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Umm.. I only got my turntable about a year ago and I"m usually short on cash so I only have like 7 records. But I absolutely love it. My turntabe is also a cd player and a casette player and a radio! I"m pretty sure you can also hook up a mp3 player but I never tried- anywhoo I picked it up last year when Linen and Things was going out of business and I got it really cheap- but anyways the company is Coswell - i think - so you could check them out.


I'm a shopaholic too! I never have any money!


LOL - See I'm going to get this shirt http://www.threadless.com/product/855/Beat_It or http://www.threadless.com/product/1588/Eating_Brains_Throwing_Shapes

Aww darn! the second one is all sold out!! - well, they'll reprint sometime in the future

Crosley? That's the one I want! I hear a lot of their stuff sucks. How does it run? Which model is it? Can you tell from the pictures? Which other records do you have? :teehee:

I Know DOuble Post! BUt it's an emergency!!!!!1



I checked out Bad from the library yesterday and today I put it into my CD player and it wouldn't play!!!! So I pulled it out and It had cracked!!! Right down one side!!! *EEEKKKK* It's the library's and I don't know what to do! I hadn't it long enough to even copy it!


You could always phone them and tell them that it's damaged. If you only got it yesterday, I'm sure they'll believe you. Or you could go in. :dunno: My library's usually good with that sort of stuff.

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Crosley? That's the one I want! I hear a lot of their stuff sucks. How does it run? Which model is it? Can you tell from the pictures? Which other records do you have? :teehee:



You could always phone them and tell them that it's damaged. If you only got it yesterday, I'm sure they'll believe you. Or you could go in. :dunno: My library's usually good with that sort of stuff.


Whoops you're right- it is Crosley- I have this one http://www.crosleyradio.com/Product.aspx?pid=1781- I love it

I love it - I lug it around when my mom makes me do work around the house :teehee:


It only messed up once were for about a week or so - the records wouldn't stop and it's keep spinning even after the record was done. Hmm.. my first record was Panic! at the Disco's Pretty Odd and Cobra Starship's Kiss My Sass and Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon- the rest are just a bunch of eclectic ones. I want Thriller though!


I think I'll buy Bad and give it to them- that way if they don't want/need it- I could keep it! :biggrin2: I so paniced at first - but after that initial moment I calmed down and screwed my head back on right- lol- BUt I've never broken a CD like that before- for fun, yeah, but not a CD I listen to

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Good point. :thumb_yello


OMG, seriously. Haven't the media even seen what a pedophile looks and behaves like.. Michael was just sooooooooo not like those creepy bastards. UGH! :boxed


Haha! Go on say it.


Chicken?? :roftl


Or, maybe waahlabookaaaalabookamaka :naughty:



I'll show you all!





And, I made this last night...





precisely! i mean,they really can't tell the difference between a pedophile and someone who lost his childhood.it's ignorant,no kidding.


i was actually thinking of 'blame it on the cluckers' :roftl:


that's gorgeous! where'd u got it from?


So yeah MJJC is finally back up...that was stressful hahaha. But I've also lost like 40 posts. I'm not addicted or anything, no. :teehee


Well, I have a paper to do so I should go...

love to all



niamh! i missed you :huglove: nope,not addicted,as far as i'm concerned,hihi.

goodluck with ur paper! we'll see u later..


I Know DOuble Post! BUt it's an emergency!!!!!1



I checked out Bad from the library yesterday and today I put it into my CD player and it wouldn't play!!!! So I pulled it out and It had cracked!!! Right down one side!!! *EEEKKKK* It's the library's and I don't know what to do! I hadn't it long enough to even copy it!


oh my! i think you should inform the librarian or something.maybe the CD's pretty old or something.but yeah,just inform them and they'll tell you what's next.don't worry,accidents happen all the time.


and btw,i was watching Rush Hour and i heard lots of Chris Tucker quotes mentioning about Mike.one of them was:


"You got the address to michael jackson's house?never neverland?"


at about 2:25,haha..priceless. :aah:




in the same video at about 6:54 ..

