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MFC Christmas Cards


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Christmas is getting closer, everyone. :naughty::newyear:


foalbaby14 had come up with the idea to organize a Christmas present for Mika, or a Secret Santa among MFCers. Some people were thinking that Christmas was getting to close to exchange gift (by mail) and such. So here's the idea I came up with:


We are going to make Christmas cards for each other. :biggrin2:


Here's how it'll go...

You will be paired up with someone. Then, you'll make a Chirstmas card for your partner (with a creative/fun/interesting etc design on it). When you are done, you exchange cards with your partner via PM or email (that way, you don't have to wait for it to come in the mail). If you wish, you can mail the card to your partner, but if you aren't comfortable with giving out our address or feel that it will take too long, you don't have to. And after you have exchanged cards, we wanna see 'em...so post them! :thumb_yello:


For partners

If you have a partner you would like to do this with, great---just drop a post in this thread. If you don't and would like to be paired up with someone, just post a message in this thread saying so.


(If you have any questions, just let me know.:wink2:)


The deadline to sign up is December 18th, 2008. (a week before Christmas)


So, who's in? :wink2:


MFC Christmas Card List:newyear:

1. iadoremika- foalbaby14

2. elise xx- Dark Light

3. lala_lollies44- MIKAmadRosie1996

4. purplegrape- Shaza!

5. phunkygal (will ask Becky to be partner)





And if you are interested in making a Mika Christmas Card, Louiza is organizing that. So click here.

Edited by iadoremika
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