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If you were stranded on a desert island with MIKA...

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If I were stranded on a desert island with Mika I would:


1.Talk to him about what job I would like to have in the future(I really would like to become a singer!):biggrin2:

2.I would make him laugh and pull funny faces at him!lol!:roftl:

3.Sing with him!(it would be amazing!)

4.Ask him for his e-mail address!so that I can talk to him on MSN!

5.Talk to him about his dyslexia because I am dyslexic as well!

6.Show him the songs I have written and we will write songs together!

7.Tickle him and throw sand at him till he cries with laughter and falls to the ground!:roll1:

8.Ask him if he would come to Malta and sing in a concert there.

9. If my iPod survived we would hear and sing songs all day! and If my mobile survived I will ask him for his mobile number!

10.Talk to him about having a good ear in music and just playing songs on the piano because I am like that too!:cheerful_h4h:


The list can go on forever hehe! :mfr_lol:

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So i've decided to re-post mine (Parts 1-3) because i've edited them and changed the name of the girl because i didn't like Tamar... anyways they're not heavily edited but i've changed part 3 so it fits with the start of part 4 (that will be coming tomorrow!). :biggrin2: So here they are....






Waking up to the warm sun, that was currently drying her falling tears, Andrea couldn't help but think she was there for a reason. Thoughts lingered in her mind like the bad smell drifing round the air from the bodies surrounding her. Lifeless beings were scatterned across the beach and through shock she was frozen to the spot. When the full impact of where she was finally hit, the tears flooded down her cheeks. A deserted island in the middle of nowhere was no place for a 17 year old, especially when she was alone. Her legs ached and she was still in shock but she managed to haul herself up with the help of a branch off a nearby tree. The view, she saw to the left, was the same for miles down the shore but to her right the amount of bodies decreased. She tried not to look at them as she set off down the beach but her eyes wouldn't let her. It was as if she was being forced to look at them as punishment for all she had done. Averting her eyes quickly she tried to erase the image of a bloodstained baby faced down in the sand. it stuck in her mind, tormenting her until her legs buckled and she sobbed weakly into the bark of a tree. Then.. a noise...an intake of breath...a man...alive...





Andrea's eyes gazed into his, they were big and soft but looked in pain. He struggled over to her, desperately trying to determine wether she was real or just an illusion. He had been walking along the beach for hours and was thirsty and tired. Feeling foolish, Andrea stood up to face him. He lowered his brow and focused his eyes. His head was spinning and his feet burning from the hot sun. 'I'm....' he said half concious, then without warning he dropped at her feet.

When he awoke he was lay down underneath a group of trees. His shirt sleeve was torn and was wrapped around his left hand, covering a deep wound he hadn't even noticed. Andrea was busy filling up half a coconut shell she had cracked with sea water. "Here, cool yourself down with this," she said once again gazing into his deep eyes. "Thanks," he replied sleepily. He swilled the water over his sunburnt face an felt an instant cooling sensation. Andrea couldn't help but watch his every move, she was mesmerized by his dark curly hair and perfectly shaped lips, that she long to press aginst hers. Mika noticed her staring dreamily and interupted her thoughts. "I'm Mika by the way," he said with a cheerful smile. That smile! She could just about contain herself from taking his head in her hands and tasting those soft lips, whilts running her fingeres through his thick curls. "I'm Andrea," she replied breathless at the fantasies running through her head...







She knew she shouldn't have been thinking these things after literally two seconds with this man, but she couldn't help it. Her mind wandered. "What are you thinking about?" Mika asked, exploring her facial expression to try and work how she was feeling. He'd never felt so strongly to know everything about someone until he'd seen her. He was captivated by her accidental mystery that he almost demanded her to pour her heart out. Why was he feeling like this? He didn't know this girl. He din't even know her age, or where she'd come from...or anything past her name. And yet he felt he'd known her all his life. Andrea tried to think of something to say quickly but got panicky and embarrased. "You..." she finally blurted out, with a glint in her eyes. Her face blushed and she turned her head. Mika didn't know how to respond. "Oh..." he breathed with a slight grin on his face. In her head, Andrea cursed herself over and over for saying such a stupid thing. It seemed she'd embarrased both of them and the silence that followed that one word was begining to scare her.

After a few minutes Mika let out a sigh, "Mum..." he muttered under his breath. Andrea could only just about make out what he said. She thought about her own mum and how much she missed her. The thought of never seeing her or any of her family again haunted her until a single tear rolled down her cheek. "Are you alright?" Mika asked concerned. Andrea sniffed. The the kindness in his voice made the tears flow more. Seeing how genuinely sad she was, Mika put his arms around her and rocked her as if she were a small, frightened little girl. She buried herself in his chest, sobbing uncontrollably now. "It'll be alright." he whispered into her golden brown hair. "I promise." His arms were warm around her and she never felt more safe. She gripped him tight as he ran his hands down her back. Trying not to think about all the bad things she closed her eyes. Mika closed his. They stayed that way and drifted off leaning against a small tree.





