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The Australian Thread: Part Twenty

Rainbow Sky

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Morning all. Attempting 7 am, start at work, coffee free :wink2:


Can't imagine a life without caffeine. :naughty:


Once I did give up coffee for a while, but didn't see any benefits. In the end I decided that a couple of cups of coffee in the morning weren't really going to hurt me.

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:naughty: You've never noticed us mention :das: before?


It's somebody. I do not have the authority to give out the information regarding his name (although I'm pretty sure some people already know it from my previous security lapses).


Aww! I hope he accepted your pencil sharpener. :naughty:

I've been er, lacking lately. :wink2:


Yeah, I know whatcha mean, I just wanted to know like....is he cute? :blush-anim-cl::roftl:


He asked the general public for one and I offered it to him.:thumb_yello:

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Can't imagine a life without caffeine. :naughty:


Once I did give up coffee for a while, but didn't see any benefits. In the end I decided that a couple of cups of coffee in the morning weren't really going to hurt me.

I find in the morning I'm slightly more tired but able to get through it without it, and I have more energy later in the day, because I'm not relying on caffeine. I also sleep better, for the most part

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Eurghhh, rolling down a hill when you're smashed?? :puke:


She just said she was able to get home with no drink driving, not with dignity/cleanliness :naughty:


Well it looks nice. Maybe she wanted to sell but couldn't find a buyer so is now renting it out instead. Or maybe psycho woman has has just bought it as a rental property.


But you have to make it more secure for Ambrose. Could you put a high trellis up inside the existing fence? Then it could be taken down when you moved out.


Oh so I've showed my dad, and also google maps satellite looked at it. (http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=36+holland+street+fremantle&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=45.213577,92.8125&ie=UTF8&ll=-32.049625,115.760976&spn=0.002642,0.005665&t=h&z=18&iwloc=A 36A is the small white one to the right of the one the arrow is on). So it appears that 36A (the one that realestate ad was for, and what you can see from streetview) is a new house built in the front yard of 36, with an older white roofed house in the backyard. My dad says this is very common for Fremantle, the really old houses were built wy far back on the blocks of land, and because it is so ****ing expensive in fremantle now, they built new houses in all their front yards. And he thinks the numbering system would be Old house in the back: 36, New house in the front: 36A. And that she is referring to the house at the back, which we can't see at all. But my dad works in Fremantle and he's going to leave a bit early tonight and pop in there to have a snoop.


About the fence: Fremantle is not a very safe area, especially for leaving your front door open or even for having a doggy door in your front door.


OKD, would you share the rent on that house with friends?


No, that's $120 for one room. Although, if the second room is available I might be able to convince one of my friends to move there :biggrin2:

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OH MY GOD YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked:


My dad was all "it sounds suspicious, sometimes people choose random houses, ask you to pay some rent in advance, take your money, and then that's the last you hear of them" and I was like "pfft, yeah whatever".


So he just called me, from 36 Holland street. He went up and knocked on the door (my dad is so embarrassing) and it turned out to be someone he KNOWS living there, a doctor from his work! And he said that no there are people living in both 36 and 36A, and they've never heard of any Ally Evert.




But this doctor said his sister in North Fremantle is thinking of putting a room for rent, so my dad gave them my number :bleh: But NORTH Fremantle is even further from Murdoch :boxed:

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That's why the studio is up the hill, walking is not required. Rolling or sledging are also options for the severly drunk :naughty :



Eurghhh, rolling down a hill when you're smashed?? :puke : :naughty :


: sneaky2: Pfffffttt !!! I walked down the hill ... only a tad merry , with dignity, grace & aplomb ... (& I don't remember the names of the others ) :lmfao::lmao:


Then we had a few more drinks once tucked safely back in the homestead ... :wink2::naughty:


OKD: That Holland st. debacle is totally bizarre ... *zhhz*


Hello all ... I'm here for a while tonight :original::bye:

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OH MY GOD YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked:


My dad was all "it sounds suspicious, sometimes people choose random houses, ask you to pay some rent in advance, take your money, and then that's the last you hear of them" and I was like "pfft, yeah whatever".


