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'thirteenturningfourteensoonandallMikaobssessives' PART 5 !!!


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A daydream for me from my dear friend Freestyle!!! And the beginning from shikutukumimika :wub2::wub2::mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow: thx girls! I'm so curious!!! Please go on! After that ****ty day it was really the best for me! :mf_lustslow:


Catharina was in London with her best friend and her boyfriend, . The experience was being good, they were happy around there. But there was a day, when they was walking around, that she got lost. She couldn't find a tube station, notevena bus... she was walking in some streets and all she could see was houses... she didn't know if she was still in London. It was getting darker and darker and she getting really scared. She was afraid of talking to strangers so she tried to look relaxed and not scared, cause she didn't want people to notice her.


By the time it was already night and she kept scared, lost and now she was cold to. It seemed to her the darkest night ever and she was controling herself cause she didn't want to cry. "Why the hell all people seem weird at night?" she kept thinking. She couldn't get it anymore more and so she sat down near to street lamp and she started crying.


"Are you ok?" she heard a voice of a man talking to her... something in his voice was familiar to her and his voice was calm so he didn't scared her.


She tried to hide the tears but her eyes were rather red of crying and he listened her crying so she couldn't hide it. She was embarrassed so she kept her head down.


"I... am... am... ok." she lied.


"No, you're not... you're crying." he told in the sweetest way ever.


"I'm... lost..." she has still the same sensation that she knew his voice, but she was so shamed she didn't want to look at the man in front of her.


"It's alright... sometimes people get lost here but the metro stacion it's 5minutes far away from here." he kept talking trying to help her.


"Oh... thanks..." she should ask him where was the station but she was to shy.


"Hey... look at me. It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you little darling."


When he said "little darling" she understood everything... she reconized the voice. She was petrified... oh God... it was impossible... it couldn't be him... not HIM!


"Oh my... f"$$(/#!%#$$&"!%$"&! GOD !!! MIKA?!"while looking on the ground...


Man: What...err...no!I'm not Mika!Who's mika?i think

you're a bit confused...


That was really emberassing.she really thought it's Mika.she felt

her skin turning red. "I'm sorry" she said. "maybe I'm really confused."


Catharina wanted to look him in the eyes but she couldn't.

She was to eberassed and anyway it was dark.


Man: Are you here with your...parents?Or with your boyfriend?

Catharina: No...I was here,in this Park with my best friend and

her boyfriend.But I lost them.

Man: Why?Was it too dark?

Catharina: No...they just...

Her eyes were full of tears...

but she could continue...

"i think they...they didn't want me to be with them,

they just left me alone..."

Her voice got angry:

"they didn't want me to go with them on holiday at all!

My best friend was sad because her parents always

let her alone at home,so i said to her that she could

come with me to London,and I'll pay for her...Like

a "best friends holiday"...Then she took her boyfriend

with her.But I said nothing. I thought they would be nice to me!"

She started crying with a quite voice...

"holy johnny" The man whispered...but Catharina didn't hear him.

She was angry and sad.

The man rest his hand on her shoulder.

They saw a bank and sat down


"Honey...the same happend to me to" he whisepered.

Sometimes you find a person that you love.

But you can't trust in him.That's a bit like your

story,the person you thought you can trust in was your best


And it hurts.

It ****'n hurts.His voice was very sad...really sad.


Catharina noticed that something bad happend to

him too.And it wasn't just friendship...it was Love.


She looked at him.He had a big,colorful cap,so that

she couldn't see his eyes.He had grabed his face into

his hands.He had a white jacket on.And dark

skinnies.Dark skinnies...like hers.


It was really cold.She began to chatter...

Catharina began to like the man.

Suddenly he looked at her but she still couldn't

see his face.it was too dark.

"Darling,you're chattering!" He put off his jacket.

He smelled good.

"Thanks,that's really nice of you"was the only thing

she could say to him and took his jacket.

Now he was only wearing a pullover.

They stood up.

"hmm...let me see...where are we now...?"

They walked a few metres.





Man:I still don't know your name...

Catharina: Catharina is my name!

