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REPORTS/PICS/VIDS: Mika in Singapore @ The Max Pavillion, 14-JUN-2010


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i wonder if anyone else noticed, but i was watching videos of the concert, and i found this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ib4bvyt6d4

and around 6 secs in, we can see mika walking into a big girl and hitting his face into her huge head gear thing. Xd


oh, mika! Xd

U R right: You can see MIKA reach for his nose-

I'll bet that hurt!

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hm.. just to add a new lil' review by 8 days. hope i'm not posting something redundant/wrong as i'm kinda lost here, haven't posted much :blush-anim-cl:


just wanted to highlight that Glee reference :D


Thanks for the scan! :thumb_yello: It's awesome that Mika gets positive reviews here.. hopefully that'll get more Singaporeans interested in Mika! :aah:

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Does anyone have or know someone who has, footage from Any Other world, the encore of the Singapore gig? I was too overwhelmed to record it. :blush-anim-cl:


Shame, many of us were backstage...:aah: Anyone videod the dance off/showdown when they played Kick Ass ... anyone?

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Does anyone have or know someone who has, footage from Any Other world, the encore of the Singapore gig? I was too overwhelmed to record it. :blush-anim-cl:


I've found this on youtube:biggrin2:


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Be warned: This is the longest report ever!


It has been a week and a bit since the gig and i'm still sitting here full of Mika excitement. I have to say this is the best Mika Trip for me to date.. maybe it's because I've not seen him for a while & it's my first gig after TBWKTM, but I can sincerely say I had loads of fun and it had left me with many many happy memories.


I was extremely excited about the gig when it was announced and when BS said that she was going as well I was over the moon! Fast forward a couple of months, I was all geared up to once again be entertained by Mika & his band, this time around on my turf (well, kind of).


I've always had it in mind that if he ever come to Malaysia I cannot not welcome him at the airport.. so since Singapore is in the region and it's practically my '4th home'... I thought, it'd be good to welcome him at the airport there.


Lots of talks were going on about meeting up at the airport on here. We exchanged contact details etc and tried to coordinate a meet up. Thanks to @jimmyplaysbass we found out their arrival time. It saved many of us from waiting all day. So thank you, Jimmy.


When I arrived at the airport, a bunch of girls were busy coordinating their gifts for Mika... it was a really nice scene, i was so happy to see them fussing about like that. I met the girls and they were all lovely (you know who you are). So we waited for a bit before the band and then Mika arrived. I missed the band cause I was too busy smoking outside (kids, please don't follow my footsteps. Smoking is bad for you. It may cause you miss the band. Ha!). Anyway, after my cigarrete I managed to say hi to Cherise and this was what happened after I embellished the story...:roftl::roftl:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DGJ9t_3tU4 (doesn't work anymore)



New link- still bad quality.. watch it on bigger screen, otherwise too small.




Got lost for 2 hrs en route to the venue.. one wrong turn & that was it! I was more concerned about BS starving than a place in the queue.. she phoned me earlier, asking if I could bring food cause there were nothing opened at the time. Of course when I finally got there the limited shops available at the venue were operating.


First person I met on my way walking to the hall was Kelly Telly (Fifi). I was surprised she knew who I was... I joined the queue at a little after noon and I was number 24? (I think). It was great to see the numbering system implemented. It's always more relax to queue when it's followed imo. Anyway, that worked really well for the Singapore gig. While queueing I met some of the same lovelies from the night before and some new faces. All of whom were very nice :wink2:


Sirfalstaff & friend were making the cutest Mika doll I've seen, some banners and balloons were being made and blown... very relax and friendly atmosphere. BS gave me some gifts she got from Japan in pretty Japanese paper packages! (I love Japanese paper!) & the new MFC badge. So now, I have two MFC badges- one snail mailed to Bristol by Fredster and then was sent on to me all the way here in time for my first ever Mika gig in 2007 (HK) and the second one flew from Australia to Japan and then Singapore with BS. My badges are very well travelled I have to say!! Thank you Freds & Iona for being so kind.


