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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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Ooooo ... what is the cross stitch a pic.of ??



Its a circus animal size chart, so far I've done the clown, and the elephant. Working on two teddy bears now. It keeps my hands occupied and my attention from shifting while watching tv.


Oooh.. .and a mention of ZoZo in the Sunday Herald...


She went to the Twilight convention...






:bow: :bow:


I hope she has extra copies for those who might want a signed copy :fisch:

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I have a bit of a dilemma, I need some help...

Meet Hetty


I bought him (her?) on Saturday with the intention of giving him to my friend Michelle for Christmas. The problem is that the more I look at him, them more I fall in love with him myself. I can't decide if I should keep him, get something else for Michelle and send her a photo of him that says "This is Hetty, he was almost yours", or if I should be nice and send him over to live in Perth and just keep a photo for myself. Obviously it's a gravely serious situation...


Also, I made muffins.



...I had to do something with the photo I took of them. Posting it here was the only thing I could think of.



I wonder how many Mika's there'll be now.

Which reminds me, I'd never heard the name Mika before, until our Mika. But now I see it quite often. Had anyone else ever heard Mika/Mica before?


I'd never heard it before, I do occasionally now but still not often. I've heard Micah quite a bit though. I actually considered that as a name for my son but it didn't suit him. Lucky too because now that I have heard Mika/Mica I much prefer that, not that I'd ever be allowed to even consider it :naughty:

Oh, we might need to do something about that then.



Some of us do that too.


Woo hoo! I'm not the only freak :blush-anim-cl:




I named my daughter Grace in 1984 ... there were none ... aside from great aunts' ... & Grace Kelly (for real) & Grace Jones ....

Also, when my daughter was 16, her best g/f's name was Meeka !!

Haha ... only yesterday she said to me ... "Oh, & I was talking to Meeka the other night mum " .... for a second, inside I go *jawdrop* .... hehe ... then I remember .... *zhhz*



There is a doll on Playschool called Meeka. Whenever my son watches it and she gets a mention, I get all excited for a moment. Then I realise that they're talking about a toy :(


It was especially upsetting the time that they were changing her clothes and my brain tuned in right at the moment that the presenter said "Now, lets take Meeka's pants off." :naughty:

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Fyodor... that's not a fantasy related name is it? It sounds like it's a name from LoTR...


I really do feel for those kids...


Afraid not. He's named after Fyodor Dostoyevsky. He was a Russian writer, he wrote Crime & Punishment. I think a LoTR name would have been far more exciting though :naughty:


I don't know if you do... but if you do need an account, I'm happy to share any DAAS pron I find...


I don't plan on actually writing on there... I'm sure my life isn't that interesting...




I know, that's what I often wonder. Honestly if I had a LJ it would be like "So... Today I drank coffee... and then I did the dishes and yelled at the dog because he wouldn't shut up. Now I am off to dress the kid for the twenty third time this morning because he's ripped all his clothes off again"


As if anyone would want to read that. I got bored typing it.



Is Bill the one with the Union Jack vest and the beard? cause I liked him too... hehe kitten kong!


No, that's Tim :wub2:

Bill is the short chubby beardy one and Graeme is the nerdy one with the creepy mutton chops.


'd only name a kid after a Klingon... and only one Klingon at that...


Who is that?

I don't know much about Star Trek.

Except that I love Leonard Nimoy...


Sorry to hear about your Mum. I hope she's feeling better soon.

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I still haven't heard the studio version of his single *is lazy*

What's it like?


Also, with the smilies, do what I do. Yoink them from other forums or smiley sites and keep them in photobucket for those times when the forum smileys just don't cut it.


I still haven't heard it either. I only logged onto myspace late Saturday night and found the blog saying it had been released and meant to get it when I was out yesterday, but things didn't turn out like that. And I knew I didn't have time to go and do it earlier today and then I promised my son we wouldn't be going to the shops this afternoon cos he had other stuff he needed to be at home for.


I have smilies in photobucket... I'm too lazy to go get them. I got them last year when I kept wanting to put them in myspace msgs... They've only got about 12 smilies!


And it's oh so quiet.. Shhhhh Shhhhh.. It's oh so still.. Shhhh Shhhhh.. You're all alone.. Shhhhh Shhhhh.. and so peaceful until..... :dance_man:


You fall in love, zing boom, the sky up above, zing boom, is caving in, wow bam!


