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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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Nice to see your happy smiling face - my fridge freezer has just

broken down and all my food is ruined!!! :boxed:


It might not be too late to cook everything if it only just defrosted, and then some things you can refreeze when cooked, and as for the rest, have a feast (this has happened to my family before.. it was alot of cooking in the end)


Morning all... for once my Saturday shift doesn't start at 7 (its at 9 this week) so I got to "sleep in' on a Saturday

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It might not be too late to cook everything if it only just defrosted, and then some things you can refreeze when cooked, and as for the rest, have a feast (this has happened to my family before.. it was alot of cooking in the end)


Morning all... for once my Saturday shift doesn't start at 7 (its at 9 this week) so I got to "sleep in' on a Saturday


I would cook them - but have no where to refreeze them once I

have cooked them!! I am not sure when they defrosted either as

I have not been in the freezer for days!!

Glad you got a sleep-in!!! :thumb_yello:

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I would cook them - but have no where to refreeze them once I

have cooked them!! I am not sure when they defrosted either as

I have not been in the freezer for days!!

Glad you got a sleep-in!!! :thumb_yello:

Ah... sucky sucky. And so close to Christmas too.



Im glad as well.. Saturdays shouldn't be started at 6am,

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Ah... sucky sucky. And so close to Christmas too.



Im glad as well.. Saturdays shouldn't be started at 6am,


I know - thankfully I have almost all my Christmas presents bought

and wrapped - but now I have to replace the food AND buy a new

fridge freezer as well!!

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I loved the goodies!!


Me too... I wanted to marry Tim when I was four :wub2:

I love the episode where they get stuck inside a dinosaur but I haven't seen it for over 20 years and they keep releasing DVDs and it's not on any of them so I'm starting to think that maybe it's not a real episode at all and I just imagined it.



*huggles poor Starbucks*


I feel sorry for that child... honestly, to parents even care if their child gets bullied because of their name...


Me too. I've heard some horrid names. Like it's one thing to choose a name that is a bit uncommon to avoid having another 3 kids with the same name in their class but some people take it a bit far.


One of my brother's friends called his first son Maximillion Fyodor Hurricane Elvis and his other two kids have 'interesting' names too... I think the second one was Archibold Salinger Tornado Keith... Or something :blink:





That is a good point... if I remember correctly, Tegan was an Aussie too!!!


Well then, that makes perfect sense. I wonder what Jonas was on Stargate... If he wasn't human I could use that an an excuse. At the very least, he definitely wasn't Aussie so I could try that. It won't work but it really doesn't matter because the kid will NOT be called Jonas. Despite what Daniel might think :fisch:




It scares me too... I have no intention of putting a journal up there, but I'll happily give and take from the daaspron community...


Do you have to have an account there to do that? Now I'm all intrigued about what kind of things could be hiding on LJ. But I don't want to join :blush-anim-cl:




Oh, speaking of, there's a new Star Trek movie coming out... and Leonard Nimoy is going to be an elderly Spock!


Leonard Nimoy :wub2:




And guess what?



I finished all of my TAFE stuff today. It's all over.



Well done!



Zoidy/Pammy ... no, we didn't have a 'Jake the Peg' Rolf ... maybe next time tho' ... I've got a feeling he will be reprised ...


I HEART the Goodies & all the wild little Rolf Harris' running around !!



I used to run to my room and hide under my bed when that episode came on


...I could probably handle it a bit better now :naughty:



my brother and dad are called the same thing its so annoying, even though i call him 'dad' i can imagine my mums frustration, but its her own fault for being so uncreative


I imagine that it would be a huge pain in the ass. My two Aunties both married men called John and their brother was named John as well. Even that has always been completely confusing, so having two in the same house would just be way too much trouble for my liking.



I voted for an Aussie. I'm not telling which one though.

Me too... Although it was by accident since I didn't know which one was which at the time. I just hoped that I picked an Aussie and I did. Hooray!

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Me too... I wanted to marry Tim when I was four :wub2:

I love the episode where they get stuck inside a dinosaur but I haven't seen it for over 20 years and they keep releasing DVDs and it's not on any of them so I'm starting to think that maybe it's not a real episode at all and I just imagined it.


Kitten Kong! :roftl: And the "Ecky Thump" martial arts one :floor:



One of my brother's friends called his first son Maximillion Fyodor Hurricane Elvis and his other two kids have 'interesting' names too... I think the second one was Archibold Salinger Tornado Keith... Or something :blink:




Not really fair on the kids though. Round our way that was a phase of naming children after film stars - so now we have Clint (the window cleaner) and Brandon (mechanic).