A drop of rain landed on Mika's eyelash and his eyes slowly opened. He looked down at Andrea. She looked so calm and peaceful. Another drop of rain fell, this time landing on Andrea's cheek. He wiped it off with his thumb, cradling her face in his hand as he did. Her eyes flickered and a sleepy smile appeard on her face. The rain was beginning to fall heavier and Mika was worried that they would get soaked. "Andrea," he whispered softly into her ear. "We have to get up. It's going to rain.." More raindrops fell. Her eyes opened and she looked up at Mika's beautiful face. "Hi..." she smiled.

"We really have to get up and find a shelter," Mika said softly, giving her shoulder a squeeze.

"I know," she replied sleepily.

"Come on then," he said sliding his arms from around her and standing up. He held out his hand to help her up. They looked around trying to figure out which way was best to go. To the left they saw the lifeless bodies and Andrea was reminded of the poor baby she had seen earlier. "I..I can't go that way.." she said turning away. Mika looked her into her twinkling, hazel eyes and saw great sadness. He reached for her hand and gave it a soft squeeze. He nodded. "Lets go this way then," he suggested pointing towards a large group of rocks. "Okay," she agreed letting him lead the way whilst still holding his hand.

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that's amazing, they all are, and Curly, Tamar used to be one of my favourite names EVER! seriously. I still love it!


Lol i did like it but then i think i heard it too much and got bored with it... plus it reminds me of that girl off Britain's Next Top Model! :thumbdown::roftl:

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I just watched the movie Amelie!!!

I was curious to watch after I kept hearing her name in your stories!

I fell in love with it!!!!!

OK, here it is guys :)



The memoirs of a lost soul, found.

Part three

I think I must have woken not long after my faint because I was in the arms of the strange but alluring man and being carried through the doorway of the hut.

He then lay me down on a bed of soft moss and sat on the ground looking at me with concern.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

That voice, those big, brown eyes, it was as if I was looking into the face of an angel. But I quickly regained my speech.

“Um, yeah, sorry for that, I’m kind of…” I stopped myself.

“Kind of what?” he asked.

Um, kind of shy” I muttered.

The truth was I was more than a little shy. I was totally hopeless with people and what’s more: I needed treatment for an illness that was potentially fatal, and this was one of those mystery type things that doctors didn’t have a name for and it meant fainting, heart palpitations, anxiety attacks, nausea, hyperventilation and episodes that involved my lungs freezing up and my windpipe collapsing slightly so that the only way I could breath was to get fluid down my throat so that everything inside me freed up.

The accident that happened before all this had also really taken my strength. I needed treatment and a deserted island was the last place I needed to be.

Or so I thought.

“I’m Mika. I thought I was the only survivor of the plane crash. I could be wrong.” He sighed. “Were you on Leslie’s plane too?”

“I-I’m not sure but I don’t think so” I said.

Mika’s eyes grew large with immense intrigue.

“I’m Khayla. I’m sorry I can’t give you a straight answer, it’s just that I woke up here about 2 hours ago and I’m not sure how long I was asleep for” I tried to explain.

Mika smiled.

“How are you feeling? I’m so sorry for scaring you; you went so pale when you turned around. Are you alright?

I smiled back.

Yeah, It’s not your fault, it’s just really hot and I…”

Should I trust him? Was this really wise?

There was one way to find out.

“I’m not well if you know what I mean. The last thing I remember is that I was in a helicopter with my best friend on my way to St Jennifer’s hospital.

Then noting”

“Oh” Said Mika. He reached over and gently brushed the hair away from my right eye and hesitated before speaking in a quiet voice.

“I was going on holiday to Paris in me friend’s plane when we experienced turbulence. It was ok at first, we put our seatbelt’s on and prepared for the bumpy ride. But it got worse and worse until we were practically being dragged down…” He paused and looked away.

When he turned back, he continued.

“Everything happened so quickly. Leslie yelled `She’s going down! ` the next thing I knew, we were plummeting from the sky and hit the water. I swam to shore and looked all over for Leslie and the others but I don’t think they made it.”

His eyes turned to the ground and I felt a tear hit my fingertip.

I sat up and stroke his hair. It was like watching a dying swan.

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Aw so sad!

But a wonderful story!


Glad you liked it.

I'm also writing another story called `the bal masque` and it's about a girl whos stepfather muders her mother and then goes after her.

She runs away to Paris (Lol, I like Paris!) and meets new friends and then her stepfather is found not guilty of murder because the girl was the only whitness and he tries to get custordy of her.

