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Jun 05,2010 - Une super "Korsa" avec Mika - 2M TV ,Morocco


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Une super "Korsa" avec Mika




Younes vous invite à le rejoindre pour une balade dans mythique van VW avec un invité assez spécial. Il s’agit de la révélation pop MiKa. Samedi 5 juin à partir de 19h00.


Mika, de son vrai nom Michael Holbrook Penniman, a fait ses débuts à l’âge de 19 ans, âge auquel il rejoint la prestigieuse école de musique « Royal College of Music ». Mais rapidement il la quitte pour entamer une carrière en solo.


Après avoir travaillé en tant que compositeur pour quelques campagnes de publicités, il se fait remarquer en septembre 2006 lors d'un passage à la radio anglaise, BBC 1.


Son travail sur son single à succès « Relax, Take It Easy » n’est récompensé qu’en 2006. En 2007, il est arrivé en tête d'un sondage sur le site web de la BBC pour élire le son de l'année 2007.


Dès lors, tout s'enchaîne pour ce jeune chanteur de la pop anglaise de nationalité américano-libanaise. Son single devient le deuxième titre, après celui des « Arctic Monkeys », à atteindre la première place des « Charts Anglais » uniquement grâce au téléchargement.


Il signe en 2007 son premier album, « Life in Cartoon Motion », chez Barclay.


Souvent comparé à des artistes tels que Freddie Mercury, George Michael, Scissor Sisters, ou Elton John, Mika propose au public un univers musical délirant aux sonorités disco-pop.


Son single « Grace Kelly » se hisse à la première place des ventes de disque au Royaume-Uni.

En Septembre 2009, le chanteur revient avec un nouvel opus, « We Are Golden » enregistré entre Londres, chez lui, et Los Angeles, en studio.




Korsa: Samedi 05 juin


Younes vous invite à le rejoindre pour une ballade dans mythique van VW avec un invité assez spécial. Il s’agit de la révélation pop Mika Penniman. Samedi 5 juin à partir de 19h00.









Korsa facebook





Festival Mawazine (Fanpage Officielle) MIKA sur Korsa, ce soir à 19h sur 2M et 2M Monde ! A ne pas rater !


BA - Korsa - Mika



YOUTUBE by our Kumazzz/@mikadb/Ockj


Mika: @ Festival Mawazine, Rabat 22 May 2010


Translation by LilStar/Roxane http://twitter.com/RoxaneLilStar


"Mika accepted to go into the magic van. We'll get him to the stage where he'll play at the Mawazine festival 2010. Dont miss it, saturday 7pm!"





translation by LilStar/Roxane-MFC


Translation! Part 1!


Host: Welcome to this new "Korsa" show, its going to be amazing. Mika has accepted to be in our magic van for this small ride. We're getting him to the stage where he's playing tonight for the Mawazine 2010 festival. I'm very happy to have you here, really!

Mika: Thank you, its really nice! I love the car!

H: Will you tell us what happened to your arm?

M: i fell on the beach. I didnt wanna say it before the press conference today, because i didnt want to say: "yeah, ive been at the beach everyday!" I was at the beach doing a boogy-board thing and i fell. thats it... It hurts alot!

H: Will that prevent you to dance and move on stage tonight?

M: Probably not...

H: Thats cool...

M: It's bad no?

H: It's not very pretty. They would have put you a cast or something.. pink, like that, to fit with your jacket and your universe!

M: *giggles*

H: I wanted to know.. between Relax.. no Grace Kelly in 2006 and We Are Young in.. 2010?.. or end of 2009? Theres only 4 years, and so many things happened. How did you live that? How would you describe, relate those 4 years.

M: It was erm.. Mostly positive, but there were very hard moments as well. There was alot of change in my life. But i had fun really, i'm having fun all the time. I'm doing what i love. I realized when i was younger, i was sending my music everywhere, especially to record labels, and i was always rejected. It was only when i started doing music that I loved, for me, instead of doing it for others, that i got signed. I did an album in 2 years..

H: and you sold 2 million copies..

M: exactly, I do what i love, I'm free, and thats very important. I have a great life.

H: We can see it! You're shining, always smiling, during the interviews and you always look like you're having fun!

M: no.. not always! I'm not always smiling! *giggles* No, it depends, some intervies are really painful... oh my god, im like...

