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The Australian Thread: Part Twenty

Rainbow Sky

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I much prefer the romantic/drama sort of films. But comedies can be great when they're done properly. This afternoon I watched 'Bridget Jones' Diary' and have once again renewed my absolute love for Colin Firth.


I think I can list all the horrors I've seen on one hand. Let's see.. House of Wax, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Wolf Creek and Prom Night. And I still have a finger to spare! Unless you count me watching the little DVD introduction to The Ring before getting too creeped out and running from the room.


You know what.. we haven't had any Anthony pictures in quite a while!


*goes to search for some good ones*


Romantic comedies are allowed in my "funny" movie category, but If I don't laugh or jump in fright at a movie, it aint worth watching. Unless it's got someone really hot like Rpattz in it, or it's about Harry Potter.


Mirrors also has parts of House of Wax (creepy building, creepy melting lifesize dolls) and Emily Rose (shouldn't say because it'll give it away), not so much Wolf Creek and I haven't seen Prom Night. I didn't think Wolf Creek was that great.


*waits for anthony pictures*


Technically you've seen five... Psycho is considered a horror movie...


House of Wax? Ft Paris Hilton??? Oh dear God...


And I'm going to assume it was the remake of Prom Night...



The Exorcism of Emily Rose is really good... So is Wolf Creek, and I know Bianca and I have discussed which movie is better...


Though the whole "horror movies based on true events are better" argument is basically worthless cause a lot of movies made around the 1970's and 80's are loosely based on real events and on serial killers... for example, Leatherface in Texas Chainsaw Massacre (okay, both the original and the remake) was loosely based on Ed Gein...


I had to watch and analyse House of Wax in media class, it's not too bad, and Paris dies relatively early and in a highly satisfying manner.

Emily Rose is so creepy, not so scary. Wolf Creek isn't that great, The Hills have Eyes is much better and of the same style. Amityville Horror has a good level of true-story AND scariness, I think. (I've probably already said this, but i don't recall this previous discussion :naughty:)

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Haha, I've heard a lot about that 'Shaun of the Dead' scene but I had never watched it. Thanks, it was really funny! :roftl:


Oh, yes. But Norman is too cute to scare me. :naughty: I've also seen Hitchcock's 'The Birds' (quite scary) and 'Rear Window' (which I wouldn't really class as a horror but it had some elements).


Yeah, 'House of Wax' wasn't great. But it was fun to see Paris Hilton die violently.


Yep, it was the remake.


'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' has had the longest lasting affect on me. I'm still a little scared of 3am and I saw it about 4 years ago. :naughty:


It really is... It's worth watching, as long as you sit through it... Oh, and one of the guys from Little Britain is in it...


I can understand that... he is adorable.. the only creepy bit with him in it is right at the end where they superimpose the skull over his face... the look in his eyes... I haven't seen either of those...



It would be worth watching it to see Paris die...




I think the best horror movies are the ones that have a lasting effect...


Like, in Evil Dead, I still think the grossest part is the tree rape bit... that and I still jump at parts of it, and I've seem it dozens of times... I couldn't sleep after watching Blair Witch Project the first time (the ending freaked me out big time... admittedly I was 14)... Parts of Emily Rose freak me out, and same with Wolf Creek (John Jarratt's laugh is creepy!)... oh, and The Exorcist!



Other movies like the first two of the Nightmare series, and Friday the Thirteenth are good, but they're not the kind of thing that effects me... I spend most of my time in the Friday the 13th movies telling people to not go in that room or to keep running...

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I had to watch and analyse House of Wax in media class, it's not too bad, and Paris dies relatively early and in a highly satisfying manner.

Emily Rose is so creepy, not so scary. Wolf Creek isn't that great, The Hills have Eyes is much better and of the same style. Amityville Horror has a good level of true-story AND scariness, I think. (I've probably already said this, but i don't recall this previous discussion :naughty:)


You said that Emily Rose was scarier cause it was based on a true story... I thought Wolf Creek was scarier..




Which Amityville Horror movie? I thought the original was scarier than the remake... I suggest you read the book. The only book to scare the absolute hell out of me... and I found it at my grandparents' house :naughty:...