:naughty: Thanks for the hint. But I don't know something that I wouldn't do.


Any suggestions? I'm so boring.


I can give you lots, but I don't think you'll like them:naughty:


I haven't been here much either but that's partly cause I've been going to see mum in hospital everyday...


Ours was a horrible green colour... and the toilet had wallpaper...


You're like the Freddie of that forum!


Our's is silver... I think we lost some of our decorations...


I was going to say I'm sorry your mum is in hospital Teegs, but after reading about the surgery, she's probably delighted to finally have it done. I hope for her sake she gets good relief now.


Ours was an OK green... and wallpaper in the toilet just evokes awful images of the 70's!


How am I like the Freddie of that forum? He's number 70? Or I've turned into a British male who will eventually become part of the admin?


We haven't put our tree up yet. We only just yesterday worked out where it's going to be in this new house.


Oooh.. .and a mention of ZoZo in the Sunday Herald...


She went to the Twilight convention...





She's a little bit of a Twilight fan, huh? I still haven't read these books but keep having them recommended to me and my son was asking me about them yesterday... She's a bit like we would be about Mika coming here!


Basically she's had a lot of problems with her hip (artritis and such)... anyways, on Wednesday, they did a partial replacement... On Wed, she was so pale, and out of it... she could hardly talk as well... Thurs she was a bit better, but still tired, she also fainted... she was sitting on the side of the bed, and she fainted, luckily she was still sitting... Fri even better, she went for a little walk... yesterday was good, had a shower, got all the tubes out (incl the one for blood), but still felt a bit sick... Today she was got a blood transfusion because her blood pressure was low, and when we left she just finished getting the blood... though she felt better so that's good...


I don't know when she's getting out, but likely on Wednesday or smth... she'll be on crutches for 6 weeks and probably on a walking stick for a bit longer...


I'm glad to hear that she's recovering. I know they push a lot of patients out fairly quickly after surgery these days, but it doesn't sound like it agreed with her too well. So, slow and steady is the ticket.


You are tho tranthparent ...


You sound very Igor-ish HK!

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I have a bit of a dilemma, I need some help...

Meet Hetty


I bought him (her?) on Saturday with the intention of giving him to my friend Michelle for Christmas. The problem is that the more I look at him, them more I fall in love with him myself. I can't decide if I should keep him, get something else for Michelle and send her a photo of him that says "This is Hetty, he was almost yours", or if I should be nice and send him over to live in Perth and just keep a photo for myself. Obviously it's a gravely serious situation...


Can't you get another Hetty? Or someone similar? But do be kind to people living in Perth. They're a long way away.... even when they don't realise it.


Also, I made muffins.



...I had to do something with the photo I took of them. Posting it here was the only thing I could think of.


And I made cupcakes. It never occurred to me to take a picture though. It was DD3's Christmas breakup at playschool today, so I made green and red cupcakes. What flavour are your muffins? They look blueberry-ish to me.


I'd never heard it before, I do occasionally now but still not often. I've heard Micah quite a bit though. I actually considered that as a name for my son but it didn't suit him. Lucky too because now that I have heard Mika/Mica I much prefer that, not that I'd ever be allowed to even consider it :naughty:


I'd never really heard it before but now I keep coming across it. I wonder if it is simply the fact that my attention is drawn to it now, when it wasn't before. Like when I was pregnant. I seemed to see a huge number of pregnant women around when I was pregnant, but I really doubt that there were more of them, just that I was more conscious of them.


There is a doll on Playschool called Meeka. Whenever my son watches it and she gets a mention, I get all excited for a moment. Then I realise that they're talking about a toy :(


It was especially upsetting the time that they were changing her clothes and my brain tuned in right at the moment that the presenter said "Now, lets take Meeka's pants off." :naughty:


My daughter has a Playschool book and I feel really weird reading "Meeka" out loud. Like I'm trying to artificially introduce Mika into some area of my life that he doesn't really belong in.


Can you imagine Mika on Playschool?:roftl: I'd love for him to go on Sesame Street, like lots of other artists do. There was actually a thread about it once....


I know, that's what I often wonder. Honestly if I had a LJ it would be like "So... Today I drank coffee... and then I did the dishes and yelled at the dog because he wouldn't shut up. Now I am off to dress the kid for the twenty third time this morning because he's ripped all his clothes off again"


As if anyone would want to read that. I got bored typing it.


