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Mika And Your Family/Friends


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My mom: she likes his songs, his artwork, she thinks he is nice and very good-looking :wub2: she is impressed by his voice.


My dad: he doesn't mind him. actually, he heard only a few songs.


My older brother: he thinks Mika's cool and he likes his songs.


My younger brother: he loves Mika :wub2: one of his favourite songs are Happy Ending, Blame it on the girls, Love today, WAG, Lollipop, Blue eyes... even he even said he thinks Mika looks cool :biggrin2:


My cousin: she is as obsessed as I am :wub2: she loves him as much as I do. We talk about him all the time :biggrin2: (about him and Michael Jackson :blush-anim-cl:) and we are going to see him in Vienna:wub2:


My other cousin: likes him and thinks he has great great songs.


My aunt: she loves him. Thinks he is cute and has really great songs and fantastic voice.


My friend 1: at first she hated him because she didn't like Grace Kelly. She thought all other songs are good but GK. Then she saw WAG and was absolutely impressed :teehee: I think she is actually starting to like him :wub2:


My friend 2: she is a big fan. Loves him, thinks he is very cute, has great songs.. :wub2:


Actually, all my friends think he is cool. no one doesn't like him and that makes me really happy :wub2:


And about 70% of my classmates listen to Mika:wub2:



oh, and btw, no one thinks he's gay

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That's so funny! :roftl:


I think if my family knew the true full extent of my Mika obsession/addiction they too might think I was in need of psychiatric help! :biggrin2:

Indeed! :teehee:

I mean, they know I love himbut they really have no idea :naughty:

My dad suspects tho :teehee:

And makes fun of me for it :lol3:

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My husband and kids like him now. It was inevitable. It's been almost 3 years of Mika music being played in the house and car.


On the other hand, just today, my mom asked me if I think I might need to see a psychologist.




Your mom needs to listen to Mika!:naughty:

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My family was all watching Mika just a minute ago. He started singing I See You.


Mom: "What is this song called again?"

Me: "I See You."

Dad: "Yeah, you know, ICU. He knows that when he goes out he's going to be mobbed by fan girls so he's sending a warning to the nearest hospital. 'Get ready for me in the I C Uuuuuuu! The I C UuuUUUu! The I C Uuuuuu. The ICUuuu.'"


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My mom likes him a lot. She told me I remind her of her when she was my age because she was all about David Bowie.

My father thinks his music sucks and is gay.

My brother loves Love Today, Big Girls, and We Are Golden, though he is too much of a tough guy to admit that he actually likes him.

And most of my friends love him, besides like one who thinks he is plain annoying.

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My kids (all four of them, ages 19, 16, 8 and 7) like Mika. The oldest two have been to Mika concerts. The younger two love hiim as much as I do and the older ones aren't far behind. (Although it's "creepy" for my 16 yr old and I to like the same artist, according to her....but she loved the concert on the 18th and can no longer deny the fabulosity!)


My sister, said she likes his music (she's 54). My ex MIL said she liked him after seeing him on the Ellen show.


My whole family, and everyone I know has heard how wonderful he is and how kind he is....


My husband is the only one who's a stickler. He's jealous of the Mika-happiness I experience. I really can't blame him too much. It is kind of extreme.


But I try to spread the Mika gospel everywhere.

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Great thread! I love it:)

My teenage boy and girl know some songs by heart cause I'm playing them all the time! They say they're becoming fans!

They tell me when they hear Mika on the radio or when he's on TV!

With my son we make up Mika words, such as Mikaddicted and always have loads of fun!

My hubby's jalous of Mika, he doesn't even want to hear his name and calls me a teenager when I use my MPM (my MP3's only filled with Mika's songs, laugh remixes, interviews etc..)

My parents don't know about Mika.

My favorite aunt let me use her credit card to preorder "Songs For Sorrow" so my bubby doesn't know I ordered it! It was even mailed to her address. She listened to Mika's songs and she likes them a lot!

The babies I take care of for a living love Mika and ask for his songs all the time! They're as Mikaddicted as me!

