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2019 @ Unipol Arena, Bologna ITALY 29 Nov REPORTS/PICS/VIDS


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Tutto Rock Magazine

30 Novembre 2019


MIKA "Revelation Tour" Unipol Arena BOLOGNA


Serata delle grandi occasioni a Bologna con MIKA e il suo REVELATION TOUR : una festa e un tripudio di emozioni e di colori!


Alle 20.30 apre il live il cantautore romano Wrongonyou, lui e la sua chitarra, lui e le sue canzoni in italiano ed inglese di genere folk e ambient, ascoltiamo estratti dall’album Milano Parla Piano ultima sua fatica, scherza e intrattiene il pubblico con battute. Una scoperta…


Alle 21.30 le luci iniziano a roteare, i colori impazziscono, i musicisti salgono sul palco e in sottofondo sentiamo la sua voce che descrive la Genesi, il Big Bang, la Creazione, la Vita… La sua Vita, quella di Michael Holbrook. Ed ecco Mika, come catapultato sul palco, che parla del suo Big Bang, dei suoi genitori e quindi della sua creazione, dell’Amore, dei colori e questo sarà il filo conduttore del live: i colori abbinati alle emozioni e alle sue canzoni.


Si inizia con il Giallo, per lui colore dell’Amore, del Sole e della Vita e partono le note di Ice Cream, sin dall’inizio non si risparmia, balla, parla col pubblico nel suo italiano praticamente perfetto. Poi il Verde, per lui il colore della Gelosia e i suoi racconti, i suoi trascorsi e il suo presente: ed è la volta  di Dear Jealousy e Relax, Take It Easy.


E’ la volta del Rosa, lo descrive come il colore del Desiderio e dell’Ardore si scatena e fa scatenare il pubblico sulle note di Origin Of Love, Platform Ballerinas e Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) quest’ultimo un vero e proprio “inno” cantato e ballato da tutti, infatti lui scende tra il pubblico e balla con i fan: “Bologna abbiamo mangiato insieme, abbiamo cantato insieme… Ma non abbiamo mai ballato!!” e tutti si scatenano.


Ora il Viola, il colore dello Sconosciuto, della Paura ma un colore anche dell’ Intimo, ascoltiamo Tiny Love su un pianoforte sopraelevato, Underwater dove le tante lucine colorate del pubblico lo illuminano, Domani (versione italiana di Tomorrow, ultimo suo grande successo dall’album My Name Is Michael Holbrook)… Si abbassano le luci, parla ancora di Bologna, di quanto in questo anno sia stato spesso qui, per ben 27 volte, mentre sua madre non stava tanto bene e a lei dedica il brano in francese Elle Me Dit.


Bologna di cui giorni fa aveva parlato in un piccolo video in cui  invitava i fan al concerto e in cui ricordava che il primo tour in Italia oltre dieci anni fa lo iniziò proprio in questa città.
C’è spazio anche per Stardust, Lollipop, Popular Song, Good Guys, Happy Ending da brividi perchè chiede assoluto silenzio e canta senza il microfono così da far sentire la sua voce al naturale, la standing ovation è tutta sua.


E arriva il Rosso suadente di Love Today e il succoso Arancione di We Are Golden.


Saluta ma non è ancora finita perchè manca il colore più importante il Bianco che genera tutti gli altri Colori e le Emozioni ed ecco Grace Kelly, suo primo grande successo e ancora Tiny Love e Stay High e una valanga di palloncini si riversano sul pubblico.


Una festa per lui e per tutti, una festa di colori, emozioni e canzoni e dove l’Amore è il valore più importante.


:uk: Google translator



Evening of great occasions in Bologna with MIKA and its REVELATION TOUR: a party and a riot of emotions and colors!

At 20.30 the Roman singer-songwriter Wrongonyou opens the show, he and his guitar, he and his songs in Italian and English of folk and ambient genres, we listen to excerpts from the album Milan Parla Piano his last effort, jokes and entertains the audience with jokes . A discovery ...

At 21.30 the lights begin to spin, the colors go crazy, the musicians go on stage and in the background we hear his voice describing the Genesis, the Big Bang, the Creation, the Life ... His Life, that of Michael Holbrook. And here is Mika, as catapulted onto the stage, which speaks of his Big Bang, of his parents and therefore of his creation, of Love, of colors and this will be the leitmotif of the live: the colors combined with the emotions and his songs.

It starts with Yellow, for him the color of Love, of the Sun and of Life and the notes of Ice Cream start, from the beginning you don't save money, you dance, you talk to the public in your practically perfect Italian.