But see, I enjoyed reading that. Cos I can relate. It helps to know you're not the only person whose child is a nudist. But I wouldn't go to a parenting site to hear this kind of stuff, cos I'd be afraid of running into "SuperMum!" Whereas, if I read it elsewhere, the person writing it comes across as a person who happens to be a mother and who has some challenges sometimes, as opposed to someone who is known as "A Mother!" and who only seems to live for their kids. Maybe it's just all about my perceptions... and guilt *shrugs*

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I have a bit of a dilemma, I need some help...

Meet Hetty


I bought him (her?) on Saturday with the intention of giving him to my friend Michelle for Christmas. The problem is that the more I look at him, them more I fall in love with him myself. I can't decide if I should keep him, get something else for Michelle and send her a photo of him that says "This is Hetty, he was almost yours", or if I should be nice and send him over to live in Perth and just keep a photo for myself. Obviously it's a gravely serious situation...


Also, I made muffins.



...I had to do something with the photo I took of them. Posting it here was the only thing I could think of.




OMG HETTY :mf_lustslow:

keep! im not selfish but id def keep hetty!



oh and nice muffins :thumb_yello:

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I have a bit of a dilemma, I need some help...

Meet Hetty





Woo hoo! I'm not the only freak



There is a doll on Playschool called Meeka. Whenever my son watches it and she gets a mention, I get all excited for a moment. Then I realise that they're talking about a toy :(


It was especially upsetting the time that they were changing her clothes and my brain tuned in right at the moment that the presenter said "Now, let's take Meeka's pants off."


I would respect Hetty's wishes & keep him also ! :wub2:


:cool:No Zoidy ... you are not the only freak here. :cool:




Hello Wublies !! :bye:

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I hope we will be seeing all these Aussies Christmas Trees in the Christmas tree thread:


Hahaha! I'm not surprised she made that thread. I posted mine.


Hope you had a spider-free night, Kelzy


I hate spiders. They have too many legs and you can't trust them

I did! :punk:

Exactly. It's like the elephant and the mouse. Anything that can out-manoeuvre you is a threat.

(and there are 3 ways to spell manoeuvre - I'm sure of it. I know we have an 'o' in ours.

So if I'm wrong y'all better cut me some slack :sneaky2: )


I have a bit of a dilemma, I need some help...

Meet Hetty


I bought him (her?) on Saturday with the intention of giving him to my friend Michelle for Christmas. The problem is that the more I look at him, them more I fall in love with him myself. I can't decide if I should keep him, get something else for Michelle and send her a photo of him that says "This is Hetty, he was almost yours", or if I should be nice and send him over to live in Perth and just keep a photo for myself. Obviously it's a gravely serious situation...

Aww Hetty is cute. Can you get another one? Or can you be share-parents? Something that binds you as friends.

Yummy looking muffins too.

It was especially upsetting the time that they were changing her clothes and my brain tuned in right at the moment that the presenter said "Now, lets take Meeka's pants off."

Group effort? Let's face it - It wouldn't be all that difficult.


You fall in love, zing boom, the sky up above, zing boom, is caving in, wow bam!

Another fan! I only like some of her stuff, (mostly all I've heard).

But that's because I haven't fully ventured into Bjork territory.

I'd never really heard it before but now I keep coming across it. I wonder if it is simply the fact that my attention is drawn to it now, when it wasn't before. Like when I was pregnant. I seemed to see a huge number of pregnant women around when I was pregnant, but I really doubt that there were more of them, just that I was more conscious of them.

I thought that might be what has happened with me, but quite honestly even the first time

I read 'Mika' on the TV screen I thought I'd never heard it before.

But I'd never heard of Crohns Disease until I got it.

Can you imagine Mika on Playschool? I'd love for him to go on Sesame Street, like lots of other artists do. There was actually a thread about it once...

I think there was. Did Suzy start it? Anyway, he'd be hilariously good on it.