H: no pressure, I've got no pressure!! *laughs*

M: No no, some are really painful, they already wrote their article and already decided what theyre gonna write. But thats part of the job. But basically, i write songs and i sing on stage. And thats what ive always wanted to do. and with my family now, we've become this circus family because we're always working together...

H: Well... i didnt want to ask the classic question: "what changed in your life?" because not that much changed!

M: Not alot!

H: You still live in your bedroom, you work with your mom and sister, you still have your bikes and your toys from before and youre still as crazy and carefree as you were before...?

M: I'm not crazy!! I'm completely normal!! *laughs*

H: no i mean, crazy, like we would all like to be!

M: Ok, First, i live in the same BUILDING as my mom, BUT!... but...

H: youve got your own personnal bathroom now??

M: I've got my own door, entrance, my own appartment. And thats luxury really! *laughs* But I'm going to move in 2 months...

H: wow!

M: its scary...

H: you finally found a house?

M: i found a house a few weeks ago. It's a cool house in London...

H: And thats the one? Youre not gonna change your mind in one week?

M: no.. its done.. i signed the contract... i wanna change my mind... but now i cant otherwise its gonna be a disaster...

H: We'll keep you posted on his house!

M: It's scary to buy a house!

H: but its cool!

M: im 26 and i bought a house and its totally...

H: its amazing, we're the same age, but not the same salary! But its okay! *laughs* Mika, youre the best thing that happened to pop since Freddie Mercury.Do you accept this status? Thats how i consider you...

M: its sweet, thank you...

H: Do you assume this?

M: no! of course not! I'm not gonna say:"im the best thing since... i dont know... Halumi (what? i cant get what he says, sorry!). No..

H: We're gonna stay relax and take it easy for whats gonna happen next! Lets watch the clip, its the first one that was released in Maroc, and we'll be back with Mika in the van! Don't move!


*playing Relax*




Translation part 2


H: Mika is still with us in the van, and the question i have to ask is of course, about this colorful universe...

M: like this van..

H: like this van! I was so happy to interview you in a place that looks a little bit like you. What do these colors express. Is it a childish universe or or just loud things?

M: Well, i use the melody the same way that i use the color. For example, in my pop music i can talk about serious things, macabre things...

H: when you touch a note on the piano, you see a color?

M: yes, always, i think i term of colors. I listen to music in the way of colors. I can illustrate things and use colors. And color gives power, like the melody in music gives power also. I always write from the perspective on an outsider. And my heroes in my songs are outsiders, so i give them power like that.

H: do you consider yourself as an outsider?

M: i think so, yes. I certainly was during my teenages years. And even now in my music because what i do is too pop for the indie crowd and too indie for the pop crowd, so i really have my own thing. I come from nowhere... i come from everywhere and nowhere. I was born in Beirut, Lebanon, then i lived in Paris, i went to the united states... erm.. no family in the united states, i moved to England. So its very eclectic, theres alot of influence. So i feel like an outsider but im not sad about it...

H: And you also your image! You make the girls dream and are gonna want to hug you, and at the same time the guys dont feel threatened by you, theyre even gonna sing high to sound like you! It's something that you master alot!

M: *laughs* its not conscious... i am who i am.. I dont know how to manipulate... Everytime i try to manipulate something it doesnt work.. I learned that when i was 16...

H: thats what he says....

M: its true!

H: yeah, when we see a clip like We Are Golden, we see that you know what youre doing!

M: NO! It's interesting! For me the clip WAG was totally normal! It talk about teenagers. Whats the most normal thing about teenagers? We're in our bedroom, alone, we're not scared, we ahve alot of confidence because we're alone, the door is locked, theres a mirror, and we'll create a whole world, imagine alot of things...

H: We are what we want to be at that time...

M: exactly, we're trying to find out our identity, it talks about sexuality, about alot of things. And its totally free and totally normal! There are countries like France that totally got that. In England, the reaction was horrible:"hes totally crazy!! what is he doing? Its too weird, too extreme!" And for me it was totally normal!

H: Lets see what Morrocans will think about it! For the first time, here's the clip WAG, we're with MIKA! Stay tuned!


*Playing WAG*



Translation part 3


H: Mika is still here talking to us about his life and his career. We talked about LICM. We'll talk about TBWKTM. You talk about transition between teenage years and adult life, but... i dont think youre there yet! *laughs*

M: i dont know.. and you??

H: i dont know either... but thats good i guess...

