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uganda's anti-gay bill

Guest whalesfood

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Guest whalesfood

i don't know if it's appropriate to talk about this on here or not, but seeing as mika himself is attracted to men, well!


so uganda has an anti-gay bill that they are trying to pass that will pretty much set out a witch-hunt for homosexuals.




There is a dangerous proposal that threatens the human rights of LGBT people in Uganda.


If passed, Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill would start a witch-hunt for homosexuals in the country. Its punishments include:


* A 7 year jail sentence for consenting adults who have LGBT sex

* A life sentence for people in same-sex marriages

* Extradition and prosecution of LGBT Ugandans living abroad

* The death penalty for adults who have LGBT sex with minors or who communicate HIV via LGBT sex, regardless of condom usage

* Jail for anyone who doesn't report suspected LGBT activity within 24 hours


The bill also endangers HIV/AIDS programs, and may be exploited by those wanting to abolish these programs.



i can't express enough how much this physically hurts me to read. it's absolutely disgusting. i found a petition. i thought maybe some of you would be interested in signing it. please?




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i don't know if it's appropriate to talk about this on here or not, but seeing as mika himself is attracted to men, well!


so uganda has an anti-gay bill that they are trying to pass that will pretty much set out a witch-hunt for homosexuals.




There is a dangerous proposal that threatens the human rights of LGBT people in Uganda.


If passed, Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill would start a witch-hunt for homosexuals in the country. Its punishments include:


* A 7 year jail sentence for consenting adults who have LGBT sex

* A life sentence for people in same-sex marriages

* Extradition and prosecution of LGBT Ugandans living abroad

* The death penalty for adults who have LGBT sex with minors or who communicate HIV via LGBT sex, regardless of condom usage

* Jail for anyone who doesn't report suspected LGBT activity within 24 hours


The bill also endangers HIV/AIDS programs, and may be exploited by those wanting to abolish these programs.



i can't express enough how much this physically hurts me to read. it's absolutely disgusting. i found a petition. i thought maybe some of you would be interested in signing it. please?





I praise myself lucky (for more then one reason tho)to live in The Netherlands. We have liberal points of view on a lot of issues. Ofcourse there are a lot of people in Holland too who are against gay marriage, unfortunately. But they are the minority.


After reading this, it is good to have some positive news too:

http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2009/12/21/world/AP-LT-Mexico-GayMarriag.html (Now Billy Brown has another reason to go to Mexico!)

Luckily more and more countries are approving same sex marriages! Hopefully the rest of the world will gain consiounsness (?) soon!


What does LGBT mean? I guess L=lesbian, G=gay, B=bisexual, but what does the T stand for?

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Guest whalesfood

i saw that about mexico city! that's just so exciting! but it's those things that make this that much more depressing. it's like the rest of the world takes giant leaps forward and other parts just take giant steps backwards.


t stands for transgender

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Oh my goodness

That bill is HORRIBLE!!


This world can be so mean to people.


i saw that about mexico city! that's just so exciting! but it's those things that make this that much more depressing. it's like the rest of the world takes giant leaps forward and other parts just take giant steps backwards.


t stands for transgender


you're right. But when you think about it we've come along way

I mean in the 70s people still thought homosexuality was a mental illness!


Ir's stories like this that me feel as if some people want to go back to those times! And that's just awful!

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Not just 3rd world countries have this kind of prejudice behaviour, unfortunately, even in our so called developed countries you can still find people who would agree with this line of thinking!


Which is the most perfect sign of human cruelty and despicable attitude facing other people's choices...



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Guest whalesfood
Oh my goodness

That bill is HORRIBLE!!


This world can be so mean to people.



you're right. But when you think about it we've come along way

I mean in the 70s people still thought homosexuality was a mental illness!


