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Mika @ Studio A in Miami, Florida


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Wow! Awesome pictures! :thumb_yello:


I came in at 7pm and was waiting in line, but my feet couldn't take it anymore so I sat down. I could see him well, but not up-close. :wink2:


I got pictures with three Lollipop girls. I might upload them later today, most likely by the end of this week. Because I'm not good with technology. >_<'


So, my story from start to finish:


Got there at about 7pm.


There were two lines: One for people with tickets and one for people without. Went to get to the lines with tickets.


As I passed by the door, heard Mika live singing "Relax, Take it Easy," so I knew he was already there.


Waiting, waiting and more waiting. :-)


Saw the Lollipop girls skip by. Said something to that amount, "The Lollipop Girls!" Really excited. But they passed us seemingly to go to the end of the line.


Then one came directly to where I was sitting (on the pavement, lol). and went†Would anyone like a Lollipop." and there was a whole 3 secs where no one said anything but me. "Yes, please!" She seemed really nervous. Poor girl. Then, I asked for a pic after she had gone off for a bit. Oh, the lollipops being passed around were Dum Dums.


Then came another Lollipop girl, the same one that had gone with the previous Lollipop girl and also handed out Lollipops.


Then, I beheld the original Lollipop girl (the one who had a pic with Mika on the JetSki) was going through the line explaining why Mika and Sara Barellis (sp?) was late.


She still hadn't gotten to us, but I mentioned it to my mom. My mom immediately went, "Let's go take a photo," and rushed me through them. Original Lollipop Girl (ORG) was talking about why Mika was late, but I couldn't make it out then. She did look at me a bit fearfully, probably thinking I was a crazy fan. We got a pic, and then went back to our place in our line.


Once there, she was slowly coming our way (talking). Then, she went to the next group, skipping me. (I presume she thought I had understood what she said before. As aforementioned, I hadn't.) She asked something along the lines of, "Have you heard why Mika was late?" to the blonde sisters. They were like, "No," and didn't seem at all interested. I went, "No, why?"


Then she explained, but I think I have it out of order "Mika's flight was delayed because of the weather. (It had been raining… Sara Barellis (opening act) was delayed too in California. Last night, they had a rave party (at the venue), so we haven’t been able to put our equipment for the concert. (There were other more specific problems, but I didn’t understand them, sorry). But Mika’s here now… Sorry you guys had to wait so long.


Do you have a lollipop?


Me: Yes, sorry. Could I have another, please?


ORG: Since you’ve waited so long, you can have as many lollipops as you like!â€


Me: Yay! Thank you!


BTW, I was hungry. She probably thought I was greedy, ha-ha. Then, she went off to the rest of the line.


Waited in line until 10pm-ish, I think.


Finally sat down at edge where I had a good, but not close view of the stage and Mika when he would come.


Sara Bareillis until 11pm. Then, they had to set up the stage for Mika, so more waiting. (I laid my head on my arm because I was so sleepy at this point, hadn’t napped all day.)


Mika came through the “veil†(not sure what it’s called), sort of ducked his head, and then went back in. According to the article, it’s because his fly, er, was ruined. Then, he came back on.


When Mika came on, he said “Buenas tardes, Miami!â€


And everyone screamed, including me. I couldn’t hear myself, though. It was great!


Songs Played/The Order of the Concert: I am pretty sure I have the opening # and the closing # right, but not so sure about the other ones. I might be missing some, too. Could someone help me, please?


1. Relax (Take It Easy)

2. …(it was a happy-sounding song, I’m sure of it!)

3. Any Other World

4. Stuck in the Middle

5. Happy Ending

6. Sweet Dreams

7. I Want You Back

8. Holy Johnny I have to say, I was so proud that I knew the lyrics to "Holy Johnny." I didn't hear anyone else sing them at all!

9. Love Today

10. Lollipop


Things that stick out in my mind…:


Mika (paraphrased): Last night, there was a rave party and so we couldn’t get our equipment on time. So now, you guys can do whatever you like, as long as you like, at whoever’s expense. (He seems angry. Angry! Mika is scary.)


I will probably remember some more bits of the concerts late on. If I do, I will do my best to post them ASAP!

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LoveLoveMIKA, that sounds like it was sooo much fun despite the long wait! When did he say that quote you paraphrased, by the way? And did you take any pictures or videos?


:biggrin2: I'm loving these detailed reports! I hope some more people who attended the concert will surface.