It gets very complicated! :D

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I just watched the movie Amelie!!!

I was curious to watch after I kept hearing her name in your stories!

I fell in love with it!!!!!


awww I'm glad you liked it... she and I are so similar lol... it is the cutest date movie ever... Orlando Bloom is quoted saying something like that :blush-anim-cl:

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Here it comes.


The last part, The Concert


Clare climbed the steps down from the plane. She didn’t have her suitcase with her. That was lost in the long ago crash that had left her stranded on the island for so long. Clare had no luggage with her. “What am I going to do, I have nothing clean to get changed into? I feel a right mess.” That coconut shell bra was getting real fidgety. She just wanted to take it off now. They walked into the airport terminal building and some strange man met them. “I have just had the details of tonight’s concert. You know we are scheduled at 8:30? That has not changed. Everything’s in order.” Mika asked how many people were attending the venue. The man said that there were to be 5,470 coming. Mika was quite pleased. “Not bad as it is an open air gig and the weather’s breezy.” Clare laughed. “A breezy night in bonny old Scotland. A bit different from the desert island.” The man led them both through customs and out to an awaiting limousine. Clare had never been in a limousine before. She just smiled and said nothing. They were in a mad rush to get there. Clare whispered, “I just need to change into something clean. I can’t go to your concert like this.” Mika replied quietly. “We haven’t time.” Clare sighed. “My hairs not brushed, my clothes are dirty. I don’t feel clean.” Mika felt a little sorry about this situation. But there was nothing he could do. He placed his hand on her shoulder. “It’s just unfortunate, look babe there’s nothing I can do. Don’t complain. We have had a tough day. I feel real tired as it is.” He yawned. “I need to concentrate on this night. Make the best of things, yeah?” The limousine travelled fast through the city. Clare looked dreamily at Mika. “Okay then.” They were nearly at their arranged venue. It was so good to be away from that desert island. Clare thought that she would be stuck on there forever. And it had been so hot there too. Clare would never forget that experience not for a long time. They arrived at the venue. The moment they got out the limousine they were faced with photographers taking photographs of them both. The flashbulbs making Clare dizzy. “Oh my God! How do you put up with this?” Mika tapped Clare on the shoulder. “Hush, there’s someone videoing us nearby. They’ll hear that!!” Clare and Mika walked silently into the building. “I am going to have to leave you now and get ready for the gig. He kissed her on the cheek. “Enjoy it won’t you?” She kissed him back. “I will.” Across the way there were groups of people wearing badges on their jackets and tops. Clare walked over to them. The girls screamed and cheered as they spotted Mika. The noise was so loud it made Clare’s ears ring. Mika and his bodyguard disappeared into the crowd. “Do you need any help?” One of the girls asked Clare. Clare nodded. Two girls guided Clare to where she needed to go. This was a big building and with so many people milling around you could easily get confused. She gave in her ticket and the girls led Clare to an outside area where hundreds of people were already seated. Clare sat down. More people were coming and the place was slowly filling up. Clare watched them. “Gosh, look at them! Do you know how many are coming?” The girl on the left looked at Clare. “No.” Clare thought for a second and said, “5,470 people.” The girl whistled and said. “Wow!!!” Clare laughed and said, “There were more at Preston. Did you go to that?” The girl shook her head. Clare told the girl about her experience on the desert island, what had happened and how she came across meeting Mika. Then everything changed as the lights came up. The fans screamed as Mika appeared, and Clare went into a little world of her own.

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Okies here's the next installment of mine! It's shorter than the last but oh well...




Trying not to think about all the bad things she closed her eyes. Mika closed his. They stayed that way and drifted off leaning against a small tree.





A drop of rain landed on Mika's eyelash and his eyes slowly opened. He looked down at Andrea. She looked so calm and peaceful. Another drop of rain fell, this time landing on Andrea's cheek. He wiped it off with his thumb, cradling her face in his hand as he did. Her eyes flickered and a sleepy smile appeard on her face. The rain was beginning to fall heavier and Mika was worried that they would get soaked. "Andrea," he whispered softly into her ear. "We have to get up. It's going to rain.." More raindrops fell. Her eyes opened and she looked up at Mika's beautiful face. "Hi..." she smiled.

"We really have to get up and find a shelter," Mika said softly, giving her shoulder a squeeze.

"I know," she replied sleepily.

"Come on then," he said sliding his arms from around her and standing up. He held out his hand to help her up. They looked around trying to figure out which way was best to go. To the left they saw the lifeless bodies and Andrea was reminded of the poor baby she had seen earlier. "I..I can't go that way.." she said turning away. Mika looked her into her twinkling, hazel eyes and saw great sadness. He reached for her hand and gave it a soft squeeze. He nodded. "Lets go this way then," he suggested pointing towards a large group of rocks. "Okay," she agreed letting him lead the way whilst still holding his hand.