BS (Iona) even got some badges for the other girls... she looked like a pusher when sorting badges and money out at the queue :aah: As someone mentioned earlier, while we were sitting and chattering someone tried to open the venue doors from the inside. They tried several doors and then the girls outside shouted some instructions and they manage to open one of the doors. When the door opened, out came Mama P, John & a lady (may be venue management/security).. they said hello...John saw BS & me and greeted us.. very sweet of him. :blush-anim-cl: They asked if anyone knows how to operate a glue gun... I said-sure.. but I guess I was not convincing enough.. John gave me a look and I said.. no..not really. Anyway, 4 ppl got picked to work with the glue guns.. Natalie, Ru Ting, 'The girl who likes waving at strangers-whose name I forgot' aarghhh! & Iona. They were told that they would come back for them.. then Mama P went on to say that she needed more volunteers.. she started naming what she needed LGs, BGs, Boys... 8 altogether she said. Everyone was excited. I for one wasn't sure if I should be BG and miss the show...


After they left I realised I lost my phone... I searched for it in my bags, but nothing.. Iona tried phoning it, but no answer.. then one of the girls said she saw a white phone and a 1.5 l Mineral Water bottle at the sink in the toilets. I was like :shocked: The toilets were a million miles away! No joke... all the toilets at MAx Pavillion & the halls nextdoor were locked cause there was no event there that day... so it took 15 mins/more to walk to the nearest toilets that day!


I rushed to the far away toilets only to find that my phone was gone.. I asked around for the Lost & Found, but no one knows anything, after walking around the huge Singapore Expo looking for the cleaners or anyone who works for the Expo halls...(I think Iona tried phoning my phone at this time but nothing.. not until later).. to cut the long story short..I found an old security man... he sent me on a wild goose chase and then later 'HE' found my phone just when I was about to give up ( I lose things all the time, so i'm used to it, but prob was I wouldn't be able to contact my friends for pick up after the gig- don't remember phone numbers by heart).


When I got back to Max Pavillion, Iona and the other glue gunners were gone... arty fartsy stuff were still going on at the queue... Fifi & I took over to make sure the numbering system continues.. Fifi (Kelly Telly) was brilliant help with that. Nothing much other than that was going... so I said to the girls - why don't we make a music video... some girls were game, others weren't .. I asked for song suggestion and someone said Kick Ass... so that was that... we organised ourselves and filmed the Kick Ass video! It was brilliant fun!!!:thumb_yello: Never had so much fun in a Mika gig queue ever. Usually I'm freezing nearly to death or restricted somehow.


Here's the Music Video if anyone's interested. It demonstrates what fun we had :)



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeBmGcVOQ0Y (Doesn't work anymore)


Edit: New link!



The shoot was interrupted when the venue ppl began to set up the barriers... we all moved back for the setting up. Not long after, one of the security guys came up to me and said they were told to separate MFC members & non members.. I made an announcement and soon the non members we led to queue at the barriers (according to the numbers given to them :))... I started taking MFC usernames just to make sure that everyone was really on the MFC. There were 18 of us altogether. Not long after, the glue gunners were released from their duties and were back in the queue. BS did her moderator duties after I briefed her about what was going on, with Fifi's phone they verified the MFC members' usernames online. We weren't sure about what's going on ourselves, why we were separated from the rest. There were MFC members who were there with friends and didn't know which queue to stay with and there was Sylvester who was hoping to switch his seating ticket with anyone in order to join us. Anyone knows what happened to him in the end?


We waited for further instructions.. and it didn't come & John was not at the venue.. Iona and I went to speak to security and they allowed the MFC gang who were hanging out at an awkward spot to move closer to the VIP doors... it was a good move. Gosh.. there's so much to tell... but I think this post is crazy long already.. cutting it short, it was fun hanging out at the new spot, I forced food on ppl so that I don't have to hold on to them, the security guard came suddenly and said "do you all still want to see Mika?" Everyone said - "yes" Then he said... "Then you should move if you don't want to get hit by a car.." We were sitting in a circle and half of us were literally on the road (quiet road though)! I have to say one of the things I loved abt the queueing is that no one was really bothered or hung up abt which entrance mika was going in from...or actually waited for him at backstage entrance.. it was literally few metres away, but we didn't even check...


After that Maria came out for LGs, BGs & boys... I was still unsure if I should do it uptil that point- but when she asked.. i don't know what got into me... i just said yes..:aah: I told Iona and she cheered me on... before we went into the venue i asked Maria if we can come out once we're in there...she said- NO.. I was like err.... can I quickly have a cigarette right now.. she was like- yeah ok and then signed to me that I could have it later... that was a relief!


When we got in ...hang on i think i need a breather after all that! :aah:

I'll work out a part 2 later..