So he just called me, from 36 Holland street. He went up and knocked on the door (my dad is so embarrassing) and it turned out to be someone he KNOWS living there, a doctor from his work! And he said that no there are people living in both 36 and 36A, and they've never heard of any Ally Evert.


But this doctor said his sister in North Fremantle is thinking of putting a room for rent, so my dad gave them my number :bleh: But NORTH Fremantle is even further from Murdoch :boxed:


:shocked: Weird!


Your Dad is so awesome. :groovy:

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: sneaky2: Pfffffttt !!! I walked down the hill ... only a tad merry , with dignity, grace & aplomb ... (& I don't remember the names of the others )


Then we had a few more drinks once tucked safely back in the homestead ...


OKD: That Holland st. debacle is totally bizarre ... *zhhz*


Hello all ... I'm here for a while tonight


:lmfao: Yes yes, sure sure. :naughty:


I know, I replied with something along the lines of "are you sure it's number 36, because I know who lives there and they don't know you" just a casual accusation :naughty: I really want to see her reply now, but I doubt she will.


:shocked: Weird!


Your Dad is so awesome. :groovy:


I'm glad I wasn't with him while he went around knocking on stranger's doors :naughty:

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:lmfao: Yes yes, sure sure. :naughty :


I know, I replied with something along the lines of "are you sure it's number 36, because I know who lives there and they don't know you" just a casual accusation :naughty: I really want to see her reply now, but I doubt she will.

I'm glad I wasn't with him while he went around knocking on stranger's doors :naughty:


True true !!! :naughty: (mind you ... the brain was a bit shabby this morning tho' ) :blush-anim-cl::wink2:


Haha !! Oh yes ... please do report back to us once you hear from her ??!! :bleh:

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Hi all!


OD: :shocked:! Good on your dad for being suspicious and brave, and as for being embarrassing, at least you weren't with him when he went investigating.:naughty:


It's unlikely that you'll hear back from her, unless she's stupid enough to say something like, "Oops, typo, it's actually 37 Fremantle."


But my dad said you should report her (or him, or whomever it actually is) to the police because the email can be tracked.

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Hi all!


OD: :shocked:! Good on your dad for being suspicious and brave, and as for being embarrassing, at least you weren't with him when he went investigating.:naughty:


It's unlikely that you'll hear back from her, unless she's stupid enough to say something like, "Oops, typo, it's actually 37 Fremantle."


But my dad said you should report her (or him, or whomever it actually is) to the police because the email can be tracked.


Really? Ooooh, that's really exciting! I'm excited now. But I guess I have to wait a reasonable amount of time for a reply first. But .. as if she'd be able to say anything :naughty: Oops 37 indeed. It's really stupid though, because it's not like she made a fake email just to use for this, she used it to sell puppies too :naughty:


P.S. Have you seen Perez's thread?

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Weird about the house Bianca.


At least now you know to not give any money until you've met the person and been shown the room (you dont want to pay for a dodgy person or a dodgy room)


That's what I was thinking too :naughty:


Hope you feel more awake soon Becs (saw your tweet).

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That's what I was thinking too :naughty:


Hope you feel more awake soon Becs (saw your tweet).

I feel awake now, and I got easter eggs. The easter bunny came while I was at work (since dad was asleep before I left :naughty:) and some of the crew brought in eggs for everyone so was happy

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OoooOOOooooh! :das:

HAhaha, I'm so shy it's not even funny.:blush-anim-cl:

Mzee, has anyone ever told you that you're just too adorable? :wub2:

My mom. :blush-anim-cl::roftl:


Thanks, teegs! I just...I don't know, when I see him I like Hnnghgngghh..?hhnhngng.

Haha, okay.


Yes! And smart, artistic, funny... etc.



AW, i'd tap that :thumb_yello::roftl:

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Happy Easter everyone! I got chocolate! :groovy:


Oh, and me and my friend found a new trend to follow. Tumblr. Not really much point looking at it, as I can garuntee I'l have given up in a few days, but here it is all the same: http://biance.tumblr.com/ (I still haven't come up with a title) :naughty:


Haha, that reminds me.. I haven't written any blogs since the first day of last term. :naughty:

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