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Mika in 'El Mundo' + Scans!


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Not that much news, maybe a little line here and there, but still loved it.. Mainly because it's such a long interview, good exposure :teehee: Does anyone know if the article's in the actual newspaper as well?


Oh, yup, it's just an online translator, sorry :naughty:





Mika confesses




Chueca and drinks in a long interview, the most unusual pop star talks about his second album, music therapy, a difficult adolescence, sex ... and dancing in his underwear in his room.


Until now, virtually nothing was predictable Mika (Beirut, 1983). Who would have thought it would sell more than five and a half million copies of his debut album, 'Life in Cartoon Motion', the debut of pop's most notorious example of recent years? Who would have thought that would put a finishing touch to his second world tour playing to 55,000 people in the Parc des Princes stadium in Paris? So not so unexpected that last May, the artist, of Lebanese origin settled in Britain, visiting seven European capitals to press personally present their second album, 'The Boy Who Knew Too Much'.


Given its success, no one would have thought that Mika would like to pet a select group of journalists and offer them the opportunity to be the first to hear his new songs, and even socialize with them amicably at the cocktail party after the hearing. Mika was delighted. At least in Madrid, on 8 May, in the event you attended, after which even had the opportunity to accompany a glass Mika to take the legendary Museo Chicote, where he went after taste typical Andalusian food in a restaurant known Chueca.


Mika was left delighted to advise when organizing their night out, and three months later, during our interview, still remembers her as "very funny". It also ensures that, despite uncertainty continually sin, did not feel embarrassed in meetings with reporters. "The interesting thing for me was to put faces to many names that would otherwise disregard. He was also an opportunity to present my music in a more relaxed than usual, not a promotional tour in which not even have time to breathe . I recognize that all wiretapping was very nervous, wondering what you would think, but I am used to feel terrified in circumstances. "


"Mika interested in putting faces to firms that subsequently accompany articles about your music? Definitely, this guy is not your typical star. Nor was it rejected a space typically reserved Chicote and prefer to mix with people and enjoy the night as one ... had it not been because Sarah was celebrated that night the party of a gay liaison. Mika was recognized right away, which explains why they end up photos with the parties, putting the best smile.


Ensures later Lebanese who have no interest in be "cool" and maybe there is situated one of its main attractions, an attitude of unpredictability in a new pop artist. In fact, the only thing predictable in the present case is the music contained in 'The Boy Who Knew Too Much' ( 'The boy who knew too much').


Question .- Their new CD is a sequel in any previous rule: both musically and visually relates directly to the first. Is it intentional?


Answer .- Completely. With my first record I created a sort of bubble that has given meaning to my work, and did not want to get out of it. I'm just good at what I do because I do it my way, and surely if I tried to find another way the result would be a disaster. What I wanted was to further develop the ideas that had already explored, take them to a higher level, but without betraying myself.


Q. - Is 'The Boy Who Knew Too Much', which claims it is inspired in his teens, one hundred percent autobiographical?


R. - Everything I do is absolutely autobiographical. Any of my songs has inspired me the personal experience or someone close to me, and I like it that way. Some people think my music is escapist, but wrong. I did not try to flee from reality, but beautifully painted pop base as strong as possible.


Q. - Were you one of those teenagers who knew too much, as the album title suggests?


A. - Yes, I always felt like an outsider and a coward, and I devoted mostly to observe. It was a typical child who knows a lot but does little (laughs). As I did not dare to say almost never what I thought, I began to translate it all into songs.


Q. - Have you changed over the years and success?


A. - I would say yes, but I'd be lying. When I enter a room full of people, unless it is accompanied by a small group of acquaintances, I always end up in a corner, alone, not daring to speak, and I devote myself to drink. So I leave so many drunken parties.


Q. - Do you leave the exhibitionism to the stage?


A. - Yes, the scenario for me is like the ring to a boxer. The first time I got one, at age 12, I knew that was a perfect place, once I caught their dynamics. On stage I never feel lost or confused, is my favorite recreation site, where I can meet anyone without flinching.


Q. - He danced in his underpants in his tiny room, just like it does in the video for 'We Are Golden'?


A. - Yes, not just as a child. Switched off the light in my room, turned on the hall and danced before the bedroom door or in front of a mirror, playing with the shadows cast on them ... Then I felt like a superstar. And I assure you that even in the most massive of my shows have come to feel a rush similar to that experienced in my room by myself.