Ir's stories like this that me feel as if some people want to go back to those times! And that's just awful!



i know and it's sad. even in the past 10 years things have changed so dramatically for the better. at least in the united states. idk how it has progressed in other parts of the world but the most significant changes here have happened in the past 10 years. a huge part of that belonging to will & grace and queer eye for the straight guy because people actually got exposed to it and actually got to see with their own eyes it's not bad.




Not just 3rd world countries have this kind of prejudice behaviour, unfortunately, even in our so called developed countries you can still find people who would agree with this line of thinking!


Which is the most perfect sign of human cruelty and despicable attitude facing other people's choices...




exactly wonka. there's groups everywhere in the world with the exact same vision who are wishing their own countries would consider this. there's a group here in the states from kansas who blame homosexuality on why the world is going so bad. they have warped this idea in their heads so bad that they will stand outside of the funerals of the soldiers who die in in iraq and afghanistan and protest them and say that it's the gays fault their dead. that god is going to keep killing them and spilling blood because he's unhappy with homosexuality. it's absolutely insane. they travel all over the united states for it. it's disgusting. they actually had to pass a national bill here that doesn't allow people to be within x amount of feet of a funeral to protest because it got that bad. they were actually at my dad's funeral.




A bit more information




It is an appalling idea to criminalise a sector of society through ignorance and prejudice. I'll sign the petition.



thank you for that link. it's disappointing and disgusting.



thank you all of you for signing the petition!

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i know and it's sad. even in the past 10 years things have changed so dramatically for the better. at least in the united states. idk how it has progressed in other parts of the world but the most significant changes here have happened in the past 10 years. a huge part of that belonging to will & grace and queer eye for the straight guy because people actually got exposed to it and actually got to see with their own eyes it's not bad.


thank you all of you for signing the petition!


yes, some parts if the last 10 years have been great. But we keep making these huge steps forward only to let society contradict them with huge steps backwards.

It's really all just got to stop. They've got to relise that we're only fighting for equality -it's not like we're asking to be consderied superior.

And I think as time passes move and more people are starting to relise that. But then again there still are some very stubborn parts of society who are preventing growth when it comes to the rights of homosexuals.


Np, btw I posted a link to the petetion on dailbooth so more people would sign it.


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My friends from Africa told me that they kill LGBT people all the time, and it really hurts me. It's so horrible. :tears::no:


Aww that is horrible!

They used to give the death penalty to homosexual in China too!

Good thing that's changed.

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Guest whalesfood
yes, some parts if the last 10 years have been great. But we keep making these huge steps forward only to let society contradict them with huge steps backwards.

It's really all just got to stop. They've got to relise that we're only fighting for equality -it's not like we're asking to be consderied superior.

And I think as time passes move and more people are starting to relise that. But then again there still are some very stubborn parts of society who are preventing growth when it comes to the rights of homosexuals.


Np, btw I posted a link to the petetion on dailbooth so more people would sign it.



i know! it saddens me so much. i think one day things will be ok. at least that is something i pray for often. i think each new generation is more and more tolerant of it and not seeing it as bad. which gives me hope that once some of these older generations die off things will change.


thank you for reposting it as well on dailybooth. <3



My friends from Africa told me that they kill LGBT people all the time, and it really hurts me. It's so horrible. :tears::no:


that's just so sad and wrong. that hurts me too.

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Its horrible about what happened at your Dads funeral, walesfood :sad: but at the end of the day, you have to factor into the equasion that this is UGANDA.


Petions do nothing. It is likely even a fair vote does nothing. They will not accept outside help, and people from the outside telling them what to do will all but spur them on in their right to run their country the way they see fit.


I've been involved with people who live and work as missionaries in third world countries like Uganda, and some in Uganda, and these people know more than anything that there is no such thing as fair. They think differently from people in a first world country. It is hard to explain that they have a different mindset and impossible to understand if you have never been in that situation.


People over there do not see Justice. The courts and the police take bribes. Whoever has the money has the power, as the saying goes.


