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Personally I believe, If this writer isn't a big girl then this article is total crap. How could this person speak up about whats offensive to bigger girls when they aren't one themselves.


Unfortunately I think this is just a case of a 'journalist' (hah) saying things just to be different. I mean the UK press prettty much love Mika and this one obviously didn't want to go with the flow.


And lastly am I the only one who thinks, if the writer wanted to know what Beth Ditto thought then he/she should have got an interview with Beth Ditto and asked. Aaand could it not be offensive that the writer has picked Beth ditto as the representative of all Bigger girls. It's not like were all in a union and need someone to speak for us. Haha.


No, I think he should have gotten an interview with Beth Ditto, as well. But you know what? He's probably not an important-enough journalist to be able to get an interview with her, so he has to speculate. I *hate* how he puts her on the spot -- like, because she's intelligent, she will not like Mika's song, but if she does like it, then it makes her un-intelligent. -- That's what he's implying/saying. :thumbdown: I think he was incredibly insensitive, caustic and rude to all "big girls" with his descriptions of them. I was like :shocked: It must be a male journalist. Watch him have a "big girl" for a daughter. I'm sure he would be nicer then! :wink2:

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Oh...because he's an idiot, don't make attention on him...I know what is the best thing to do with this article...:biggrin2:


Oh no, Esperia, that paper is much too hard, I'm used to the soft kind. Just throw it in the bin! :naughty:

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Oh no, Esperia, that paper is much too hard, I'm used to the soft kind. Just throw it in the bin! :naughty:


ahhhh:roftl: :biggrin2: i have the iq of frozen yoghurt. i didnt get it the first time round. i stand with Esperia then:naughty: :biggrin2:

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I can actually understand a number of people having issues with that song, because some of its lyrics do sound... um... ambiguous. But, WTF.




Wow, that's just great! Way to go by equating healthy heavier girls with people who are far beyond that point and at a dangerous weight. This is perfectly reasonable--just like any person who says they find smaller-chested girls attractive must REALLY mean they like preadolescent children. Shows what the author of this article thinks of Big Girls too--to them "Big Girl" obviously seems to mean "someone who needs to be winched out of their house." Classy.




Yes, because his reluctance to tell the press all about his sex life must necessarily be a shrewd marketing technique--we can see how much it's helping him, right? Everyone just looooooves that he won't talk, right? And I like the implication here: "how dare Mika want people to like him regardless of his sexuality!" Apparently, wanting to be judged on one's music and not who one wants to shag is "irksome." Thanks so much for letting us know.




Wonderful--because the only way a fat girl can be beautiful is on the inside, right? There's no way anyone can think that she's beautiful on the outside, after all! And certainly making a song about celebrating that outside, as an alternative to all the ones celebrating slender girls, cannot possibly be a positive undertaking in itself. Not when the author's idea of anyone actually having a thing for big girls is a guy whacking off to videos of a woman being airlifted out of her house. Despite all the high and mighty attitude, it appears that to honestly be attracted to bigger girls is ridiculous and a form of sexual deviancy, and big girls must ONLY be celebrated for their personalities.



I usually don't get upset at negative articles, but this one is just offensive! Can you post the email for this reporter so I can share a bit of my mind with him or her?






Fantastic, Jack, actually I was up to write a looong comment on that article but now I noticed you have done the work already :biggrin2:

There's simply nothing I could add :thumb_yello:


I only find it really funny that he mentiones 'intelligent people' in the beginning and obviously considers himself one of them just to disprove this by the Kleenex comment at the latest.

And I think this article is a slap in the face of evey big girl that has just regained a little self confidence from the song.


Basically I stick to my point of view that everybody is entitled to have and express their opinion but that was far beyond just doing so.

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Why, if Mika disgusts him so much, would he like to dedicate a whole page to him? Instead maybe he should write an article about how much he loves Beth Ditto and how intelligent she is.


I think he's putting words in her mouth.


Does anyone know which pic was used?




Here's a scan.


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Why, if Mika disgusts him so much, would he like to dedicate a whole page to him? Instead maybe he should write an article about how much he loves Beth Ditto and how intelligent she is.


I think he's putting words in her mouth.





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