Well then, that makes perfect sense. I wonder what Jonas was on Stargate... If he wasn't human I could use that an an excuse. At the very least, he definitely wasn't Aussie so I could try that. It won't work but it really doesn't matter because the kid will NOT be called Jonas. Despite what Daniel might think :fisch:


I seem to remember he was an alien

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Wow ... hope your ok ??

Goonies then Kelz !

Yeah, I'm ok, thanks. Wake up HK *zhhz*

What made you smoke again my lovely?

Don't worry, I won't do that again. :roftl:

One long stressful week.. :huglove:

There was no ice-cream - but I had just got a shopping delivery

a few days ago from Asda - and so the freezer was full!! That is

a lot of money wasted :tears:

Oh no! That's the worst. *Sends good vibes your way*

Me too... I wanted to marry Tim when I was four.

hahah! I loved Bill.. hmmm.. Strange that. :naughty:

I love the episode where they get stuck inside a dinosaur but I haven't seen it for over 20 years and they keep releasing DVDs and it's not on any of them so I'm starting to think that maybe it's not a real episode at all and I just imagined it.

I can't remember that one! lol!! You must've dreamt it.

One of my brother's friends called his first son Maximillion Fyodor Hurricane Elvis and his other two kids have 'interesting' names too... I think the second one was Archibold Salinger Tornado Keith... Or something

That's just stupidity. Poor kids. *Calls welfare*

I imagine that it would be a huge pain in the ass. My two Aunties both married men called John and their brother was named John as well. Even that has always been completely confusing, so having two in the same house would just be way too much trouble for my liking.

Well, I like the name John. "Jon" to be exact. :naughty:

My brother and father have the same name too. I'm glad I got something different. No other Kelly's in my family. And my middle name is french. (Named after some cricket player apparently) But we're not french. I think mum (who is irish) named me in spite. :roftl:

Dad must've wanted something German.

And Mum said "noh noh noh. We'll call her *Verbal diarrohea*"

Kitten Kong! And the "Ecky Thump" martial arts one

I remember Kitten Kong!! I'll have to youtube them now.

Not really fair on the kids though. Round our way that was a phase of naming children after film stars - so now we have Clint (the window cleaner) and Brandon (mechanic).

Brandon who? Not from 90210? ick.

Or do you mean Brandon Lee, because he was amazing. I guess they wouldn't be long enough ago for a mechanic to be named after them though. Would be cutting it close.


Morning all! (well it was when I started *hmph*)

Today I am completely rearranging my bedroom.

Edited by Kelzy
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There's a 6am on a Saturday? :shocked:


Apparently there is.. There's also 6am on a Sunday (the time on Sunday I have to be up next week :shocked:)


I know - thankfully I have almost all my Christmas presents bought

and wrapped - but now I have to replace the food AND buy a new

fridge freezer as well!!



Well that was lucky. Boo hiss to the freezer still


Back from work, now I can relax (and watch gilmore girls when I can steal the tv back)

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In other news... I took the time off for GC today from work, and some other dates.


And I brought organic shampoo and organic soap and neutral deodrant etc etc because my skin is a bitch. I also pulled the metal button off my work pants for the same reason

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We're having family friends over tomorrow who want to "check up" on how we're going while Mum and Dad are overseas. Supposedly if we want "help with anything" we should "just let them know". Can I tell them "it would help if you didn't come over tomorrow so we wouldn't need to waste a weekend cooking and making the house spotless only to then spend a day in your company pretending to like you"? I hate these people. I'm starting to appreciate how much cooking and cleaning (and acting) that Mum does. :mf_rosetinted:

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We're having family friends over tomorrow who want to "check up" on how we're going while Mum and Dad are overseas. Supposedly if we want "help with anything" we should "just let them know". Can I tell them "it would help if you didn't come over tomorrow so we wouldn't need to waste a weekend cooking and making the house spotless only to then spend a day in your company pretending to like you"? I hate these people. I'm starting to appreciate how much cooking and cleaning (and acting) that Mum does. :mf_rosetinted:




You "hate" them...wow, that's a pretty strong word :naughty: - at least your honest. And yes - mums are always working to make everyone else happy. ('Cept I of course might not be the 'typical' mom 'coz I do make sure to have time for myself and Mika, and concerts, and MFC, and the occasional MSNing. Like now for example - I have 7 little girls in the family room in sleeping bags, asking for water, more popcorn, to change the movie, etc...and I'm ignoring them to make this post.:bleh:)