"No it aint! this is the united states of james carter now.i'm the president,i'm the emperor,i'm the king.i'm michael jackson and you tito,your ass belongs to me!"



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in the same video at about 6:54 ..

"No it aint! this is the united states of james carter now.i'm the president,i'm the emperor,i'm the king.i'm michael jackson and you tito,your ass belongs to me!"



HA HA HA HA I have to see this- it is 1 in the morning here though....

Yeah I'm going to talk to the librarians tomorrow

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i was actually thinking of 'blame it on the cluckers' :roftl:


that's gorgeous! where'd u got it from?

:roftl: Don't tempt the spambots!!


I bought it at Sanity. There was another one there, and I'm tempted to go back tomorrow and get that too. :naughty:

and btw,i was watching Rush Hour and i heard lots of Chris Tucker quotes mentioning about Mike.one of them was:


"You got the address to michael jackson's house?never neverland?"


at about 2:25,haha..priceless. :aah:




in the same video at about 6:54 ..

"No it aint! this is the united states of james carter now.i'm the president,i'm the emperor,i'm the king.i'm michael jackson and you tito,your ass belongs to me!"



:lmfao: I love Chris Tucker! I'm glad Michael had friends like him.

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HA HA HA HA I have to see this- it is 1 in the morning here though....

Yeah I'm going to talk to the librarians tomorrow


i still consider that early :naughty: my regular bedtime is at around 2am,LOL.


:roftl: Don't tempt the spambots!!


I bought it at Sanity. There was another one there, and I'm tempted to go back tomorrow and get that too. :naughty:


:lmfao: I love Chris Tucker! I'm glad Michael had friends like him.


gurl,i warned you but nooo,you made me say it :roftl:


how much does one of those cost?mikey's really something,i'm attempting to spend the extra pocket money i earned on Eid to get some of his stuff :naughty:


me too! man,chris tucker is so funny.his eyes kinda like pop out from his head apart from that high-pitched voice of his.

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Yeah, it is for me too, but I wish I could still talk about him in present and not in past............


No, lucky my dad. He doesnt want to give me the cassette, and he never listens to it.........


I prefer second choice, but dont tell anyone :teehee:




As you offer yourself, I will ask you. Is possible to get The Jackson's Going places and The Jacksons cds??? I mean, just those two. I really want them, and tho I found one on play.com, I find it kinda expensive..........


Hmm I don't know about the going places cd I can look for it though


as for Jackson's cd's I know i can get easy I can get hold of Michael Jackson & the jacksons the silver collection & Michael jackson (features the jackson 5) the tracks of my tears


No problem, like Chantelle, I'm happy to help! And I agree, those pictures are so funny! He's adorable.


I'm wondering if I'll ever have any extra cash. I'm a shopaholic(:teehee:), not to mention my family's taking a trip to India during prime hiring time. That's not so fun.


He's so cute! Happy 100 you guys! :yay:


What do you mean, visual documentary?


How come you can get them so cheap? You have hookups, I assume? :aah: Oh, btw do you mean the hardcopy cds? Because I was thinking of getting two of those ultimate collection things, one of the j5/jacksons days and another of just Michael. But then I wouldn't get those cool little picture/lyric booklets.


the visual documentary is a diary like book of MJ's life from birth up to the date of publishing I have the 1st original copy from 1994 but i'm gonna get the "finalised" edition soon, It's by Adrian Grant who was the president of the Michael Jackson fanzine off the wall I think it was called (the fanzine)


here's a link to the finalised (newest that includes his death) version on amazon so you can see what i mean




and here's the various versions of it or rather updates the best one to get to be honest is the new finalised version the others are all the EXACT same just they only go up to say (the one i got) 1994 or whenever, as I say the new one goes from his birth to his death & his memorial





i can get the cd's cheap 'cause we here are just that darned lucky I guess, A lot of our shops haver his cd's cheaply yeah brand new proper copies indeed so If anyone wants any then pm me


glad it did hun! :wink2: woah,i'm so gonna search at my local library now in case they have it too!