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LoveLoveMIKA, that sounds like it was sooo much fun despite the long wait! When did he say that quote you paraphrased, by the way? And did you take any pictures or videos?


:biggrin2: I'm loving these detailed reports! I hope some more people who attended the concert will surface.


Man, even angry!Mika sounds sweet as hell, because it seems like he's only angry on behalf of his audience that had to wait for so long.


Did he come out to sign stuff for anybody at all after?




rilo8913, it was, really and truly, so much fun! :biggrin2::mf_lustslow:


He said that about in the beginning middle of the concert, I think. I would love someone to help me to remember it straight. Please don't quote me on that. :roftl:


I hope there are more detailed reports, too! Especially so that we can piece together the parts to get the whole. :das:


Jack: I think Mika is seriously the sweetest person I've ever seen/known. Yes, I think Mika was mainly mad because his audience had to wait so much. He said "at the expense of whoever" because it would be most likely the venue who would have to pay, not them. :naughty: But, honestly, it's not right to host a rave party that overlaps into another artist's gig, especially since they need that time to set up the equipment. It's not fair. Then, complications arise. The artist is late, the audience gets impatient.


I don't think he signed anything afterward. :-( I really wanted an autograph of his, too!

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rilo8913, it was, really and truly, so much fun! :biggrin2::mf_lustslow:


He said that about in the beginning middle of the concert, I think. I would love someone to help me to remember it straight. Please don't quote me on that. :roftl:


I hope there are more detailed reports, too! Especially so that we can piece together the parts to get the whole. :das:



I don't think he signed anything afterward. :-( I really wanted an autograph of his, too!


He actually said that right before Love Today, I remember because it was the best part for me. I don't think he signed anything either, my friend and I tried to meet him, but it didn't work out, which sucked because I really wanted him to sign the drumstick! The second song was definately Big Girl. Aaaand he did take off his shirt during Love Today, right before he started banging on the trashcan! I also just remembered that during Grace Kelly, the guitarist (I don't remember his name) had this priceless look on his face, probably because everyone was screaming out the lyrics to the song. He even walked over to tell the bassist something! That's all I can remember right now, but if anyone has any questions, just ask!

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It was the one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life! My friend and I got at the venue at six, and waited three hours in the rain, but it was worth it! We ended up front row center and it was absolutely amazing! He and the band were musically spot-on! Love Today was definately the highlight of the show, I got to touch him and he gave me the one of the drumsticks he used to bang on the trashcan at the end of the song!!!!












Nice Pix!!! YAY! drum stick!

i have paul's drum stick from few years ago....he is the drummer of matchbox twenty :):thumb_yello:

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5:00: Pulled into the parking lot. It was pouring rain, and this guy took $10 for the parking and ran off. We ended up paying $20 for the parking. My mom was freaking out because she was afraid we were going to be shot or mugged because five bums were hanging around. We found a group of college kids to walk over to Studio A with us.


5:30: Started to wait in line. We made an umbrella chain because there were 6 of us (including the college kids) and only 3 medium sized umbrellas.


5:45?: I found the girls I met on the Mika Fan Club website. Mika's assistant came out and comended us for being groupies/hardcore fans. She passed out event flyers/posters and garbage bag ponchos. Oh yeah, and she called the police to send out security because crazy people were hanging around us. My beautiful straight hair curled and frizzed up from the humidity :(...but Mika likes curly hair better anyway!


8:00: Bouncer came out to tell us we had to wait 35 min or more because they were still doing soundchecks. Lollipop girls came out and handed out lollipops.


9:30: They FINALLY let us in! I briskly walked in and got a spot in front of the stage (center-rightish).


11:00?: Mika came on stage!!! Here is the order of the songs:


Relax Take It Easy


Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) (LOVED it)


My Interpretation


Billy Brown


Any Other World


Stuck in the Middle (amazing, amazing!)


Ring Ring


Sweet Dreams


Holy Johnny


Happy Ending (I got video footage of this)


I Want You Back


Love Today (shirtless drum solo)


Grace Kelly (held my hand <3)


Lollipop (Furry Finale)




Mika is really, really tall! He is not skeletal skinny, just long and lean. He was wearing Charlotte High colors; he wore blue, skinny pants with a shiny gold outerseam, a white button-down shirt with 3/4 sleeves, black and silver metallic sneakers, and white suspenders with silver glitter. Later, his neon yellow/green briefs were showing :o. His hair is super curly, and later, his sweat dripped from his hair. He has nice teeth, big brown eyes, hairy arms, and a long neck. Oh yeah, since I was only 6 inches away from him when he stood in front of me, I realized his zipper was broken :o. Uh oh! :]



After Big Girl, Mika sat at the Yamaha keyboard. He is a hardcore pianist! He banged down on those keys, stood up and jumped while playing, and belted out each note! Wowwee-wow-woo-wow.