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You "hate" them...wow, that's a pretty strong word :naughty: - at least your honest. And yes - mums are always working to make everyone else happy. ('Cept I of course might not be the 'typical' mom 'coz I do make sure to have time for myself and Mika, and concerts, and MFC, and the occasional MSNing. Like now for example - I have 7 little girls in the family room in sleeping bags, asking for water, more popcorn, to change the movie, etc...and I'm ignoring them to make this post.:bleh:)

Yes it's a pretty strong word but I do feel strongly about these people. They're two-faced, hypocrites, gossipers, people who go out of their way to catch you unawares, people who you can never please but the smallest thing can make you fall out of their favour. They spend all of their energies (and money) on maintaining their facades. I don't know why my parents even bother with them, I guess they just feel obliged to remain connected to their community.


Kudos to you for managing to both hold things together and find time for yourself. I think it's important to have that. Good luck with the party!

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Yes it's a pretty strong word but I do feel strongly about these people. They're two-faced, hypocrites, gossipers, people who go out of their way to catch you unawares, people who you can never please but the smallest thing can make you fall out of their favour. They spend all of their energies (and money) on maintaining their facades. I don't know why my parents even bother with them, I guess they just feel obliged to remain connected to their community.


Kudos to you for managing to both hold things together and find time for yourself. I think it's important to have that. Good luck with the party!


Oh..those types. I know them well, believe me. I would imagine they exist in every type of community. It's actually quite sad. They're the first to boast about their highly intelligent and well-behaved kids - only to often discover later they become either (a) the most unhappy or (b) the most rebellious kids around.

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Oh yes, forgot to wish you 'good luck' tomorrow too, Twatty.

I hope it's tolerable. :blink:


If you find yourself almost ready to explode with utter annoyance, just think of these following things to make you chuckle to yourself -(it was an email I got at work the other day :naughty:):


To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity (at work ... mostly but you can try some of it at home)


1. At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.



2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.



3. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want 'fries with that'.


5. Put decaf in the coffee maker for three weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.



6. In the memo field of all your cheques, write ' For Marijuana' . :roftl:



7. Finish all your sentences with 'In Accordance With The Prophecy'.



9. Skip down the hall rather than walk and see how many looks you get.



10. Order a 'diet' water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.



11. Specify that your drive-through order is 'To Go'.



12. Sing along at the opera.


14. Put mosquito netting around your work area and play tropical sounds all day.



15. Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their party because you have a headache.


17. When the money comes out the ATM, scream 'I Won! I Won!' :naughty:



18. When leaving he Zoo, start running towards the parking lot, yelling "Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'



19. Tell your children over dinner, 'Due to the Economy, we are going to have to let one of you go.'

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Oh..those types. I know them well, believe me. I would imagine they exist in every type of community. It's actually quite sad. They're the first to boast about their highly intelligent and well-behaved kids - only to often discover later they become either (a) the most unhappy or (b) the most rebellious kids around.

Too true. I mean, kudos to those who really do have "intelligent" and "well-behaved" kids but with these people it's usually just an act. :rolls_eyes:


Oh i hear ya! Those sorts of people you can NEVER please, no matter what ya do! Good luck tomorrow
Oh yes, forgot to wish you 'good luck' tomorrow too, Twatty. I hope it's tolerable.

Thanks for wishing me luck. :naughty: It'll probably go okay, I just dislike the fact that I have to play along with the charade. :rolls_eyes:


If you find yourself almost ready to explode with utter annoyance, just think of these following things to make you chuckle to yourself -(it was an email I got at work the other day :naughty:):


To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity (at work ... mostly but you can try some of it at home)


1. At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.



2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.



3. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want 'fries with that'.


5. Put decaf in the coffee maker for three weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.



6. In the memo field of all your cheques, write ' For Marijuana' . :roftl:



7. Finish all your sentences with 'In Accordance With The Prophecy'.



9. Skip down the hall rather than walk and see how many looks you get.



10. Order a 'diet' water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.



11. Specify that your drive-through order is 'To Go'.



12. Sing along at the opera.



14. Put mosquito netting around your work area and play tropical sounds all day.



15. Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their party because you have a headache.


17. When the money comes out the ATM, scream 'I Won! I Won!' :naughty:



18. When leaving he Zoo, start running towards the parking lot, yelling "Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'



19. Tell your children over dinner, 'Due to the Economy, we are going to have to let one of you go.'

Awesome, I think I might try a few of them in future. :naughty:

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One casualty already. It's past midnight and the smallest of the bunch decided she really missed mum and dad. My hubby just drove her home as no one was answering the phone when she tried to call to get picked up. :boxed:

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