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Your mom needs to listen to Mika!:naughty:


I know! Which is why I bought another copy of TBWKTM. I placed the disk in her cd player when I went to visit my parents last... :teehee:

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My Dad thinks he's great, occasionally makes a gay comment (but not in a nasty way - he's from that generation where gay is still a bit iffy with some folk but he's not nasty about it - I think it's fair enough, just changing times) but tbh he always has nice things to say about him. And after the pub thing he went round telling all his mates about it and what a nice bloke Mika is and all that jazz. And when he used to work he'd dance around to LICM while he was fixing fire alarms. The other day he was like 'Mika's not on my iPod! Put Mika on my iPod!' :roftl:




I just HAD to quote this, it's fantastic :lmfao:

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nice thread


my dad:absoloutly hates him


my mum:hes alright a few of his songs are ok


my sister : anoiyed :roftl:


brother 1 /16 yrs old:hes the worst ever:sneaky2:


brother 2 /6 yrs :dont really know


brother3 /:???????


grandad: calls dr jhon ,dr tom hes alright


nan : ok


cousin i hate we are golden cuz of the part wen he ses golden


alot more ppl but dont want to go on

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My parents are in love with him (though not enough to be on here). My mom asks me a million questions about his personal life and then does psychological analysis of why he's a certain way.


My friends, except the one that I took to the Philly Concert, are pretty sick of hearing about him and know very close to nothing about him. None of them know the new album very well if at all.

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I think my mom's ok with Mika. She survived my teenage obsession with Prince, so anything's gotta be easier to handle than that! :naughty: She doesn't know any of his songs, but she did watch him on So You Think You Can Dance a couple years ago. All she could talk about were his tight pants! "OMG, his pants were painted on!!" Plenty of eye rolling ensued.


My younger sister accompanied me to my first Mika gig in 2007, and I'm still not sure how she felt about it. She said that her favorite part of the show was his chicken suit. Oh boy. Not really winning over the fam, here.


My boyfriend, on the other hand, is a total closet Mika fan! He's coming with me to Monday's show, and I can't wait to see the fanboy glimmer in his eyes. :teehee:

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Ok, so my story:


Likes Mika, and will defend him to death when the 'haters' start criticizing him. Heck, he even goes on about how good looking Mika is :roftl:

He came to a few gigs with me back in 2007 but stopped going when they became all day queuing experiences.

I'm taking him with me again to the Barcelona gig next April, with my parents :aah: as well, as we're getting seats and hence there will be no queuing involved.

It will be a really weird gig for me as I'm always standing at the front, but hey, what can you do-you win some and lose some.


They are actually looking forward to seeing him so I hope that they enjoy the gig.

My mum has watched tons of videos that I showed her and she really likes Mika. She used to be a singing/music teacher so she likes to critique his performance :naughty:.


One brother came to the October 2007 gig in Barcelona with me, and really enjoyed it.

The other brother wouldn't mind seeing him live as he plays the cd often enough, but he's not super keen and hasn't quite found the right time to do so :sneaky2: (see him live)


A few have gone to a gig at my insistence (and liked it a lot). Others won't budge.

In general everyone more or less understands the obsession and can see that he's so talented and charismatic, even if they are not proper fans.

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all my mum ever says when she sees him on tv/in a magazine is that 'it's such a bloody shame he's gay' lol lmao, she thinks he is 'ridiculously good looking' and has an amazing voice :biggrin2: my dad thinks he's ok, and very good on the piano, my eldest sister thinks he's wicked (she went with me to sadlers wells to see him last June) and my other sister has recently been converted to the Mika way, she now officially LOVES him! sadly practically ALL of my best friends cannot stand him :sneaky2: but one or two are secret mika fans :wink2:

and as for me... well i simply adore him! :wub2:

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Parents: Well, they don't understand every aspect about it. They don't get why I want to see as many gigs as possible or why I go to a different country for a gig. But they're just happy I go to gigs instead of going out every night in some weird club or discotheque or whatever. My mother even said she really likes 'I see you' :mf_rosetinted:


Friends: I don't know actually. I always start talking very excitedly when I went to a gig or if I booked a new gig. But they just couldn't care less I think. They put on this fake polite smile you know, don't respond, so I just stop talking about it:sneaky2: I'm pretty sure they gossip about it as well. Someone I didn't know asked me if I was the girl that was such a big mika-fan... Well who cares :mf_rosetinted:

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Oh, forgot to say that I just received a letter that my mum sent me especially from Spain where they live, with a little cutout of a newspaper where they interviewded Mika, because she got all excited when she read it.

Surely it must mean something? :naughty:

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Buying another album to spread the music is one thing, but if ever Mika returns to Toronto to do a seated gig, then I am buying tickets for the whole family (parents, grandparents, siblings, kids).

Then maybe I can finally say "I told you so!" :biggrin2:

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Oh, forgot to say that I just received a letter that my mum sent me especially from Spain where they live, with a little cutout of a newspaper where they interviewded Mika, because she got all excited when she read it.

Surely it must mean something? :naughty:


Uh oh....this could get the ball rolling. Does "decadence" run in the family? Could be genetic/hereditary! :teehee:

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