Then the Green, for him the color of Jealousy and its stories, its past and its present: and it is the turn of Dear Jealousy and Relax, Take It Easy.

It is the turn of the Rosa, he describes it as the color of Desire and Ardor is unleashed and makes the audience unleash on the notes of Origin Of Love, Platform Ballerinas and Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) the latter a real " hymn "sung and danced by everyone, in fact he goes down in the audience and dances with the fans:" Bologna we ate together, we sang together ... But we never danced !! "and everyone gets wild.

Now the Viola, the color of the Unknown, of Fear but also a color of the Intimate, we listen to Tiny Love on a raised piano, Underwater where the many colored lights of the audience light it up, Domani (Italian version of Tomorrow, his last big success since 'My Name Is Michael Holbrook album) ... The lights are dimmed, he still speaks of Bologna, of how much he has often been here this year, 27 times, while his mother wasn't feeling so good and she dedicated the song to French Elle Me Dit.

Bologna of which days ago he had spoken in a small video in which he invited the fans to the concert and in which he remembered that the first tour in Italy over ten years ago he started it right in this city.

There is also space for Stardust, Lollipop, Popular Song, Good Guys, Happy Ending for creepy because it asks for absolute silence and sings without the microphone so as to make its voice heard naturally, the standing ovation is all its own.

And the mellow Red from Love Today and the juicy Orange from We Are Golden.

Say hello but it's not over yet because the most important color is missing, the White that generates all the other Colors and Emotions and here is Grace Kelly, her first big success and again Tiny Love and Stay High and an avalanche of balloons are poured on the audience.

A party for him and for everyone, a celebration of colors, emotions and songs and where Love is the most important value.




  1. Ice Cream
  2. Dear Jealousy
  3. Relax, TakeIt Easy
  4. Origin of Love
  5. Platform Ballerinas
  6. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)
  7. Tiny Love
  8. Underwater
  9. Paloma
  10. Domani (Tomorrow)
  11. Elle Me Dit
  12. Stardust
  13. Lollipop
  14. Good Guys
  15. Happy Ending
  16. Love Today
  17. We Are Golden
  18. Grace Kelly
  19. Stay High/Tiny Love (Reprise)
















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Hi guys :D 

I'm coming a bit late, but better late than never :das: so, I went to the gig in Bologna with my friends from MFC, and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! We had a great time, we were first-second row in the parterre, so close! Never happened to me before! But I must say, what I appreciated the most is that Mika never looked down at us... I mean, he looked at the more distant people, as if he wanted to grab them ad take them closer. I think it is a very sensitive thing. Of course the people in the firsts rows are the most interested, already well involved, so he made everybody interested. I hope I managed into explaining myself.

Talking about songs... I loved the end of Happy Ending, that part at "cappella"... I got goose bumps. Chills. Unbelievable. My favourite moment.

Another song I really enjoyed was "Domani", the Italian version of "Tomorrow". There some anecdoctes among my friends and me, so we laughed a lot and really really had fun during this song (I'm laughing while writing:lmfao:).

Regarding the rest, you know Mika... his gigs are full of colours and life, joy of life. And that's beautiful, that's all. And sharing it with friends makes it even more special :wub2:

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So, here's my report one week and a few days later :biggrin2:


I had the chance to go to a gig back in 2016. Back home some friends of mine told me that next time they’d love to come with me. I bought four tickets on the presale in June, but they were not sure they could be there. Then I forgot I had four tickets (two were for me and my sister) and my friends could not come so I ended up having two extra ticket I sold to random people the same morning on my way for the concert :sweatdrop: They ended up being really nice people, they waited for me while I was lost in the transit strike and we really had a good time together :cheerful_h4h:


I knew that we were organising some Fan Actions and once in the queue we were given a pair of glowing glasses for Dear Jealousy and some coloured post it to put on the phone torch for Underwater. We enjoyed them very much (especially the glasses, that had to be built with glowing bracelets - at some point one of them disassembled while we were taking a picture :lmfao:); unfortunately, we were too few having them in the crowd and nobody seem to notice the Fan Actions. This was my second gig ever and I have never done Fan Actions before, so it saddens me a bit that they did not worked :tears:

The venue was full but we were not so many waiting in line, and I had the impression that a lot of people were here to see Mika for the first time and/or not being active fans (I mean, they like the artist but don’t follow him - I don’t know how to explain it better). Despite it the audience was very reactive and supportive even with the artist in the preshow and Mika was full of energy in seeing such a fired up and large crowd :woot_jump: The guy in the preshow had no chance though, he broke a string of his guitar while singing, then the microphone did not work but he was very good.