M: thats why everyone has a crisis when theyre 30. Theyre like: "Oh, i dont know what the word adult means, but apparently I'm supposed to be one.." Thats what my sister said a year ago. She was 30 and was:"i dont know what to do! There has been no change in my life, but now, im 30, and people tell me: when are you going to have kids?"

H: you think about that?

M: Me? no never! I dont care... I love the idea of being 55 years old with blue hair.... taking alot of drugs! When ill be 70, ill be totally crazy and get lost!!!

H: But you can still ahve kids??

M: Have kids?? Me?? im gonna have so many problems!!! its illegal! I'm stupid, but not selfish!

H: yeah, hes very sweet. Would you agree that the surprise created by LICM is gone now and TBWKTM is just the follow-up of your universe?

M: In the second album, its very clear that i wanted to end the story of the first record. It was like a part 2, thats for sure. Musicaly, theres alot more surprises in the second one, but its more subtle. Thats exactly what i wanted to create. But theres always going to be surprises in my shows. I'm always reinventing what im doing. And thats important, really important. And thats my responsability, in my career, to always reinvent what im doing to have fun, for me, but also for my fans.

H: In this record, theres alot of references to the cinema. In the title, its The Man Who Knew Too Much from Hitchcock, the video of Blame it on the Girls that uses the whole Clockwork Orange universe, you talk about Tim Burton's style when you talk about your stage design. Is it something that you still think about now?

M: It wasnt on purpose at all. It's true that ive been very influenced visually by movies, its because of that that i started to do that... i dont know.. There was so much influence.. I dont know. i never think like that.

H: We do the thinking for you! We wanna give some sense to things that for you are natural!

M: yes, i dont think alot, im much more instinctive than...

H: carefree?

M: Whats "insousciant"? (the french for carefree)

H: erm.. i erm... you asking a good one now.. its someone who oevethink, who does things no matter what, without thinking about the consequences...

M: oh, yes exactly...

H: lets watch the video, BIOTG. Mika's with us, dont move!


*playing BIOTG*



Translation Part 4!


H: We're almost at the stage where we're getting Mika to do his show tonight at the Mawazine Festival... and we couldnt not talk about his lebanese heritage. Is it something thats really with you daily, or something thats just on you IDs.

M: It's totally there everyday. Its part of my life. When you get in my house, its clear that its a lebanese house....

H: Musicaly, do you know whats going on? do you follow it a little bit?

M: yeah, a little but..

H: (says a name of an artist, but sorry i dont get it!)

M: yeah, of course i know the big names Feiruz, Aliza, Yan (sorry for the spelling mistakes...)

H: and a duet with her? shes amazing?

M: yeah, cool..

H: You'd do a thing with Aliza for instance?

M: i dont know... i dont know... it would be interesting but i dont know what i'd do... i've never really thought about it... I dont like mashups...I dont like duets that arent toally natural.

H: would you do something with a Morocan? You already did it with Red One!

M: Yeah, Red One is morocan, exactly.

H: But something else?

M: alot of people dont know that Red One is morocan. All his songs are all over the world...

H: yeah, Lady Gaga, Backstreet Boys, Mika...

M: yep, all done by a morocan! Incredible!

H: Red One, if youre watching, youre good!

M: bravo!

H: do you know a bit of morocan music? Something that inspires you?

M: Like what? Give me names cause i dont know...

H: Erm.. *names a few names.. sorry, i dont get them*..

M: hmm, no... youre making me a mix tape?

H: Okay, im totally making you a mix tape! with alot of sound and were hoping you're gonna work with them!

M: ok cool! I'd like to!

H: Mika, we've made it to the stage.

M: oh, we're here.

H: you did a casting with girls that dont fit the normal criterias... We got the info...

M: uh-oh... *giggles*

H: you had fun, it was cool?

M: yeah, we chose some fans to come and dance with us on stage. People organizing the show tonight were quite surprised cause i said:" yeah, i want 18 fans, we're gonna choose them and theyre gonna dance with us" and they said" no, impossible" and i was like "yeah, its okay, trust me!"

H: So we're here, thank you so much for being with you...

M: it was a pleasure

H: thanks for sharing your kindness and opened a door on your universe. We'll see you very soon i hope!

M: Thank you, bye!

H: and thanks to all of you for watching this! we're leaving you with clips from Mika at the Mawazine show! Thanks!