Man: I'm M...M...Michael.Yes.Micheal.

He stopped walking.So she did.

"Nice to meet you catharina"he sad in a happy,cute voice.

She smiled and looked in his face.Now she could see him

a little better,cause there were lights at the end of the park.

He was really tall.

She was a bit scared because she knew him.

But she couldn't remember.

"I know you"she suddenly said.

The man seemed nervous.

His bodylanuage told her that he just got nervous.

He tried to smile.

"Catharina...that's...that's...I mean..."

He looked really cute while he was stuttering.

"Yes,maybe you know me by seeing me in this park.

I'm often here."

She was confused."Yes,maybe..."she whispered.

Man:It's really cold.When I was a little boy I came

here everyday.

I always have been alone.I didn't have ANY friends.

My grades were bad.

My parents were angry.

And I had nobody.Nobody who I could tell my problems,

nobody I could play with.

Nobody who could help me.

His voice chattered.

But he kept control of himself.


"Well...I want to show you something. "

He pointet at a tree.

-"Can you see it?" he asked.

-"No...what is it?...oh...now i see"

She saw a little tree house built of wood.

-"when i was a little boy,i built it...because i was lonley

i brought all my teddy's with me and i played with them"

"Do You want to see it?" He continued

"Yes,it looks fantastic!"Catharina answered.

They climbed up the tree to the tree house.

It was bigger than it seemed.And it was pretty warm.

Everywhere pillows and blankets. It was really nice.

Michael pointed at his cuddly toys.

But it was too dark too see them.

Catharina: it's too dark...

Michael: Oh wait...i have lots of light here...wait...

And suddenly there were lots of colorful light from

everywhere in the house.

"wow..."she whispered.


And for the first time she could really see his face.

He was beautiful.And he had curly hair and hazel eyes.

And really cute lips.

They looked at each other for only a few seconds.

But those seconds were the best few sesonds in Catharina's

life. And she had a feeling of security...a feeling of friendship


"I know you" She whispered.She continued: "and your voice..."

"No!" michael said much louder as he wanted too.

"Sorry..." he instantly said.

She wanted to change the issue.

But she couldn't take her eyes of his.

"Do...do you...want...want cookies?" he asked.

He took a little chockolatbox out of a closet,and offered

her some cookies.

"I made them last week" He smiled

She smiled too and took a cookie.

"taashteey!" she laughed.

"You know what annoys me?that song...last christmas which

comes on the radio everyday!!"

C:"Yeah i know that song,but it's great"

M:"Who is your favourite singer?"

C:"I forgot his name because i didn't listen to his music

for a while...i had so much to do but he will always be in

my heart...

Wait here is my Mobile phone...Oh here's a song called

I'm falling.It's just a cover but i love it. Oh...i see it's

from Mika. Oh good old Mika. I would do everything to meet


Michael looked nervous again.

C: "Don't you want to heare it??"

But then something happend what catharina was not bargain for.

He started to sing...


I'm sitting across from you

I'm watching everything you do

You don't know, you don't know me, at all

My head is above the cloud

Sun rising, they don't meet mine

but I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming of you now

If I told you, what would you do?

Would you make me look like a fool?

I'm falling in love with you

and I'm dreaming of the things we'd do

but you don't know, you don't know me, at all

Full fear of what you might do

I say nothing but look at you

and my heart is, my heart is over you

What am I suppose to do?

Would you make me look like a fool?

Im sitting across from you

You don't know just what I do

But Im dreaming, Im dreaming of you now

I'm falling in love with you

But you're dreaming of what I do

When Im falling,

Im falling over now...

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Me too. I wasn't on here for a whole day yesterday - I was sleeping from 6:30pm yesterday till 7:30am today. I'd sleep much longer actually,but I had to go to school .:naughty:



yah...school suuuuuuuucks...

i need a really really really cutttte mika picture right now:wub2:

Does anyone of you have one?

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You okay, Keti? :naughty:


Yes,why? :naughty:




yah...school suuuuuuuucks...

i need a really really really cutttte mika picture right now:wub2:

Does anyone of you have one?


That's why I'm here for :wub2:







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