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awww I'm glad you liked it... she and I are so similar lol... it is the cutest date movie ever... Orlando Bloom is quoted saying something like that :blush-anim-cl:


Yeah me and my sisters went to blockbuster got it then to the grocery store and got a bunch of cookie dough! It was great sitting on the couch watching a movie and eating freshly badked choc. chip cookies with milk! They were of course the break and bakes lol

But we all fell in love with the movie...I think I'll watch it again tonight

...Gotta love summer break!

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isnt there an interview where mika mentions the movie armile? funny thing was my friend lent me the video and the same day i heard an interview with mika mentioned it!


Yeah there is...but i can't remember which one it is...


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Great job Curly, as usual ;)

I'm going away tomorrow and I don't know when I'll be back but Curly would you mind PM-ing me copies of your story parts? PLEASE!!!

You can say no if you don't want to but your one is SO AWESOME!

I'll leav you with part four.

Sorry, it's a bit rushed.

Bye! xx


The memoirs of a lost soul, found.

Part four

When I awoke, I turned to face a sleeping Mika. Bless him; he looked so peaceful with his head tucked under his arm and a blissful look upon his face.

I got up silently and walked out of under the thatched roof.

The garden was sweet smelling and glistened in the morning due. There was something strange about the things growing here, various types of fruit grew on trees and vines including small octagonal blue ones and large flamboyantly coloured red ones like those I saw on the beach.

The question however was: Were they edible?

“Good morning, I was starting to think I’d just dreamed our whole meeting.” Came a giggling Mika.

His laugh was childlike and avidly contagious and before we knew it, we were both laughing hysterically.

After some time, I calmed down enough to ask the question on everybody’s lips:

“Why are we laughing?”

“I haven’t the foggiest clue!” Said Mika through sobs of laughter.

Suddenly a painful scream replaced the gleeful, reasonless hilarity.

Mika sank to his knees, clutching is stomach in what looked to be a blinding pain. Clearly the exposed wound under his unbuttoned shirt was more sinister than either of us had hoped…

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Great job Curly, as usual ;)

I'm going away tomorrow and I don't know when I'll be back but Curly would you mind PM-ing me copies of your story parts? PLEASE!!!

You can say no if you don't want to but your one is SO AWESOME!

I'll leav you with part four.

Sorry, it's a bit rushed.

Bye! xx


The memoirs of a lost soul, found.

Part four

When I awoke, I turned to face a sleeping Mika. Bless him; he looked so peaceful with his head tucked under his arm and a blissful look upon his face.

I got up silently and walked out of under the thatched roof.

The garden was sweet smelling and glistened in the morning due. There was something strange about the things growing here, various types of fruit grew on trees and vines including small octagonal blue ones and large flamboyantly coloured red ones like those I saw on the beach.

The question however was: Were they edible?

“Good morning, I was starting to think I’d just dreamed our whole meeting.†Came a giggling Mika.

His laugh was childlike and avidly contagious and before we knew it, we were both laughing hysterically.

After some time, I calmed down enough to ask the question on everybody’s lips:

“Why are we laughing?â€

“I haven’t the foggiest clue!†Said Mika through sobs of laughter.

Suddenly a painful scream replaced the gleeful, reasonless hilarity.

Mika sank to his knees, clutching is stomach in what looked to be a blinding pain. Clearly the exposed wound under his unbuttoned shirt was more sinister than either of us had hoped…



Oh no...you're leaving us with that cliff hanger?!!!


What will I do?!

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Oh no...you're leaving us with that cliff hanger?!!!


What will I do?!

I may be back this monday but more than likely the following monday.

I know, you can write down everything you think might happen.

Lol, I may even use those instead of my origional idea if you want!

But until I leav (around 6:00 tomorrow, my time) I'm here :)

I have to pack :(

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I may be back this monday but more than likely the following monday.

I know, you can write down everything you think might happen.

Lol, I may even use those instead of my origional idea if you want!

But until I leav (around 6:00 tomorrow, my time) I'm here :)

I have to pack :(


Hahaha! Thanks for the suggestions but I'm no writer...I will just have to be patient and wait lol

Ugh...packing is never fun! Good luck with that!

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Hahaha! Thanks for the suggestions but I'm no writer...I will just have to be patient and wait lol

Ugh...packing is never fun! Good luck with that!

Thaaaaanks :/

Hahahaha, I will write at my normal pace (One part a day) and just type everythig out when I get back.

Ok, now... I really want to take my love today single... and I really want to take my GK single... Which one???

Screw it, I'll take bothe and leave behind one of my other cd's...

Now should I leave the Fratellis or the Kooks???


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