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2010.06.05 - 2M TV Morocco - Une super Korsa avec Mika.mp4

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Description: 2010.06.05 - 2M TV Morocco - Mika interview on Korsa Show




Filename: 2010.06.05 - 2M TV Morocco - Une..mp4

File description: 2010.06.05 - 2M TV Morocco - Une super Korsa avec Mika.mp4

File size: 159.98 MB




File Name: 2010.06.05 - 2M TV Morocco - Une super Korsa avec Mika.mp4

Size: 159.98MB | Description: 2010.06.05 - 2M TV Morocco - Une super "Korsa" avec Mika



the whole show on Zoopy


2010.06.05 - 2M TV Morocco - Une super Korsa avec Mika [28:34 min]







The whole show on MULTIPLY!



2010.06.05 - 2M TV Morocco - Korsa Mika - P.1



2010.06.05 - 2M TV Morocco - Korsa Mika - P.2



2010.06.05 - 2M TV Morocco - Korsa Mika - P.3




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2010.06.05 - 2M TV Morocco - Korsa Mika - P.1.avi

File size: 103.68 MB




2010.06.05 - 2M TV Morocco - Korsa Mika - P.2.avi

File size: 129.73 MB




2010.06.05 - 2M TV Morocco - Korsa Mika - P.3.avi

File size: 124.55 MB


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  • Replies 100
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translating job for me!! :yay:!!:naughty:


:wub2:yeee!our translation queen is here!love ya!:wub2:


:thumb_yello:u're welcome guys!


i ripped the video from the site,and now i converted in avi files and then i will upload it on megaupload and zShare,but will takes some times because it's a pretty long video....

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Translation! Part 1!


Host: Welcome to this new "Korsa" show, its going to be amazing. Mika has accepted to be in our magic van for this small ride. We're getting him to the stage where he's playing tonight for the Mawazine 2010 festival. I'm very happy to have you here, really!

Mika: Thank you, its really nice! I love the car!

H: Will you tell us what happened to your arm?

M: i fell on the beach. I didnt wanna say it before the press conference today, because i didnt want to say: "yeah, ive been at the beach everyday!" I was at the beach doing a boogy-board thing and i fell. thats it... It hurts alot!

H: Will that prevent you to dance and move on stage tonight?

M: Probably not...

H: Thats cool...

M: It's bad no?

H: It's not very pretty. They would have put you a cast or something.. pink, like that, to fit with your jacket and your universe!

M: *giggles*

H: I wanted to know.. between Relax.. no Grace Kelly in 2006 and We Are Young in.. 2010?.. or end of 2009? Theres only 4 years, and so many things happened. How did you live that? How would you describe, relate those 4 years.

M: It was erm.. Mostly positive, but there were very hard moments as well. There was alot of change in my life. But i had fun really, i'm having fun all the time. I'm doing what i love. I realized when i was younger, i was sending my music everywhere, especially to record labels, and i was always rejected. It was only when i started doing music that I loved, for me, instead of doing it for others, that i got signed. I did an album in 2 years..

H: and you sold 2 million copies..

M: exactly, I do what i love, I'm free, and thats very important. I have a great life.

H: We can see it! You're shining, always smiling, during the interviews and you always look like you're having fun!

M: no.. not always! I'm not always smiling! *giggles* No, it depends, some intervies are really painful... oh my god, im like...

H: no pressure, I've got no pressure!! *laughs*

M: No no, some are really painful, they already wrote their article and already decided what theyre gonna write. But thats part of the job. But basically, i write songs and i sing on stage. And thats what ive always wanted to do. and with my family now, we've become this circus family because we're always working together...

H: Well... i didnt want to ask the classic question: "what changed in your life?" because not that much changed!

M: Not alot!

H: You still live in your bedroom, you work with your mom and sister, you still have your bikes and your toys from before and youre still as crazy and carefree as you were before...?

M: I'm not crazy!! I'm completely normal!! *laughs*

H: no i mean, crazy, like we would all like to be!

M: Ok, First, i live in the same BUILDING as my mom, BUT!... but...

H: youve got your own personnal bathroom now??

M: I've got my own door, entrance, my own appartment. And thats luxury really! *laughs* But I'm going to move in 2 months...

H: wow!

M: its scary...

H: you finally found a house?

M: i found a house a few weeks ago. It's a cool house in London...

H: And thats the one? Youre not gonna change your mind in one week?

M: no.. its done.. i signed the contract... i wanna change my mind... but now i cant otherwise its gonna be a disaster...