I know of people who have died for standing against those who have power. Died for standing for their religion. Died for standing for their sexuality.


And the cold hard truth is there is nothing we can do about it, aside from getting upset, which doesnt really help the problem :dunno:

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Guest whalesfood
Its horrible about what happened at your Dads funeral, walesfood :sad: but at the end of the day, you have to factor into the equasion that this is UGANDA.


Petions do nothing. It is likely even a fair vote does nothing. They will not accept outside help, and people from the outside telling them what to do will all but spur them on in their right to run their country the way they see fit.


I've been involved with people who live and work as missionaries in third world countries like Uganda, and some in Uganda, and these people know more than anything that there is no such thing as fair. They think differently from people in a first world country. It is hard to explain that they have a different mindset and impossible to understand if you have never been in that situation.


People over there do not see Justice. The courts and the police take bribes. Whoever has the money has the power, as the saying goes.


I know of people who have died for standing against those who have power. Died for standing for their religion. Died for standing for their sexuality.


And the cold hard truth is there is nothing we can do about it, aside from getting upset, which doesnt really help the problem :dunno:


i'm actually very much aware of how things are in third world countries. i spent a month in rwanda volunteering. i traveled all over africa. i've also volunteered in other third world countries as well so please do not talk to me like i don't understand how things are in those places without knowing me.


second i am aware that signing a petition will not do much of anything. however seeing as that is all i can think that i can possibly do. i'll do it. i've read up on this and there is actually a lot of heat that is being put on the president of uganda over this. to a point where some countries are going to be cutting off their funding to them if they do pass it. those acts come from awareness and awareness comes from people letting the world know that this is happening. such as having people all over the world sign a petition. will the petition do anything to change their minds at the end of the day? not at all. will it bring awareness to the rest of the world that this is not just happening there but in other places as well. yes it will and awareness can be an awfully powerful tool.


third. being upset does accomplish just that. being upset. however! in some cases, being upset can be a really great motivational tool to change things. just as sitting around saying "that is just how things are." accomplishes nothing but keeping it that way. apathy is an equally powerful tool.

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Aww that is horrible!

They used to give the death penalty to homosexual in China too!

Good thing that's changed.



I‘m a Chinese!Yep~Things get be better and better~more and more people in my country begin to understand us~although most people also anti LGBT strongly! So most of us must to hide ourselves...


But...What should we say?I think if we loud:"OH~it's our rights to choose our sexualorientation!!" we also should accept other people's thoughts.EVEN we are oppositional in this side.

I think it's a kind of understand each other!too.

Just don't insult us,and respect us!!that's enough~


PS. I'm a lesbian:original:


At least,I must say...**** the damn rubbish who are self-righteous!! They DONT have any rights to punish OR even kill anybody!!

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Guest whalesfood
I‘m a Chinese!Yep~Things get be better and better~more and more people in my country begin to understand us~although most people also anti LGBT strongly! So most of us must to hide ourselves...


But...What should we say?I think if we loud:"OH~it's our rights to choose our sexualorientation!!" we also should accept other people's thoughts.EVEN we are oppositional in this side.

I think it's a kind of understand each other!too.

Just don't insult us,and respect us!!that's enough~


PS. I'm a lesbian:original:


At least,I must say...**** the damn rubbish who are self-righteous!! They DONT have any rights to punish OR even kill anybody!!



i agree we should accept each other's opinions. a mutual understanding is the best thing anyone can ask for.


nobody has the right to punish or kill anyone. for any reason. especially over something somebody can't change about themselves.


i think someday the mutual understanding will at least be achieved everywhere. even if it's not in our lifetime.


thank you for posting this.

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I signed and I got a friend to sign as well. I'm going to try and get all the people I know to because this is disgusting. I hate that they can actually do that to people. Like we are people to just because we happen to like people of the same gender. People have rights to love whoever they want to love. I am so glad that I live in Canada.

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