that's what i'm saying.maybe we should do it sometime.man,i wish i can get a job,sadly i'm underaged,sigh...




visual documentary?which one? my my my,and i thought i was the only freak who doodles about my idols on a piece of paper,LOL.


how do u manage to get them and from where? there are a couple of cheap ones here too,but they are the second hand ones that i found in a local bookstore.not bad,the quality's pretty satisfying.




there's one thing his incapable of,and that is being what the press hopes for him to be,a pedophile! :sneaky2:


mjjc is back up again fortunately.seriously,i'm glad.


well if mfc went off9,our usernames would probably be renamed to...

errr..on 2nd thoughts,i think i shouldn't say it at all,hahaha. :roftl:


which poster did u get?


the 1st visual documentary is the one i have i haven't got the finalised version yet


Umm.. I only got my turntable about a year ago and I"m usually short on cash so I only have like 7 records. But I absolutely love it. My turntabe is also a cd player and a casette player and a radio! I"m pretty sure you can also hook up a mp3 player but I never tried- anywhoo I picked it up last year when Linen and Things was going out of business and I got it really cheap- but anyways the company is Coswell - i think - so you could check them out.


I wanted to go to the store today and talk to the lady in charge but my mom said it's too far away (15 mins) and a waste of gas- Whatever! Next time I go I'll take a picture of the little MJ tribute the have set up- they have time magazines of the Jackson five and Mike and a copy of Moonwalk also.




Where do you live first of all? like general part of the world- lol- because shipping overseas costs a lot.


I live in the U.K england, (yorshire to be precise) and shipping a cd is pretty cheap I mean I sent a very large envelope stuffed full with loads of stuff for my good friend keti (from here) in serbia a while back & it only cost about £3.80 so posting a cd to most countries won't cost much:wink2:

Edited by DarkLight
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as for Jackson's cd's I know i can get easy I can get hold of Michael Jackson & the jacksons the silver collection & Michael jackson (features the jackson 5) the tracks of my tears



the visual documentary is a diary like book of MJ's life from birth up to the date of publishing I have the 1st original copy from 1994 but i'm gonna get the "finalised" edition soon, It's by Adrian Grant who was the president of the Michael Jackson fanzine off the wall I think it was called (the fanzine)


here's a link to the finalised (newest that includes his death) version on amazon so you can see what i mean




and here's the various versions of it or rather updates the best one to get to be honest is the new finalised version the others are all the EXACT same just they only go up to say (the one i got) 1994 or whenever, as I say the new one goes from his birth to his death & his memorial





i can get the cd's cheap 'cause we here are just that darned lucky I guess, A lot of our shops haver his cd's cheaply yeah brand new proper copies indeed so If anyone wants any then pm me



I live in the U.K england, (yorshire to be precise) and shipping a cd is pretty cheap I mean I sent a very large envelope stuffed full with loads of stuff for my good friend keti (from here) in serbia a while back & it only cost about £3.80 so posting a cd to most countries won't cost much:wink2:


I LOVE THAT SONG. Is it a nice cleaned up version? Because I only have a rough demo/rehersal version.


Wow, thanks for the info! I'll be sure to let you know if I need anything. :blush-anim-cl:


Whoops you're right- it is Crosley- I have this one http://www.crosleyradio.com/Product.aspx?pid=1781- I love it

I love it - I lug it around when my mom makes me do work around the house


It only messed up once were for about a week or so - the records wouldn't stop and it's keep spinning even after the record was done. Hmm.. my first record was Panic! at the Disco's Pretty Odd and Cobra Starship's Kiss My Sass and Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon- the rest are just a bunch of eclectic ones. I want Thriller though!


I think I'll buy Bad and give it to them- that way if they don't want/need it- I could keep it! I so paniced at first - but after that initial moment I calmed down and screwed my head back on right- lol- BUt I've never broken a CD like that before- for fun, yeah, but not a CD I listen to

That's the one I wanted! Yay! Now I know it's good. How much did you get it for? The prices that used to be listed on the Crosley website were not encouraging. :no: But on Amazon US it's sold for about $100. :/


And that's a good plan. Let us know how it goes!

