?


A little...I like their song 'Black Holes And Revelations'


Hello Aussies!! Yes, I'm back and you guys have talked a huge amount in 3 weeks so I'm not even gonna try and read it all but just ask for the highlights. Oh, and now I'm being told to get off the 'puter! Looks like I'll have to try and catch up tomorrow.






That's the thing... the whole community can be involved with it and it benefits them so much (honestly, it's mostly for the people in the public housing area because they can't afford the internet), and they go and do this!



We have a suspicion that it's a little "gang" that's been going around... they've bashed a pregnant woman with baseball bats and such, and apparently also bashed a man with golf clubs... and as far as I know, they're only teenagers... though a couple of kids that come to the CTC have been coming with curtain rods and golf clubs... :sneaky2:





I really hope they're pleased with themselves... :sneaky2:


That. Is. So. F*cked. Up.


I hope they die.




... Testing ... testing ... :naughty::das:




Now all we need is for JJL to come back. :fisch:

Edited by englishrose
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Teegs :shocked: OMG Little F**CKERRGHHHS!!!



STUCKZ!!!!!!!! :wub2:


Welcome back Chickadee!


Morning all..

Morning 20 year old.


'Tis ok Rosie, I understand that. I wanted to text people.

Nono's the only one who agreed. :tears:


*runs off*

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Afternoon everyone.


So far birthday is good. I got sang to by the 3/4s, some made handmade cards, and got a blackboard mural for mine and another kids birthday that I naturally took a phone pic of (when I find the dongle I'll post it)


Now its time to kick back, relax and wait for the family to get home to take me to dinnerrrgghhh/ "tea"

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Welcome back Chickadee!



Morning 20 year old.


'Tis ok Rosie, I understand that. I wanted to text people.

Nono's the only one who agreed. :tears:


*runs off*


Hey Kelz. What's all this about mobile phones? Or was it only for the overseas crowd? And can anybody give me some advice on photobucket please? I've been trying to get a pic for Bec's thread and it keeps telling me that it's copied the img link, but then when I try and paste it, it gives me some other old crap that hubby must have cut/copied. Any ideas?

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It does that to me sometimes.


Try clicking on it twice... or right clicking and clicking copy :wink2:


OK, I'll try the right clicking business. I already tried clicking on it twice. Clicked on it about 6 times at one point, thinking "If this doesn't get it onto the clipboard...!!!"

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I thought maybe it was the professional cakes that weren't my pics to begin with that suddenly had copyright on them or something. But it won't even let me do my weetbix cake pictures! (not that I was going to use them as your birthday cake, I was just trying out different things.) Well, I'm not gonna be able to figure it out at the moment, and I have washing to hang out, so I'll say :bye:

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