Edited by nikjass
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hm.. just to add a new lil' review by 8 days. hope i'm not posting something redundant/wrong as i'm kinda lost here, haven't posted much :blush-anim-cl:


just wanted to highlight that Glee reference :D


thanks for the scan!! and NikJass, nice report! can't wait for part 2 ;D

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What a nice report, thank you! I'm looking forward to your second part. And I love your video from the airport. :thumb_yello:



Thank you... hope it made you laugh :naughty:



thanks for the scan!! and NikJass, nice report! can't wait for part 2 ;D


I'm beginning to feel lazy again.. 2nd part will have to wait...

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hm.. just to add a new lil' review by 8 days. hope i'm not posting something redundant/wrong as i'm kinda lost here, haven't posted much :blush-anim-cl:


just wanted to highlight that Glee reference :D


AWESOME! Which 8 days issue was that?

Darn, I wish I bought it... I normally do, when I'm at a bus stop, and bored. xD


Be warned: This is the longest report ever!



New link- still bad quality.. watch it on bigger screen, otherwise too small.


Sirfalstaff & friend were making the cutest Mika doll I've seen, some banners and balloons were being made and blown...


Here's the Music Video if anyone's interested. It demonstrates what fun we had :)


Edit: New link!



HELLO! I love your videos! Especially the Kick-Ass one. Ha, I spot sirfalstaff in your airport video. :naughty:

Btw, I'm sirfalstaff's friend who helped her with the doll. :wink2:

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On a sidenote... I still have quite a bit of photos of the gig, just that I'm having trouble uploading them somewhere.. So, bleah. I'll post the link here when I can. 8D


My sister video-ed alot of the concert too, so I'll be uploading them on youtube soon! :biggrin2:

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AWESOME! Which 8 days issue was that?

Darn, I wish I bought it... I normally do, when I'm at a bus stop, and bored. xD




HELLO! I love your videos! Especially the Kick-Ass one. Ha, I spot sirfalstaff in your airport video. :naughty:

Btw, I'm sirfalstaff's friend who helped her with the doll. :wink2:



Not just her, her DAD is on it too!! :naughty: I know who you are.. you're on the Kick Ass Singapore Video.... I love that doll... I forgot to take a shot of it after it was completed & you didn't remind me..


Anyway, welcome to the MFC!


On a sidenote... I still have quite a bit of photos of the gig, just that I'm having trouble uploading them somewhere.. So, bleah. I'll post the link here when I can. 8D


My sister video-ed alot of the concert too, so I'll be uploading them on youtube soon! :biggrin2:



Grand... looking forward to them :thumb_yello:

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Not just her, her DAD is on it too!! :naughty: I know who you are.. you're on the Kick Ass Singapore Video.... I love that doll... I forgot to take a shot of it after it was completed & you didn't remind me..


Anyway, welcome to the MFC!




hehe yeah my dad :aah: He's awesome for accompanying me there. I could post a shot of the doll here if you want :wink2:


by the way, love the videos! They're awesome. :biggrin2: Pity we couldn't join you guys on the hill (busy trying to finish the doll! :aah:)

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Be warned: This is the longest report ever!


It has been a week and a bit since the gig and i'm still sitting here full of Mika excitement. I have to say this is the best Mika Trip for me to date.. maybe it's because I've not seen him for a while & it's my first gig after TBWKTM, but I can sincerely say I had loads of fun and it had left me with many many happy memories.


I was extremely excited about the gig when it was announced and when BS said that she was going as well I was over the moon! Fast forward a couple of months, I was all geared up to once again be entertained by Mika & his band, this time around on my turf (well, kind of).


I've always had it in mind that if he ever come to Malaysia I cannot not welcome him at the airport.. so since Singapore is in the region and it's practically my '4th home'... I thought, it'd be good to welcome him at the airport there.


Lots of talks were going on about meeting up at the airport on here. We exchanged contact details etc and tried to coordinate a meet up. Thanks to @jimmyplaysbass we found out their arrival time. It saved many of us from waiting all day. So thank you, Jimmy.


When I arrived at the airport, a bunch of girls were busy coordinating their gifts for Mika... it was a really nice scene, i was so happy to see them fussing about like that. I met the girls and they were all lovely (you know who you are). So we waited for a bit before the band and then Mika arrived. I missed the band cause I was too busy smoking outside (kids, please don't follow my footsteps. Smoking is bad for you. It may cause you miss the band. Ha!). Anyway, after my cigarrete I managed to say hi to Cherise and this was what happened after I embellished the story...:roftl::roftl:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DGJ9t_3tU4 (doesn't work anymore)



New link- still bad quality.. watch it on bigger screen, otherwise too small.