H: We'll keep you posted on his house!

M: It's scary to buy a house!

H: but its cool!

M: im 26 and i bought a house and its totally...

H: its amazing, we're the same age, but not the same salary! But its okay! *laughs* Mika, youre the best thing that happened to pop since Freddie Mercury.Do you accept this status? Thats how i consider you...

M: its sweet, thank you...

H: Do you assume this?

M: no! of course not! I'm not gonna say:"im the best thing since... i dont know... Halumi (what? i cant get what he says, sorry!). No..

H: We're gonna stay relax and take it easy for whats gonna happen next! Lets watch the clip, its the first one that was released in Maroc, and we'll be back with Mika in the van! Don't move!


*playing Relax*

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Translation part 2


H: Mika is still with us in the van, and the question i have to ask is of course, about this colorful universe...

M: like this van..

H: like this van! I was so happy to interview you in a place that looks a little bit like you. What do these colors express. Is it a childish universe or or just loud things?

M: Well, i use the melody the same way that i use the color. For example, in my pop music i can talk about serious things, macabre things...

H: when you touch a note on the piano, you see a color?

M: yes, always, i think i term of colors. I listen to music in the way of colors. I can illustrate things and use colors. And color gives power, like the melody in music gives power also. I always write from the perspective on an outsider. And my heroes in my songs are outsiders, so i give them power like that.

H: do you consider yourself as an outsider?

M: i think so, yes. I certainly was during my teenages years. And even now in my music because what i do is too pop for the indie crowd and too indie for the pop crowd, so i really have my own thing. I come from nowhere... i come from everywhere and nowhere. I was born in Beirut, Lebanon, then i lived in Paris, i went to the united states... erm.. no family in the united states, i moved to England. So its very eclectic, theres alot of influence. So i feel like an outsider but im not sad about it...

H: And you also your image! You make the girls dream and are gonna want to hug you, and at the same time the guys dont feel threatened by you, theyre even gonna sing high to sound like you! It's something that you master alot!

M: *laughs* its not conscious... i am who i am.. I dont know how to manipulate... Everytime i try to manipulate something it doesnt work.. I learned that when i was 16...

H: thats what he says....

M: its true!

H: yeah, when we see a clip like We Are Golden, we see that you know what youre doing!

M: NO! It's interesting! For me the clip WAG was totally normal! It talk about teenagers. Whats the most normal thing about teenagers? We're in our bedroom, alone, we're not scared, we ahve alot of confidence because we're alone, the door is locked, theres a mirror, and we'll create a whole world, imagine alot of things...

H: We are what we want to be at that time...

M: exactly, we're trying to find out our identity, it talks about sexuality, about alot of things. And its totally free and totally normal! There are countries like France that totally got that. In England, the reaction was horrible:"hes totally crazy!! what is he doing? Its too weird, too extreme!" And for me it was totally normal!

H: Lets see what Morrocans will think about it! For the first time, here's the clip WAG, we're with MIKA! Stay tuned!


*Playing WAG*

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Translation part 3


H: Mika is still here talking to us about his life and his career. We talked about LICM. We'll talk about TBWKTM. You talk about transition between teenage years and adult life, but... i dont think youre there yet! *laughs*

M: i dont know.. and you??

H: i dont know either... but thats good i guess...

M: thats why everyone has a crisis when theyre 30. Theyre like: "Oh, i dont know what the word adult means, but apparently I'm supposed to be one.." Thats what my sister said a year ago. She was 30 and was:"i dont know what to do! There has been no change in my life, but now, im 30, and people tell me: when are you going to have kids?"

H: you think about that?

M: Me? no never! I dont care... I love the idea of being 55 years old with blue hair.... taking alot of drugs! When ill be 70, ill be totally crazy and get lost!!!

H: But you can still ahve kids??

M: Have kids?? Me?? im gonna have so many problems!!! its illegal! I'm stupid, but not selfish!

H: yeah, hes very sweet. Would you agree that the surprise created by LICM is gone now and TBWKTM is just the follow-up of your universe?

M: In the second album, its very clear that i wanted to end the story of the first record. It was like a part 2, thats for sure. Musicaly, theres alot more surprises in the second one, but its more subtle. Thats exactly what i wanted to create. But theres always going to be surprises in my shows. I'm always reinventing what im doing. And thats important, really important. And thats my responsability, in my career, to always reinvent what im doing to have fun, for me, but also for my fans.

