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Has anyone seen the posters of the LT single yet. I saw them today couldn't help smile (and scream as well :blush-anim-cl: ) wanted to take a pic but I drove past with the car :( there were a whole bunch of them as well, i want one for my room ... lol soz ranting on a bit

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Has anyone seen the posters of the LT single yet. I saw them today couldn't help smile (and scream as well :blush-anim-cl: ) wanted to take a pic but I drove past with the car :( there were a whole bunch of them as well, i want one for my room ... lol soz ranting on a bit


no i havent seen them! what do they look like?

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hmmm, any idea where i can get the contact details?


well since you live in a place I have no clue about, then nop sorry. But maybe you can get the name on the advert or smth and then search on Internet? That's what I did at least with Placebo poster :P


(if you undertsood anything :insane:)

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Has anyone seen the posters of the LT single yet. I saw them today couldn't help smile (and scream as well :blush-anim-cl: ) wanted to take a pic but I drove past with the car :( there were a whole bunch of them as well, i want one for my room ... lol soz ranting on a bit


*gasp* If I saw anything of Mika anywhere (outside of my computer) I'd go absolutely biserk (stopping traffic an all)! :roftl:

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