Got lost for 2 hrs en route to the venue.. one wrong turn & that was it! I was more concerned about BS starving than a place in the queue.. she phoned me earlier, asking if I could bring food cause there were nothing opened at the time. Of course when I finally got there the limited shops available at the venue were operating.


First person I met on my way walking to the hall was Kelly Telly (Fifi). I was surprised she knew who I was... I joined the queue at a little after noon and I was number 24? (I think). It was great to see the numbering system implemented. It's always more relax to queue when it's followed imo. Anyway, that worked really well for the Singapore gig. While queueing I met some of the same lovelies from the night before and some new faces. All of whom were very nice :wink2:


Sirfalstaff & friend were making the cutest Mika doll I've seen, some banners and balloons were being made and blown... very relax and friendly atmosphere. BS gave me some gifts she got from Japan in pretty Japanese paper packages! (I love Japanese paper!) & the new MFC badge. So now, I have two MFC badges- one snail mailed to Bristol by Fredster and then was sent on to me all the way here in time for my first ever Mika gig in 2007 (HK) and the second one flew from Australia to Japan and then Singapore with BS. My badges are very well travelled I have to say!! Thank you Freds & Iona for being so kind.


BS (Iona) even got some badges for the other girls... she looked like a pusher when sorting badges and money out at the queue :aah: As someone mentioned earlier, while we were sitting and chattering someone tried to open the venue doors from the inside. They tried several doors and then the girls outside shouted some instructions and they manage to open one of the doors. When the door opened, out came Mama P, John & a lady (may be venue management/security).. they said hello...John saw BS & me and greeted us.. very sweet of him. :blush-anim-cl: They asked if anyone knows how to operate a glue gun... I said-sure.. but I guess I was not convincing enough.. John gave me a look and I said.. no..not really. Anyway, 4 ppl got picked to work with the glue guns.. Natalie, Ru Ting, 'The girl who likes waving at strangers-whose name I forgot' aarghhh! & Iona. They were told that they would come back for them.. then Mama P went on to say that she needed more volunteers.. she started naming what she needed LGs, BGs, Boys... 8 altogether she said. Everyone was excited. I for one wasn't sure if I should be BG and miss the show...


After they left I realised I lost my phone... I searched for it in my bags, but nothing.. Iona tried phoning it, but no answer.. then one of the girls said she saw a white phone and a 1.5 l Mineral Water bottle at the sink in the toilets. I was like :shocked: The toilets were a million miles away! No joke... all the toilets at MAx Pavillion & the halls nextdoor were locked cause there was no event there that day... so it took 15 mins/more to walk to the nearest toilets that day!


I rushed to the far away toilets only to find that my phone was gone.. I asked around for the Lost & Found, but no one knows anything, after walking around the huge Singapore Expo looking for the cleaners or anyone who works for the Expo halls...(I think Iona tried phoning my phone at this time but nothing.. not until later).. to cut the long story short..I found an old security man... he sent me on a wild goose chase and then later 'HE' found my phone just when I was about to give up ( I lose things all the time, so i'm used to it, but prob was I wouldn't be able to contact my friends for pick up after the gig- don't remember phone numbers by heart).


When I got back to Max Pavillion, Iona and the other glue gunners were gone... arty fartsy stuff were still going on at the queue... Fifi & I took over to make sure the numbering system continues.. Fifi (Kelly Telly) was brilliant help with that. Nothing much other than that was going... so I said to the girls - why don't we make a music video... some girls were game, others weren't .. I asked for song suggestion and someone said Kick Ass... so that was that... we organised ourselves and filmed the Kick Ass video! It was brilliant fun!!!:thumb_yello: Never had so much fun in a Mika gig queue ever. Usually I'm freezing nearly to death or restricted somehow.


Here's the Music Video if anyone's interested. It demonstrates what fun we had :)



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeBmGcVOQ0Y (Doesn't work anymore)


Edit: New link!



The shoot was interrupted when the venue ppl began to set up the barriers... we all moved back for the setting up. Not long after, one of the security guys came up to me and said they were told to separate MFC members & non members.. I made an announcement and soon the non members we led to queue at the barriers (according to the numbers given to them :))... I started taking MFC usernames just to make sure that everyone was really on the MFC. There were 18 of us altogether. Not long after, the glue gunners were released from their duties and were back in the queue. BS did her moderator duties after I briefed her about what was going on, with Fifi's phone they verified the MFC members' usernames online. We weren't sure about what's going on ourselves, why we were separated from the rest. There were MFC members who were there with friends and didn't know which queue to stay with and there was Sylvester who was hoping to switch his seating ticket with anyone in order to join us. Anyone knows what happened to him in the end?