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hey there guys for those curious of the MJ cd's I can get a hold of (and dvd's too) here is a list & the prices of the one's I can get hold of cheaply so If (as i mentioned in my previous posts) you can't get them or they're too expensive where you live I can get them for you if you like (just pm me the one/s you want & we'll go from there:thumb_yello:)


BTW do make sure if you want me to get cd/s or dvd/s on your behalf that you do pm me & don't reply to the message here only as I may forget about the thread for a while & not notice it & I sometimes go for days or a week or two without logging onto the mfc but when I get a pm i get an email saying so & hence when i do I will log in straight away to check it o.k:wink2:


so here is the list so far (as I find more I shall add them o.k)


I can get the following cd's (all cd's are from proper stores & brand new) we have cheap stores near me :D good huh


BAD cd £4


Off the wall £4.50


blood on the dancefloor (history in the mix) £6


Michael Jackson & the jackson 5 The silver collection (special offer atm £2) only a few copies left btw


Thriller £5


Dangerous £5


History (past present & future book 1) 2 (gold) cd's in double cd case with booklet £14


bad & dangerous (both cd's only in a card sleeve with no booklets) £5


dangerous the album & dangerous the short films dvd (region 2) £6 both come in their own seperate cases


now dvd's all dvd's are region 2 so make sure either your dvd player can support region 2 dvd's or you have either open region dvd player or a computer that can play any region dvd


History dvd set (2 dvd's part 1 & part 2) £14


Moonwalker (Michaels film) includes bonus features (offer atm is £3) normal price in some stores is £5 others it's £7


so that's the list so far guys any others you may want then pm me & I shall do my best to find them :wink2:


I'm always happy to try & help fellow MJJ & Mika fans :biggrin2:


oh & by the way for those curious if i get a cd on your behalf you can either send me a money order or send me something from your country as payment I don't mind either way whatever is better for you & your circumstances


for example a couple of my friends on here a few months ago wanted lollipop charms that mika had on a charm necklace I got them for them some paid me the money while one sent some bracelets & a flashing heart necklace as v.a.t on a money order would've been too much for her


& I won't charge you more than the actual cost of the item/s & shipping to you never have never will :D

Edited by DarkLight
added info i forgot *duh* been tired does it hahaha
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I LOVE THAT SONG. Is it a nice cleaned up version? Because I only have a rough demo/rehersal version.


Wow, thanks for the info! I'll be sure to let you know if I need anything. :blush-anim-cl:!




I have no idea i've just got the cd myself & haven't played it yet lol will let you know (if I remeber hahaha)


o.k cool :D

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Good point. :thumb_yello:


OMG, seriously. Haven't the media even seen what a pedophile looks and behaves like.. Michael was just sooooooooo not like those creepy bastards. UGH! :boxed:


Haha! Go on say it.


Chicken?? :roftl:


Or, maybe waahlabookaaaalabookamaka :naughty:



I'll show you all!





And, I made this last night...





ahh I've seen that poster in town (i have a smaller version without all the writing from a newspaper)


I have recently acquired 4 MJ canvases 3 posters a wall clock & several framed pictures (I shall post photo's tomorrow if I can):wink2:


it's a gorgeous photo that one isn't it :D such a handsome man & a great outfit too may I say:biggrin2:


OHhh I love that anim lol wicked

Edited by DarkLight
typo typical me lmfao
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how much does one of those cost?mikey's really something,i'm attempting to spend the extra pocket money i earned on Eid to get some of his stuff


I've already spent most of my Eid money- lol


I live in the U.K england, (yorshire to be precise) and shipping a cd is pretty cheap I mean I sent a very large envelope stuffed full with loads of stuff for my good friend keti (from here) in serbia a while back & it only cost about £3.80 so posting a cd to most countries won't cost much


Hmm.. that's not bad.