Q. - There are many that feel that the new single sounds like a cross between Belinda Carlisle, Queen and Bon Jovi. Is that an accurate description?


A. - I find it lazy. I think mine is a full sweeping, challenging, because there are many sounds to digest it. It's something I set out consciously trying to create a song that seems herculean but it is fragile in the background, a feeling very own teen age. I find it terrible that anyone associated with any of the Bon Jovi, now that I think. While they have signed a very powerful piece of "power pop", perhaps that's why. We may have in common the fact that we are not afraid to create huge issues; seen well, it bothers me less (laughs).

Q. - There are many songs from his new album in which he uses the word "boy" ( "boy") and "girl" ( "girl"). Did you notice once chose the repertoire?


A. - I fell into it when the album was already finished. But it makes perfect sense in the world. In an album which reflects my teens, I had to translate the identity crisis I suffered, and could not help but reflect on the concept of gender and how one faces their sexuality as a teenager. In one of the first interview I gave to promote this record, the reporter from the Observer Music Monthly (musical supplement of the newspaper 'The Guardian') brought up that I refuse to talk about my private life in interviews, but nevertheless many of my new songs dealing with sexual identity, and he could not understand why my attitude. I think it is very clear: In an interview I do not want to talk about such things, while I love doing my songs. There are artists who sell their life to the public instead of feeding her lyrics with her, I do the reverse.


Q. - While aware that not everyone understands and accepts this behavior ...


R. - A lot of people got the nerves when I published my first record I refuse to sexual etiquette. But I think if those people take the trouble to listen to my new album and will begin to understand where all this information I both are interested.


Q. - One of their identity in the musical is the indiscriminate use of falsetto, which stirs passions and dislikes just as fiery. Would you like to create mixed feelings in your work?


A. - Absolutely. I'd rather be hated before I ignored.


Q. - It is clear that many people who captivated with his debut, given the sales of 'Life in Cartoon Motion'. Lady Gaga has won only with such emphatically with a first record since.


R. - (Interrupting) But still has not sold as much as me! (Laughs).


Q. - Do you think that both have had a similar impact on your conception of the music and performances as part of a universe lovingly prepared and shaped?


A. - Certainly. When I started, I felt a little lonely in that sense, now Lady Gaga me company. The two bet without blushing for pop music and have fun with it. And guess what? Our lack of claims and our lack of interest be "cool" is what we have run molan becoming artists.





SCANS(by Queenie)




Page 1: http://i25.tinypic.com/oup2lh.jpg

Page 2: http://i26.tinypic.com/zwb1ad.jpg

Page 3: http://i28.tinypic.com/1ywmrr.jpg

Edited by Queenie
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Q. - It is clear that many people who captivated with his debut, given the sales of 'Life in Cartoon Motion'. Lady Gaga has won only with such emphatically with a first record since.

R. - (Interrupting) But still has not sold as much as me! (Laughs).


Go Mika :roftl: you tell em :naughty:

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Thank you for posting and translating Droopsy! :flowers2:

Its a nice and interesting article/interview!


Like these bits:


Mika was left delighted to advise when organizing their night out, and three months later, during our interview, still remembers her as "very funny". It also ensures that, despite uncertainty continually sin, did not feel embarrassed in meetings with reporters. "The interesting thing for me was to put faces to many names that would otherwise disregard. He was also an opportunity to present my music in a more relaxed than usual, not a promotional tour in which not even have time to breathe . I recognize that all wiretapping was very nervous, wondering what you would think, but I am used to feel terrified in circumstances. "


"Mika interested in putting faces to firms that subsequently accompany articles about your music? Definitely, this guy is not your typical star. :thumb_yello:



Q. - Have you changed over the years and success?


A. - I would say yes, but I'd be lying. When I enter a room full of people, unless it is accompanied by a small group of acquaintances, I always end up in a corner, alone, not daring to speak, and I devote myself to drink. So I leave so many drunken parties.


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I think he means it's lazy of people to go around comparing wag to heaven:teehee:


yes, except that some people said the record itself sounded like Bon Jovi or Belinda Carlisle and it really is a lazy comparison....

WAG has depths and I agree with Mika on that:thumb_yello:

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