We waited for further instructions.. and it didn't come & John was not at the venue.. Iona and I went to speak to security and they allowed the MFC gang who were hanging out at an awkward spot to move closer to the VIP doors... it was a good move. Gosh.. there's so much to tell... but I think this post is crazy long already.. cutting it short, it was fun hanging out at the new spot, I forced food on ppl so that I don't have to hold on to them, the security guard came suddenly and said "do you all still want to see Mika?" Everyone said - "yes" Then he said... "Then you should move if you don't want to get hit by a car.." We were sitting in a circle and half of us were literally on the road (quiet road though)! I have to say one of the things I loved abt the queueing is that no one was really bothered or hung up abt which entrance mika was going in from...or actually waited for him at backstage entrance.. it was literally few metres away, but we didn't even check...


After that Maria came out for LGs, BGs & boys... I was still unsure if I should do it uptil that point- but when she asked.. i don't know what got into me... i just said yes..:aah: I told Iona and she cheered me on... before we went into the venue i asked Maria if we can come out once we're in there...she said- NO.. I was like err.... can I quickly have a cigarette right now.. she was like- yeah ok and then signed to me that I could have it later... that was a relief!


When we got in ...hang on i think i need a breather after all that! :aah:

I'll work out a part 2 later..


Such a detailed report!! Cant wait to read more:biggrin2:

I also really enjoyed watching your airport vid, it's really fun but totally sweet too!!!

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hehe yeah my dad :aah: He's awesome for accompanying me there. I could post a shot of the doll here if you want :wink2:


by the way, love the videos! They're awesome. :biggrin2: Pity we couldn't join you guys on the hill (busy trying to finish the doll! :aah:)


Your dad's great! Even though he doesn't understand the craze, he was there supporting you! If there's a next time we will definitely do another video and you must be in it.. deal? So did your brother enjoy the gig too?


Such a detailed report!! Cant wait to read more:biggrin2:

I also really enjoyed watching your airport vid, it's really fun but totally sweet too!!!


Thanks Louiza :blush-anim-cl: I hope it made you laugh as well. My friends said that Mika looked like he's scared of me on the video. :naughty::roftl:

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My kids were watching with me and laughing so much nikjass...:roftl: especially MYSTERY GUY :lmao:


and the airport video was done with such great effect...I should get you editing MY footage too:aah:


Good memories.


And louiza, thanks for finding me the footage of AOW. It is quite funny to watch...I didn't realise it at the time, but he is down my end of the stage almost the whole video:biggrin2: It was the last song of my last gig, I was all :tears:

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My kids were watching with me and laughing so much nikjass...:roftl: especially MYSTERY GUY :lmao:


and the airport video was done with such great effect...I should get you editing MY footage too:aah:


Good memories.


And louiza, thanks for finding me the footage of AOW. It is quite funny to watch...I didn't realise it at the time, but he is down my end of the stage almost the whole video:biggrin2: It was the last song of my last gig, I was all :tears:


Glad your kids laughed! I love making ppl laugh..


Actually, I really don't mind editing your footage when I'm free.. I love editing! Bring it on! :aah:

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Shame, many of us were backstage...:aah: Anyone videod the dance off/showdown when they played Kick Ass ... anyone?


I found a little bit of it here:

and more dancing in Lollipop

Edited by Blue Sky
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Thanks Louiza :blush-anim-cl: I hope it made you laugh as well. My friends said that Mika looked like he's scared of me on the video. :naughty::roftl:


It is a really funny vid especially the replay scene:roftl:

And your friend is wrong, he doesnt look scared at all.



And louiza, thanks for finding me the footage of AOW. It is quite funny to watch...I didn't realise it at the time, but he is down my end of the stage almost the whole video:biggrin2: It was the last song of my last gig, I was all :tears:


You're welcome!! I can understand how emotional you must have felt with AOW being the last song of your last gig for this tour:wub2:

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I found a little bit of it here:

and more dancing in Lollipop



Thanks! I think Natalie posted that one on FB last night... shame the best part was not filmed..


It is a really funny vid especially the replay scene:roftl:

And your friend is wrong, he doesnt look scared at all.




You're welcome!! I can understand how emotional you must have felt with AOW being the last song of your last gig for this tour:wub2:



:wub2: Well, my defense was he had a long flight... of course he wants to get away :naughty: but no matter what ..he is the sweetest Pop Star ever...how he remembers faces, names and the stuff you give him really amazes me. :wub2:

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