H: In this record, theres alot of references to the cinema. In the title, its The Man Who Knew Too Much from Hitchcock, the video of Blame it on the Girls that uses the whole Clockwork Orange universe, you talk about Tim Burton's style when you talk about your stage design. Is it something that you still think about now?

M: It wasnt on purpose at all. It's true that ive been very influenced visually by movies, its because of that that i started to do that... i dont know.. There was so much influence.. I dont know. i never think like that.

H: We do the thinking for you! We wanna give some sense to things that for you are natural!

M: yes, i dont think alot, im much more instinctive than...

H: carefree?

M: Whats "insousciant"? (the french for carefree)

H: erm.. i erm... you asking a good one now.. its someone who oevethink, who does things no matter what, without thinking about the consequences...

M: oh, yes exactly...

H: lets watch the video, BIOTG. Mika's with us, dont move!


*playing BIOTG*

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Translation Part 4!!


H: We're almost at the stage where we're getting Mika to do his show tonight at the Mawazine Festival... and we couldnt not talk about his lebanese heritage. Is it something thats really with you daily, or something thats just on you IDs.

M: It's totally there everyday. Its part of my life. When you get in my house, its clear that its a lebanese house....

H: Musicaly, do you know whats going on? do you follow it a little bit?

M: yeah, a little but..

H: (says a name of an artist, but sorry i dont get it!)

M: yeah, of course i know the big names Feiruz, Aliza, Yan (sorry for the spelling mistakes...)

H: and a duet with her? shes amazing?

M: yeah, cool..

H: You'd do a thing with Aliza for instance?

M: i dont know... i dont know... it would be interesting but i dont know what i'd do... i've never really thought about it... I dont like mashups...I dont like duets that arent toally natural.

H: would you do something with a Morocan? You already did it with Red One!

M: Yeah, Red One is morocan, exactly.

H: But something else?

M: alot of people dont know that Red One is morocan. All his songs are all over the world...

H: yeah, Lady Gaga, Backstreet Boys, Mika...

M: yep, all done by a morocan! Incredible!

H: Red One, if youre watching, youre good!

M: bravo!

H: do you know a bit of morocan music? Something that inspires you?

M: Like what? Give me names cause i dont know...

H: Erm.. *names a few names.. sorry, i dont get them*..

M: hmm, no... youre making me a mix tape?

H: Okay, im totally making you a mix tape! with alot of sound and were hoping you're gonna work with them!

M: ok cool! I'd like to!

H: Mika, we've made it to the stage.

M: oh, we're here.

H: you did a casting with girls that dont fit the normal criterias... We got the info...

M: uh-oh... *giggles*

H: you had fun, it was cool?

M: yeah, we chose some fans to come and dance with us on stage. People organizing the show tonight were quite surprised cause i said:" yeah, i want 18 fans, we're gonna choose them and theyre gonna dance with us" and they said" no, impossible" and i was like "yeah, its okay, trust me!"

H: So we're here, thank you so much for being with you...

M: it was a pleasure

H: thanks for sharing your kindness and opened a door on your universe. We'll see you very soon i hope!

M: Thank you, bye!

H: and thanks to all of you for watching this! we're leaving you with clips from Mika at the Mawazine show! Thanks!



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Thanks a loooooooot for your LOOOOOOOOOOONG translations!!:mf_lustslow:


:thumb_yello:I think you'll be able to be a great profetional or beautiful TV caster.

You will meet Mika as a famous TV caster someday!!:wink2:

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Thanks a loooooooot for your LOOOOOOOOOOONG translations!!:mf_lustslow:


:thumb_yello:I think you'll be able to be a great profetional or beautiful TV caster.

You will meet Mika as a famous TV caster someday!!:wink2:


yes Roxane! you are amazing! and really fast! O_O

I'm your fan xD

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thanks for posting and translation :flowers2:



anyone to download this video?





:wink2:i did it!i will upload it right now!


:wub2:Roxane,you are my hero!love ya so much!


:mf_rosetinted:i would like so much to know how to do a subbed video...i hope i will succeed to learn someday how to do...:mf_rosetinted:

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:wink2:i did it!i will upload it right now!


:wub2:Roxane,you are my hero!love ya so much!


:mf_rosetinted:i would like so much to know how to do a subbed video...i hope i will succeed to learn someday how to do...:mf_rosetinted:


it's so great to know you're uploading it. i really want to keep this vid:biggrin2:

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