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  1. Hi everyone, I'm sorry I'm posting this now but I've been busy with university and Christmas celebrations. I didn't have the chance to see Mika in many concerts, the show in Bologna was the second time for me. I went there with my sister, it was her first concert. We travelled 1h more or less, it was just her and me, in my little car on the highway, on our way to see Mika. Of course I made a few mistakes and I ended up taking the wrong way, but in the end we arrived at the Unipol Arena. It took us 10/15 minutes to understand where our gate was. I know it sounds like a journey of hope. We entered the arena, we had front row seats and we were really close to the stage. I didn't know whether to buy some of the merch but it was too expensive for me, so I settled for the bracelets I did with beads for me and my sister. We waited, and waited, and then...it was amazing. The whole concert has been incredible. The lights, the stage, the band, Mika himself...it was magical! Unfortunately I spent most of the concert seated, because the people behind me didn't want to stand up and I didn't want to be rude, if I stood up they wouldn't be able to enjoy the concert. But when the whole stadium stood up we did too and I jumped up and down like mad, my sister was a little upset to see me dancing and screaming, but we had the time of our lives. Everything passed so quickly, and the concert ended. My sister and I were super happy. We went out the stadium and we walked to the car, but then I remembered I had to meet some MFC members to which I had been talking for a while. I'm really glad I had the chance to finally meet them and spend some time with them. At 1 am we took our way home, it was just me, my sister and a loooooot of trucks (tanti camioni😂). I don't have the possibility to take part in another Mika concert, but I have a lot of beautiful memories and some wonderful and blurred pics to look at.🥳
  2. Visto che ci stiamo avvicinando alla data, ne approfitto per ricordare la FA di Bologna, anche se @Siri si era già gentilmente adoperata per condividere il progetto...😊 (Purtroppo non riuscirò a fare molti pompon in più, per il momento ne ho solo 4 o 5 da distribuire😩🙈)
  3. I feel you all! Tomorrow is such a busy day for me🙈 I'll be at university from 8:30 to 18:30, then I must go to a party and then to a sleepover😣 I'll miss everything and I'm not even sure the CD will be delivered on time😱
  4. Grazie grazie grazie, super gentile!! Quindi chi è già in possesso del CD può partecipare o no?🤔 (Speriamo arrivi domani a entrambe!)
  5. Se a qualcuno va, mi spiegate come funzionano e sono organizzati i firmacopie? Non ho mai avuto l'occasione di parteciparvi🙈 E avrei un'altra domanda, che non c'entra con la precedente: per chi ha pre-ordinato l'album sullo shop mikasounds (per il discorso che con il codice si poteva avere accesso alla prevendita dei biglietti, che poi di fatto non è servito a nulla), pensate che l'album arriverà domani o ci metterà di più per questioni di spedizione?🤔 Grazie mileee💕
  6. Mia mamma è riuscita a sentire Tomorrow alla radio!! 💪 spero la facciano sentire spesso, a me piace davvero molto! Per il momento, a parte Ice cream che appunto, come hai detto tu, è più commerciale, le altre sono una più bella dell'altra!
  7. Of all the venues of the tour in Italy, I've only been to the Unipol Arena in Bologna and in my opinion is not that big, but I haven't taken part in many concerts so I can't make a comparison with other venues...If you want I can see if I've got some pictures of the place, and I can send them to you!
  8. No need to apologise, don't worry!
  9. For those who are saying that my choreography might take too much space, I had understood from the previous posts that we will do the flashmob before the show outside the venue, so I thought of a choreography to do in a big open space. But we can change it without any problem!
  10. I'm Giulia (Giulia221b) and I'll be at Mika's concert in Bologna, Italy
  11. I like your choreography!😍 I me too thought of a choreography, but if everyone agrees we can use yours! Would you like to see mine as well?
  12. At the moment I'm on a vacation but on Monday I'll be back home and I can start thinking about a choreography!
  13. I don't know what they want to do, but It would be great to organise even a small flashmob to each concert (or at least to each in which there are people eager to do it). I know it's impossible but it would be great fun!
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