How much did you get it for? The prices that used to be listed on the Crosley website were not encouraging. But on Amazon US it's sold for about $100. :/


I got it for about 60- but that's because Linen and Things was going out of business and was liquidating it's entire stock


Moonwalker (Michaels film) includes bonus features (offer atm is £3) normal price in some stores is £5 others it's £7

AHHH I want it so bad but I don't have a region 2 dvd player ....



I'm watching Mike doing Come Together for the first time....

And It's awesome!! The Beatles are in my top three all time favourites.

And the video's sexy!!!

Did he ever realease it as a single???



Anyone know if Mike was left or right handed- he seems to favor his left foot

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I think I'll buy Bad and give it to them- that way if they don't want/need it- I could keep it! :biggrin2 I so paniced at first - but after that initial moment I calmed down and screwed my head back on right- lol- BUt I've never broken a CD like that before- for fun, yeah, but not a CD I listen to


seriously? :roftl:


did someone say Chris Tucker?

have ye seen this? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:



hahah.i've always had that one among my favourites.which reminds me of this hilarious macro:




the visual documentary is a diary like book of MJ's life from birth up to the date of publishing I have the 1st original copy from 1994 but i'm gonna get the "finalised" edition soon, It's by Adrian Grant who was the president of the Michael Jackson fanzine off the wall I think it was called (the fanzine)


here's a link to the finalised (newest that includes his death) version on amazon so you can see what i mean




and here's the various versions of it or rather updates the best one to get to be honest is the new finalised version the others are all the EXACT same just they only go up to say (the one i got) 1994 or whenever, as I say the new one goes from his birth to his death & his memorial





Anyone know if Mike was left or right handed- he seems to favor his left foot


he's right-handed.this video proves it:


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Hmm I don't know about the going places cd I can look for it though


as for Jackson's cd's I know i can get easy I can get hold of Michael Jackson & the jacksons the silver collection & Michael jackson (features the jackson 5) the tracks of my tears




the visual documentary is a diary like book of MJ's life from birth up to the date of publishing I have the 1st original copy from 1994 but i'm gonna get the "finalised" edition soon, It's by Adrian Grant who was the president of the Michael Jackson fanzine off the wall I think it was called (the fanzine)


here's a link to the finalised (newest that includes his death) version on amazon so you can see what i mean




and here's the various versions of it or rather updates the best one to get to be honest is the new finalised version the others are all the EXACT same just they only go up to say (the one i got) 1994 or whenever, as I say the new one goes from his birth to his death & his memorial





i can get the cd's cheap 'cause we here are just that darned lucky I guess, A lot of our shops haver his cd's cheaply yeah brand new proper copies indeed so If anyone wants any then pm me




the 1st visual documentary is the one i have i haven't got the finalised version yet




I live in the U.K england, (yorshire to be precise) and shipping a cd is pretty cheap I mean I sent a very large envelope stuffed full with loads of stuff for my good friend keti (from here) in serbia a while back & it only cost about £3.80 so posting a cd to most countries won't cost much:wink2:


Ok, I will pm you just to ask a few things, ok?


seriously? :roftl:




hahah.i've always had that one among my favourites.which reminds me of this hilarious macro:








he's right-handed.this video proves it:



Ahahahaha!!! Tito :aah:

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gurl,i warned you but nooo,you made me say it :roftl:


how much does one of those cost?mikey's really something,i'm attempting to spend the extra pocket money i earned on Eid to get some of his stuff :naughty:


me too! man,chris tucker is so funny.his eyes kinda like pop out from his head apart from that high-pitched voice of his.

Hahah! I know. But it was worth it making you say it.


It was about $12. I expect photos of whatever you get. :naughty:


LOL His eyes are insane! :eek:


did someone say Chris Tucker?

have ye seen this? : lmao: : lmao: : lmao:




I have recently acquired 4 MJ canvases 3 posters a wall clock & several framed pictures (I shall post photo's tomorrow if I can):wink2:


it's a gorgeous photo that one isn't it :D such a handsome man & a great outfit too may I say:biggrin2:


OHhh I love that anim lol wicked

Wow!! Looking forward to the photos!