Then Mika.


We had such fun in discovering his narration through colours (some were not what we expected to be :blink:) and loved when he improvised strange things, for example at some point Max was doing squats and Mika started crawling in his direction :roftl: We were on the right side of the central stage, and we thought “oh well, we’ll see his back while he will play the piano :das:”. We obv were wrong. Wrong side of the piano :doh: The only thing we could see in those moments were his legs. Pretty nice legs, but still. Before the show we sort of heard Giulio saying Mika would get off the stage in front of us, we were a bit surprised when he did so on the opposite side; then he walked around it and passed over the barriers in front of the girl that was there with me. She was a bit shocked (in a good way :wink2:). Then he introduced a song in French, dedicated to his mother. Very touching and yet so full of joy.

At one point he said he hear nothing with the earphones on, but that the technician put some microphones around the venue so as he knows what happens around him; that night there was a couple of women chatting right in front of one of those microphones, so he had the impression to have strange voices in his head "like the two little girls in shining. I don't understand what language they're speaking but PLEASE SHUT UP!"  :floor: Then another silly moment on HE. He was asking for silence before singing a cappella and a guy from the seated row shouted about how cool Mika is. He winked at him and started doing a sort of model walk on the stage :lmfao: (I saw a video somewhere, I'll try to find it and put it here :teehee:).


It all seemed too short to me. 


The day after my sister was obsessed with Max. She already knew who he is because we talk a lot but she was singing "tarari rari tum" all day long :lmfao:


Here's some video my sister did




Here's when Mika was crawling in Max direction


Here's when he passed the barriers in front of us


HE a cappella



Hell, paradise and purgatory :devil: :angel_not:


and some pictures made by her and me



































Edited by Siri
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  • 4 weeks later...

If I am still on time, I'd like to add my personal perspection to Bologna concert 😊

It was my first Mika concert and although I saw some videos of other concerts from this tour before that night, I really have been so shocked about him, his energy, his spontaneity, his voice, his humanity. Totally conquered. I know that you all are not surprised from what I say but for me it was totally new and wonderful 😍

Some funny notes about the concert: I was there with a friend of mine that barely knows a couple of his songs but at the end of the concert I can tell she had stars in her eyes.. 

Behind me there was a not so young lady that continued for all the concert to say: ohhh ma come è carino!! She was very sweet but I can tell she was completely in love 😂😂

Of course we were screaming like teenagers (more than the actual teenagers indeed) and I heard a girl behind me saying: 《I cannot understand why you scream this way, don't you know that he is gay?》 I started laughing and answered: 《well, if he was not gay, do you think that any of us would have any possibility to date him??》

Anyway, he didn't take off the shirt in Bologna so I'm asking my ticket money back 😛😜

It was a very exciting night.. hope to repeat it very soon 😜🎉👏👏👏🎊🤞


Edited by Camilla Serendipity Gotti
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Hi everyone, I'm sorry I'm posting this now but I've been busy with university and Christmas celebrations.:sorry:
I didn't have the chance to see Mika in many concerts, the show in Bologna was the second time for me.
I went there with my sister, it was her first concert.
We travelled 1h more or less, it was just her and me, in my little car on the highway, on our way to see Mika.
Of course I made a few mistakes and I ended up taking the wrong way, but in the end we arrived at the Unipol Arena.
It took us 10/15 minutes to understand where our gate was.
I know it sounds like a journey of hope.:lmfao:
We entered the arena, we had front row seats and we were really close to the stage.
I didn't know whether to buy some of the merch but it was too expensive for me, so I settled for the bracelets I did with beads for me and my sister.
We waited, and waited, and then...it was amazing.
The whole concert has been incredible.
The lights, the stage, the band, Mika himself...it was magical!
Unfortunately I spent most of the concert seated, because the people behind me didn't want to stand up and I didn't want to be rude, if I stood up they wouldn't be able to enjoy the concert.
But when the whole stadium stood up we did too and I jumped up and down like mad, my sister was a little upset to see me dancing and screaming, but we had the time of our lives.
Everything passed so quickly, and the concert ended.
My sister and I were super happy.
We went out the stadium and we walked to the car, but then I remembered I had to meet some MFC members to which I had been talking for a while.
I'm really glad I had the chance to finally meet them and spend some time with them.
At 1 am we took our way home, it was just me, my sister and a loooooot of trucks (tanti camioni😂).
I don't have the possibility to take part in another Mika concert, but I have a lot of beautiful memories and some wonderful and blurred pics to look at.🥳

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