But see, I enjoyed reading that. Cos I can relate. It helps to know you're not the only person whose child is a nudist. But I wouldn't go to a parenting site to hear this kind of stuff, cos I'd be afraid of running into "SuperMum!" Whereas, if I read it elsewhere, the person writing it comes across as a person who happens to be a mother and who has some challenges sometimes, as opposed to someone who is known as "A Mother!" and who only seems to live for their kids. Maybe it's just all about my perceptions... and guilt *shrugs*

And SuperPedant, SuperFangurl and SuperGigAttender. *cough* :naughty:

Every forum has someone one.


Hello y'all!

Edited by Kelzy
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Hiya Kelz ! Quiet in here tonight ...

it's always alot quieter now. That's what happens when Mika is doing nothing (to our knowledge)

Wait, I suppose I could blame it on the wonderful weather we're having. :naughty:


:toot: :toot: :trumpet::band:


Noisy enough now?



Hi/bye Aussies :bye:

Hi Bye Silver. :sneaky2: Noisy trouble-maker. *passes you coffee*

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i agree, there practically begging to be taken off



*reaches for braces*


I saw that you're in the whatbutt thread also.


:naughty: Yes Kelz .... our lovely weather ... :rolls_eyes:


Hi/bye again Silverluku ! :bye:


Hiya Olivia .... :bye:

Either that or Mike is attempting "quality" time with each of them. :naughty:

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Dum de dum de dum.. It's been a while since I posted some screencaps, hasn't it? :wink2:


Anway, I'm sure that most of you have heard of Orson Welles (Citizen Kane, etc). Well in 1962 he made a film called 'The Trial', based on the novel by Franz Kafka and starring Tony. I watched it a little while ago and it was really good, but really confusing. Very artistic. I think I understand it now though, after reading some things about it on the internet. So here are some pictures!


Obligatory cute smile.



Nerd (nice glasses).



Best facial expression ever.



And a brilliant close-up. :wub2:AnthonyPerkins27.png

(I hope it isn't too big. I know how much big pictures annoy Kelzy and I)

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:naughty: Yes Kelz .... our lovely weather ...


Hi/bye again Silverluku !


Hiya Olivia ....


HI HAPPIKALI :original::penguin:

omg guess what! we have to do an assignment for english on 'our favourite celebrity'

oh my... who to choose? :rolls_eyes:





*reaches for braces*


I saw that you're in the whatbutt thread also.



Either that or Mike is attempting "quality" time with each of them.


:roftl:yep i wouldnt let a thread like that pass me by! its quickly becoming my favourite, (with the exception of the lovely aussie thread ofcourse):thumb_yello:

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Hello my lovelies!





Some advice pretty please!


OK so....I just got back from a week off sick and I was called into the big, big boss' office where she told me that my manager had told her that I was miserable and was going to leave when she returned from leave (which is true)....then she said they would like to offer me a position in a new project group setting up a new recruiting unit for unsworn staff....I will still get a little bit of IR work but mostly Policy and I will have to train people....that could be interesting:wink2:


Pro: They're creating a new temporary position at a higher level


Con: I have to work with the worlds laziest man that I have filled in for several times and who keeps leaving things in an absolute mess when he goes on leave and they make me go in and fix it all!...on the brightside he has been told to pull his finger out!


Pro: They're going to make it permanent if the funding is available


Con: I have to work with the worlds laziest man (:naughty:) who we call Princess (he knows this and likes it btw)....I bought him a tiara at the show one year and now he wears it to Crown when we have lunches.....but at least I would be on the same level and so can tell him to go multiply himself! I like him on a personal level but professionally he wouldn't work in an iron lung and he makes me nuts.


Con: There is a chance I may kill him if I have to work with him.


Pro: There is a chance I may kill him if I have to work with him.:naughty:


I have until Friday to give her an answer!!!! I'm tempted to say stuff it and do it just for the money...they've already said If I don't like it, they will come up with something else....so it couldn't hurt to do it for a little while.....whadya think guys?

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I think there was. Did Suzy start it? Anyway, he'd be hilariously good on it.


Yep. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14342&highlight=street :wink2:


I have a bit of a dilemma, I need some help...

Meet Hetty

I bought him (her?) on Saturday with the intention of giving him to my friend Michelle for Christmas. The problem is that the more I look at him, them more I fall in love with him myself.


That happened to me with this beaver. I was supposed to send it via Mika Mail to Kata ... (actually - it made purring noises and I was afraid customs would freak out.:naughty:)


Also, I made muffins.


And I made cupcakes.

And I made gingerbread cookies.


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