Here I would like to mention that everyone around me was screaming and shouting out the lyrics, and the sound quality was poor because the speakers were behind me. However, it was not too bad because I could hear Mika from wear I was standing, and he sounds exactly (or even better) than the CD. So, I was not missing anything new.


In between songs, he would say a few words. It was hard to hear because of the sound issue and his British accent. Before, Love Today he said something along the lines of "Now, we are going to show you all what we are made of! So show us what you are made of! Do anything you want! Let's start a rave/get crazy!" Before Big Girl, he asked "Are there any big girls here? Are you sure? This one is for all the big girls out there!". He also talked about how Miami is special to him because it is where he had his first gig.


During Grace Kelly, Mika came to me. I swear for the majority of the song he was standing on my side of the stage right in front of me. Jealous girls were jumping all over me trying to touch his hand, and they pushed my hand away. The most memorable moment of that night was when he lowered his hand to mine and held my fingers AND HE LINGERED!!!! He just did not high-five me or graze my hand; he held my hand and slowly (SLOWLY) let go to do the signature Grace Kelly move from the video. His hand was really warm, super soft, and sweaty. He did not touch anyone else in that moment. Just me. It felt like an eternity in that grasp.


The finale was WONDERFUL! First they performed a little dance in which each band member was dressed up in an animal costume. Mika was obviously the Big Bad Wolf because the wolf was wearing the metallic sneakers. During the dance, they circled around a bunny carrying and hammer and began raping/attacking her. The bunny struck the wolf with her hammer and knocked all the other creatures down, too. The bunny was soon revealed to be the female drummer, and everyone went back to their positions to start playing. Mika sang while the Lollipop and Big girls danced. Huge balloons (teal, yellow, orange, pink, blue) were being bounced around the club, confetti was released, and bubbles were floating around the room! It was spectacular!


Sadly, Mika had to go, and I could not meet him because I did not have a backstage pass.


Fortunately, a stage crew member gave me the piece of paper taped to the stage floor with the order of all the songs. I think Mika's footprint is on it!


We were shoved out of the club, and that was it!


But... I swear I saw Mika sitting on the curb in the alleyway behind the club as we drove by to get on the interstate.


Overall, the concert was the best ever! It was fun and crazy! Mika is my #1 favorite music artist, and I hope I can go to dozens of his concerts in the future!

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It was the one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life! My friend and I got at the venue at six, and waited three hours in the rain, but it was worth it! We ended up front row center and it was absolutely amazing! He and the band were musically spot-on! Love Today was definately the highlight of the show, I got to touch him and he gave me the one of the drumsticks he used to bang on the trashcan at the end of the song!!!!


You forgot to mention that you met me, and we let stand at the front of the line with us :wink2: It was so nice to meet you share one of the most memorable experiences of my life! Awesome pics by the way! I found it hard to take pictures of him with his head so high up!

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I sent some already, and I have a few more on the way. I was unable to put captions under the pictures so I sent the basic caption for each pic in the email.


thanks they r up :) i just need ATLANTA pix and ill send mika the link :)

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You're welcome! I am curious how you met Mika several times! I really wanted to meet him last night because I wanted to give him a copy of a painting I made, and I wanted him to sign the original painting. Any suggestions on how to plan my next concert so I can meet him?

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You're welcome! I am curious how you met Mika several times! I really wanted to meet him last night because I wanted to give him a copy of a painting I made, and I wanted him to sign the original painting. Any suggestions on how to plan my next concert so I can meet him?


hmm i think i got really lucky with mikush :)

we juat waited after the show for him to come out... or got backstage passes...or when i got lucky and was lollipop girl :)

i hope the luck stay for next time ;)


usually he comes out after the show to say hi to the fans... i guess he was REALLY tired the last shows :(

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Thank you for the help! I am going to try and see him on Good Morning, America in New York. *crosses fingers*


i would love to see him there :)

and maybe he will come back on september? *cross fingers to*

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