You're right. It's a beautiful pic. :wub2: He always looks beautiful, but sometimes it's just amazing how good he looks.. I really should get that poster laminated :licks_lips:


Thanks! I had fun making it. (was an excuse to stare at MJ)


Have you guys seen this youtube video? Sorry, I may have already posted but I was watching it again today. It's such a sad but also beautiful song.



:tears: Always when I see footage I haven't seen before.. :tears:

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Ok so what happend with the library CD- they didn't even fine me! I was shocked! The guy was a total sweetheart and he said it was likely that it was broken before I got it-( I didn't bother to correct him) and that he was glad I bought it to his attention- I think he just saw how nervous I was LOL


Have you guys seen this??


Edit- I just found this video of Mike and a bug- it's so cute! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQKquzEsUww&NR=1

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Have you guys seen this youtube video? Sorry, I may have already posted but I was watching it again today. It's such a sad but also beautiful song.



i love that,thanks for sharing.very touching indeed :wub2:


Hahah! I know. But it was worth it making you say it.


It was about $12. I expect photos of whatever you get. :naughty:


LOL His eyes are insane! :eek:




Thanks! I had fun making it. (was an excuse to stare at MJ)



i will,no worries.(i'm waiting for mfc to come off9 someday,so that 'blameitonthecluckers' will be a reality,haha)


make some moreee..if it's not much trouble for you,can u turn this vid into a gif image? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkvlAoIcisU


love love you! :blush-anim-cl:


Ok so what happend with the library CD- they didn't even fine me! I was shocked! The guy was a total sweetheart and he said it was likely that it was broken before I got it-( I didn't bother to correct him) and that he was glad I bought it to his attention- I think he just saw how nervous I was LOL


Have you guys seen this??


Edit- I just found this video of Mike and a bug- it's so cute! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQKquzEsUww&NR=1


aww,that guy's so sweet.i wish the librarian at my place could be more polite,thing is he isn't.glad i'm transferring to a new city soon.


thanks for sharing those!



One of my favourites at this moment...


Someone in the dark.


aww,that made me cry.it mustve been a pretty old song isnt it?which album isit from?


iiiiiiit'sssssss macro time! LOL.





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AHH these are awesome! I'm also jealous of him being able to get a snake- I want a snake so badly!!!!


The second one makes me :teehee:


but snakes are so..slithery and scary :shocked: i always run eventhough the snake's in a cage,which is like 500m away from me :roftl: seriously if i ever went to neverland ranch i would've stayed away from his snakes,haha.

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but snakes are so..slithery and scary :shocked: i always run eventhough the snake's in a cage,which is like 500m away from me :roftl: seriously if i ever went to neverland ranch i would've stayed away from his snakes,haha.


Lol- that's what I thought- until I actually touched one and then I fell in love with snakes. I want one so bad! (I actually capitalized Bad at first- :naughty:)

I was reading a book by Charmian Carr and in there she mentioned a time when Jackie Onassis came to see Mike about his book. Unfortunately, Charmian and Mike lost the snake in Neverland and ran around the house trying to find it before she came over- lol I think it was 7 feet-:shocked: I like the littler ones that you can hold in your hands

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Lol- that's what I thought- until I actually touched one and then I fell in love with snakes. I want one so bad! (I actually capitalized Bad at first- :naughty:)

I was reading a book by Charmian Carr and in there she mentioned a time when Jackie Onassis came to see Mike about his book. Unfortunately, Charmian and Mike lost the snake in Neverland and ran around the house trying to find it before she came over- lol I think it was 7 feet-:shocked: I like the littler ones that you can hold in your hands


i think i should do the same,to overcome my fear of snakes.my previous house used to have snake problems,cobras,pythons,you name it.all of them almost entered the house if it wasnt for us being careful enough to keep the sliding door shut.i had this phobia ever since.

omg :roftl: it wouldve been hilarious if jackie onassis found the snake before charm and mike did,my oh my.. :roftl::roftl:

small snakes kinda creep me out too.do you have a pet now?i used to have turtles but i decided to release them at some lake :(

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