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The Australian Thread: Part Twenty

Rainbow Sky

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Hey fellow Aussie Mikamites... For all of you that don't know my name is Zoe and I'm Tegan's (aka nicocollard's sister).


Hopefully this isn't something that's already been told but lately Tegan's been suffering from major migraine's for the last 2 weeks... and today she was taken to hospital after a seizure. She is intensive care and after a heap of scans it looks like she has had a stroke at the tender age of 25.


Now, the main reason I'm here is not just to let you guys know but to also organise something special for Tegan, who will be doing it tough for a while... So, I was wondering if anyone would like to either send me wishes for Tegan via email ( zoetownsend@bigpond.com ) or via snail mail so I can give her a huge present and love from all her fav peeps...


If you guys do want to send me something snail mail wise then just PM me and I'll give you my address... or if you want to call and ask directly, I'll send you all my phone number through PM's too...


Please, if you guys can keep Tegan in your thoughts, it would be greatly appreciated...


Holy crud! I'd been wondering why we hadn't seen her around here for the last few days, particularly with the news that Mika is coming here imminently, as I felt sure someone would have texted her (someone who has her number that is, cos I don't).

I'm happy to be involved, if you want to give me some ideas of things that would be appreciated.

Glory be. I'm a bit gobsmacked if I might say so.

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Hey fellow Aussie Mikamites... For all of you that don't know my name is Zoe and I'm Tegan's (aka nicocollard's sister).


Hopefully this isn't something that's already been told but lately Tegan's been suffering from major migraine's for the last 2 weeks... and today she was taken to hospital after a seizure. She is intensive care and after a heap of scans it looks like she has had a stroke at the tender age of 25.


Now, the main reason I'm here is not just to let you guys know but to also organise something special for Tegan, who will be doing it tough for a while... So, I was wondering if anyone would like to either send me wishes for Tegan via email ( zoetownsend@bigpond.com ) or via snail mail so I can give her a huge present and love from all her fav peeps...


If you guys do want to send me something snail mail wise then just PM me and I'll give you my address... or if you want to call and ask directly, I'll send you all my phone number through PM's too...


Please, if you guys can keep Tegan in your thoughts, it would be greatly appreciated...


:shocked: OMG !!!! :shocked:


Thank you for telling us Zoe .... it's just sinking in ....


I will PM you ....



BIG LOVE & healing to Teegs ... & to your family :huglove:

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Hey fellow Aussie Mikamites... For all of you that don't know my name is Zoe and I'm Tegan's (aka nicocollard's sister).


Hopefully this isn't something that's already been told but lately Tegan's been suffering from major migraine's for the last 2 weeks... and today she was taken to hospital after a seizure. She is intensive care and after a heap of scans it looks like she has had a stroke at the tender age of 25.


Now, the main reason I'm here is not just to let you guys know but to also organise something special for Tegan, who will be doing it tough for a while... So, I was wondering if anyone would like to either send me wishes for Tegan via email ( zoetownsend@bigpond.com ) or via snail mail so I can give her a huge present and love from all her fav peeps...


If you guys do want to send me something snail mail wise then just PM me and I'll give you my address... or if you want to call and ask directly, I'll send you all my phone number through PM's too...


Please, if you guys can keep Tegan in your thoughts, it would be greatly appreciated...


Oh My Fucking God.


I don't know what to say.


She, and all of yous for that matter, will be in my thoughts..



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OK, so now I have a bunch of questions...


Is she conscious?


How severe do they think the stroke is?


Which hospital?


How are you guys all doing?


This is just incredible news. Incredible.

Please let her know I'll be praying for her.

Would it be OK to ask for her to be put on the prayer request list at my church?

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Oh My Fucking God.


I don't know what to say.


She, and all of yous for that matter, will be in my thoughts..




How the hell did you just swear? Does the MFC censor allow swearing in extreme swear-worthy cases?

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How the hell did you just swear? Does the MFC censor allow swearing in extreme swear-worthy cases?

This is one if ever.


Zoe thanks so much for letting us know. I know you must be going through hell worrying about her right now. Anything you can let us know is appreciated.


I so don't know what to send now, but I want to send something to let her know I'm thinking of her.



****... there's just no words.


*echoes chickadees questions*

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How is she Zoe? I mean first - is she conscious? And then - how is she? God, can she talk? Wikipedia is scaring me and I'm going to stop reading it now.

Urgh, she doesn't have any of these risk factors, it's not fair!

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:tears: I don't even know what this means. Until Zoe can give further updates - CD - I demand that you explain what having a stroke means.


A stroke is where you have a lack of oxygen to part of the brain, enough to kill off the affected brain tissue. It can be caused by a bleed such as an aneurysm rupturing or by a clot. Generally people are affected neurologically on the opposite side to where the stroke happened ie right side bleed, left side paralysis. The extent of the impairment depends on the site of the bleed or clot and the amount of affected brain tissue. There are also a couple of other effects that people can experience depending on whether it was the left or right side and these tend to be personality type things.


This is just off the top of my head, so it's a bit general.

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The thing to remember is that the brain will try to route things via other pathways. Some people recover remarkably well, with negligible obvious deficit.

Yes CD ... my dad had a stroke, so I was around all of that ...


Teegs is young & strong .... hopefully she will recover very well ...

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I posted a msg in the Oldlings with a link to the get well thread, just in case they missed it, cos I know a lot of the Oldlings know Teegs.

Thats a good idea. Can anyone think of some of the other threads she's very active in that we should post links in?

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