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Anyone on here liking this guy as much as I do? ^^

Andy Warhol was born Andrew Warhola in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania on August 6th 1928. (He was Leo like Mika!!)

He was the most known as an American painter, printmaker, and filmmaker who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as POP ART *click*.














What do you think about him? Do you like him? What of his works do you like? If you don't like him, why?



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He influenced on many pop artists and musicians as well. David Bowie, for an instance, who's even got a song dedicated to him!

Or Mika, he's also a huge fan of his. Or Lady GaGa.




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I love this guy! :boing:

I don't know a ton about him but I've been learning. I saw a documentary about him 'In the Warhol Factory' or something like that. Andy was crazy! But amazingly so. To tell you the truth, I only like his art because I like him, besides that I'm not overly impressed. Really, I think I'm impressed that he was smart enough to so something that seems so simple cause no one else seem to think of something like switching the colours in a picture. Anyway. He's cool :bleh:

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I love this guy! :boing:

I don't know a ton about him but I've been learning. I saw a documentary about him 'In the Warhol Factory' or something like that. Andy was crazy! But amazingly so. To tell you the truth, I only like his art because I like him, besides that I'm not overly impressed. Really, I think I'm impressed that he was smart enough to so something that seems so simple cause no one else seem to think of something like switching the colours in a picture. Anyway. He's cool :bleh:


I've got to see the movie about him! As soon as possible!

That was exactly what I was thinking, I've had an argue with my friend a few days back because she claimed Andy's works were rubbish and too stupid, she said anyone could just switch the colours on the picture and say:"Well hey. I'm an artist". I said:"Then why DIDN'T anyone do it before him? He had guts to do something like that, the first! And not only about his pop-art paintings, he was a movie director and a photographer as well."

He opened a whole new chapter for the art. Of course, his art can't be compared to for example Van Gogh's or Picasso's or Da Vinci's, because it's whole lot simplier and it's got lower artistic value (for me at least), but it's very effective on the other hand as well.

I guess what attracted me the most about him are these strong, clear colours he was using. Just brilliant!

And yes, I'm not an obsessed hardcore fan or anything either, but I am a fan, definitely. :original:

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I saw an episode of Miami Ink (it was either that or LA Ink) one time where someone got a tattoo of one of the Marliyn Monroe (one of them from the first post). Can't seem to find a picture of it right now. :bleh:


Haha! Do post a pic if you find it. :bleh:

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OoO i saw some of his work in New York City, a few months ago for an Art History tour! He's very interesting. have you seen the artist Liechtenstein? He uses a technique called bendai dots, i don't know if you can see them in this pic




but my all time favorite artist is Jackson Pollock! i have a poster of his work in my room:wub2:

large_pollock8.jpghe uses 'action painting" by laying the canvas on the floor and dripping paint...his nickname: Jack the Dripper:naughty:


(sorry if you've heard all this before)

and my final favorite artist (i could go on and on) is Mondrian. now his stuff in pictures isn't that spectacular, but in person it's so exhilerating! when you see his stuff, your eyes keep jumping all over the place!

mondriansldkf.jpg](i love impressionist artists as well...Monet:wub2:)


okay done with my art history lecture!

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I'm glad that the artists and musicians of the last few years (and earlier of course) have been inspired and motivated by Andy Warhol and his art...it's a huge revival in the pop music where we can spot the influence of his, especially on the visual elements!

Also, the cartoon films in the music videos have been obviously inspired by Warhol... For example

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This is not the one from Miami Ink. But the one I saw done on TV looked like this:




Amazing! :shocked: but I would never ever tattoo something like that... :roftl:



OoO i saw some of his work in New York City, a few months ago for an Art History tour! He's very interesting. have you seen the artist Liechtenstein? He uses a technique called bendai dots, i don't know if you can see them in this pic




but my all time favorite artist is Jackson Pollock! i have a poster of his work in my room:wub2:


he uses 'action painting" by laying the canvas on the floor and dripping paint...his nickname: Jack the Dripper::


(sorry if you've heard all this before)

and my final favorite artist (i could go on and on) is Mondrian. now his stuff in pictures isn't that spectacular, but in person it's so exhilerating! when you see his stuff, your eyes keep jumping all over the place!



(i love impressionist artists as well...Monet:wub2:)


okay done with my art history lecture!


I know Liechtenstein! His works are famous! I've got a book about Pop-Art in which there are a lot of his works!

And I love Pollock too! But he's neoexpressionist, right? He's not a pop-artist.

His colours are wonderful. And I love the way his painting is like so chaotical! Just splashing the colours and getting such a strong picture.


I love Monet too... Buut he's impressionist xD I love Monet, Manet, Degas...all of them.

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Amazing! :shocked: but I would never ever tattoo something like that... :roftl:





I know Liechtenstein! His works are famous! I've got a book about Pop-Art in which there are a lot of his works!

And I love Pollock too! But he's neoexpressionist, right? He's not a pop-artist.

His colours are wonderful. And I love the way his painting is like so chaotical! Just splashing the colours and getting such a strong picture.


I love Monet too... Buut he's impressionist xD I love Monet, Manet, Degas...all of them.

yes:blush-anim-cl:i didn't stick to pop-art sorry...:naughty:i get so excited when i see art! I bought this art calender and i looove it so much. Have you ever been to the Frick museum in NYC?

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yes:blush-anim-cl:i didn't stick to pop-art sorry...:naughty:i get so excited when i see art! I bought this art calender and i looove it so much. Have you ever been to the Frick museum in NYC?


no problem! I love talking about art too! That's the thing I've been into for the most of my life! :wub2:

I have Warhol's art calender too! I'll post some pics asap!

Nooo :thumbdown: I've never been to NYC either... xD

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I just ADORE this one




I'd love to have this printed on a T-Shirt. ^^

Didn't mika have a shirt like this:blink:

no problem! I love talking about art too! That's the thing I've been into for the most of my life! :wub2:

I have Warhol's art calender too! I'll post some pics asap!

Nooo :thumbdown: I've never been to NYC either... xD


oooO I hope to study art history next year at Florida State University:mf_lustslow: I'm so excited, and because my mom is a humanities teacher at a different university, she loves teaching me things about all different artists. Ohhh you must go to NYC! unfortunately, we only had a few hours in the Metropolitian which isn't nearly enough time, but whenever you go, definatley go to the Frick museum:punk: it's right on central park and they have some impressionists uhm...oo they have Goya! and well because it was a weathly family's house, you get to see all the decorations and everything...it's spectacular!

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Didn't mika have a shirt like this:



oooO I hope to study art history next year at Florida State University:mf_lustslow: I'm so excited, and because my mom is a humanities teacher at a different university, she loves teaching me things about all different artists. Ohhh you must go to NYC! unfortunately, we only had a few hours in the Metropolitian which isn't nearly enough time, but whenever you go, definatley go to the Frick museum:punk: it's right on central park and they have some impressionists uhm...oo they have Goya! and well because it was a weathly family's house, you get to see all the decorations and everything...it's spectacular!


Very similar, I reckon :boxed:


I talk with my mother a lot about the humanities,that's one of the things I'll be l+studying and learning about in my highscool now! I0d SO like to go to NYC! Sounds really awesome! id's so like to see all those works from those amazingly fascinating artists:wub2:

Enjoy it!!

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yeah :grin2: I love his art! that style is awesome:mf_lustslow:


Yay! :yay: it is indeed :D



You made the thread!! :boing: I like his artwork! :punk:

I absolutely adore the kisses! :wub2:


The kisses are the best:wub2:

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