Oh, I found a list of the top 50 horror movies...


Blue ones are in the 20's

Red are the 30's

Purple are the 40's

Brown are the 50's

Green are the 60's

Grey are the 70's

Orange are the 80's

Magenta are the 90's

Black are the 00's



It's interesting to see what other people think are the best horror movies made since the early 20's... though I thought that Evil Dead was a classic and better in some ways than II... but that's only one person's opinion...



1 Psycho (1960)

2 Alien (1979)

3 The Shining (1980)

4 Aliens (1986)

5 Les diaboliques (1955)

6 Jaws (1975)

7 Faust - Eine deutsche Volkssage (1926)

8 Låt den rätte komma in (2008)

9 The Thing (1982)

10 Frankenstein (1931)

11 King Kong (1933)

12 Bride of Frankenstein (1935)

13 Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922)

14 Rosemary's Baby (1968)

15 Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari. (1920)

16 Jungfrukällan (1960)

17 Onibaba (1964)

18 The Exorcist (1973)

19 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)

20 Kaidan (1964)

21 The Innocents (1961)

22 Dawn of the Dead (1978)

23 Night of the Living Dead (1968)

24 Shaun of the Dead (2004)

25 Repulsion (1965)

26 What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)

27 Halloween (1978)

28 Les yeux sans visage (1960)

29 Grindhouse (2007)

30 Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse (1933)

31 The Birds (1963)

32 Island of Lost Souls (1932)

33 Evil Dead II (1987)

34 Delicatessen (1991)

35 Freaks (1932)

36 The Invisible Man (1933)

37 Peeping Tom (1960)

38 Dead of Night (1945)

39 The Unknown (1927)

40 Vargtimmen (1968)

41 The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939)

42 The Haunting (1963/I)

43 The Phantom of the Opera (1925)

44 The Wicker Man (1973)

45 Häxan (1922)

46 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)

47 Le locataire (1976)

48 Survive Style 5+ (2004)

49 Profondo rosso (1975)

50 Vampire Hunter D (2000)

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*waits for anthony pictures*


*got distracted by Colin Firth*


I can understand that... he is adorable.. the only creepy bit with him in it is right at the end where they superimpose the skull over his face... the look in his eyes... I haven't seen either of those...


It would be worth watching it to see Paris die...


Argh, yes! That bit really scares me. The eyes are disturbing. I may have told you this before, but he reminds me of a bird in that scene. Quite poetic, given his predisposition for birds with his hobby.. "stuffing things, you know, taxidermy!"


Sorry, my friend and I constantly quote Norman from that scene. "The Parlour Scene", as our teacher called it. I know that scene completely inside out and back to front and could tell you every little piece of symbolism in it. We watched it over at least ten times. :naughty:


It certainly was.


1 Psycho (1960)


Yay! Go Anthony!

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I don't think I could quote a whole scene from a movie... Wait, hang on... I can quote the scene where Bruce is wit hWIlliam the Red in Army of Darkness... :naughty:




I'd be very surprised if it wasn't in the top 10, if not the number one... it's one of those iconic movies... I'm sure a lot of directors have used techniques from it in their own movies since...

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I wasn't the only one this time :naughty: *hides behind Bec*


How you been :sneaky2::huglove:


Hey there Wendy! How are you?


Hi ladies - still having problems breathing - but most of the bruising

from all the injections seem to have faded at last!! Tried trumpet

and sax last night and managed but it has left me with a bad pain

in my lungs!! Just taking it easy!! :mf_rosetinted::naughty:

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Hi ladies - still having problems breathing - but most of the bruising

from all the injections seem to have faded at last!! Tried trumpet

and sax last night and managed but it has left me with a bad pain

in my lungs!! Just taking it easy!! :mf_rosetinted::naughty:

:huglove: *sends good vibes your way* I'm glad you're finally on the mend. We need you fighting fit for these secret gigs :wub2:

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:huglove: *sends good vibes your way* I'm glad you're finally on the mend. We need you fighting fit for these secret gigs :wub2:


No secret gigs for me for a good while I am afraid :boxed:

Hoping if there is a tour that its later in the summer :naughty:

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