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Everything posted by jemmalee

  1. Well I have met (and known and know ) quite a few stars and thought that maybe you would like to know what some of them are like too! Mika - wish I knew him more, nicest person in pop, bloody tall and smells lovely! Mark Owen - I have the same tattoo and GOT to know him very well in 1993! The Bransons - All Lovely! and they have their own island Miriah (? sorry can't spell?) Carey - Looks a bit like a monkey close up and only drinks her own wine and lives in high heels A couple of Windors - Will has the nicest eyes ever, Charlie boy smells a bit musty! Frankie Lampard - I knew HIM quite well too! Patrick Cameron - The best hairdresser in the business! Sugababes - don't have their own hair! Princess Diana - Really was the nicest person in the world RIP Scott Mills - I said alright treacle and he winked at me The Fonz - still has his own hair! Kate Moss - bad skin! but she is lovely! Gareth Gates - lovely eyes! Dan from the Feeling - top bloke! Sophie Ellis-Bextor - the tiniest (and palest) person in pop Keith from the prodigy also went to my school! I think I will stop there. Who else do you know?
  2. SLEEPING!!!!!! My laptop died for 3 days (bloody my space spam!) and I felt like I had lost an arm! My Mika obsession is taking over my life!
  3. Ohh I saw this on saturday MMMMMMM:wub2: I gonna love today tomorrow!
  4. Hello everyone! Well where shall I start? My name is Jemmalee and I'm a Mikaholic! You can call me Jemma (or words to that effect that include jem, jemski and Oi You though if you like). I'm 28 years old and live in sunny Essex (which is actually very nice and not that chavy) and I teach hairdressing for a living. It's actually VERY hard work and instead of working in a college I travel around salon's and teach on an individual basis but I won't bore you with that! As you can probably imagine I love fashion even though I would say that I'm more of an individual than complete fashion follower (most shops are sizest!). I love chocolate and Bailey's (too much!) but really do not enjoy exercise unless you include dancing like a loon! (not a good combination). I come from a big family, have middle child syndrome and will talk to anyone if they look like a nice friendly person (but this has been known to get me into trouble). I'm a Taurus so I'm extremely stubborn and I hold grudges (cross me and you might regret it) but I am probably your best friend as I give excellent advice and tell it like it is! I'm opinionated but I think thats a good thing! I also talk too much! I love music (especially Mika, but you probably guessed that since I'm here!) and live gigs but unfortunately was bit too young to see Freddie! My teenage years were the 90's where Jarvis Cocker was cool and Ayia Napa was cooler than Ibiza!. My friends also say that I am a gay man trapped in a girls body when referring to my musical taste! I spend far too much of time on myspace and here and my boyfriend is getting very worried about my Mika obsession (as it's only February and I have seen him three times already this year and when my laptop died for three days I almost cried!). I think thats probably about it. My life really doesn't sound that exciting after all you guy's but I like it! (i also use brackets too much!) I really am a nice person and not a complete nutter (but some may disagree!) Love Jemmalee x
  5. WOO Congratulations! I love this place almost as much as Mika!
  6. to the wonderful world of Mika!
  7. I would like to ask him if he would like to play at my 30th birthday party next year! ( i wish!) failing that i would like to know lots of little facts about him like what's his favourite colour, what side of the bed he sleeps on etc. Sorry am I getting carried away?
  8. jemmalee


    Welcome to the wonderful world of Mika!
  9. I F**KING LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I received a message today saying that u could get tickets early on mikasounds in the SS i can't find the link! If anyone can tell me where it is i will be eternally grateful and make it worth there while!
  11. Well I've got a pc but after you register you have to download the program next to the picture of billy brown and then you can have access to video's from yahoo and a couple of aucostic tracks. It took me ages to get there but I have already seen these video's! Good luck!
  12. Sorry babe it was so late in the day that I knew for defo I was going. If I had your number you could of come! You would of loved it too, I had to have a russian code name to get in!
  13. Watch out for the balloon flower! (that's me!).
  14. If look at the first one you will see me holding a bottle of water (well you see my hand holding the bottle of water!). This was awesome, I was so close!
  15. You were dearly missed, I had a drink for you though! I hope you feel better, i'm still ill too! (so I reckon you have about another week till you feel better). I have a lolly for you!
  16. I found this on you tube, watch out for the balloon flower! (that's me!) I also have a Mika big top slide show on my space near the bottom of the page!
  17. Welcome to our wonderful Mika loving world!
  18. http://a21.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/9/m_6b34c3d4d27936211b5ddc9243719b7c.jpg The (not so) secret life of Jemmalee x:blush-anim-cl: WOW WOW AND TRIPLE WOW I was lucky enough to go to Berkeley Square last night as one of Mika's guests. I didn't even know I was going until 3.30pm yesterday and was on the train at 4.20pm! (you might think so what you had plenty of time, but I would like to inform you that I had to dress in a carnival fashion!). Unfortunately I was on my lonesome so did what I do best when I'm in a queue, talk to strange randoms about Mika! The sight of the big top was awesome and was lit up with pink fairy lights. After receiving my exclusive pink armband (which meant free drinks all night!) I was soon whisked up the pink carpet to be greeted by Mika's Royal Sympathy Band in full costume! Once inside there were people dressed up as lollipop girl (handing out the biggest lollipops you have ever seen!), Chew Chew, a couple of Big Girls and some giant flowers! I even managed to wrangle a lollipop off of Chew because I said he wasn't allowed it (I'm so bloody cheeky!). After a couple of drinks (you could have what you liked but I'm still ill!) and a wonder round (I could of queued up for popcorn and blue candy floss but I wanted to get to the front of the stage) I visited the loo. So what? you may ask. oh my god these were the best portaloos you could imagine (they even had tissues and hand cream!). So I was feeling pretty much like a six year old at Christmas by this point and then the entertainment began! There was a salsa band snaking it's way around the room with girls with very little clothing and some big men with big drums (something for everyone!) then the support band came on. I really cannot remember what they were called but they were like the Hillbilly Von Trapp family! They were exceptionally good and seemed to play every instrument ever invented from the harmonica to a trombone! I was then interviewed by a camera crew who asked me crap questions about Mika who received equally crap answers. By this point I had had 2 vodka's and I'm on medication and may have come across as a little obsessive and she asked me if I was Mika's stalker! Cheeky cow! By this point I had also managed to blag a balloon flower which I do believe may have hindered the enjoyment of the evening of the people behind me! I then spotted Dazzle in the crowd who had blagged his way in (don't ask but involves Dan from The Feeling). So I'm second from the front (some girl who I met in the queue nicked my space at the front when I went to the loo and she was bloody tall, and i'm 5'2 (158cm)!) and after some amazing acrobatics and magic it was time for Mika! Mika was dressed all in white with a black ring master style jacket and yellow braces. He also had some shiny gold shoes which he only kept on for the first song after putting his foot on his piano and saying "What the #### do think of my shoes!" He then remained in his stripy socks which I believe were wicked witch of the west inspired ( the jacket also came off and Mika was nearly stripping in front of my eyes!). He started off with relax but I really cannot remember the order of song's (sorry) but over my shoulder was spine tingling wonderful and during big girls Mika was joined on stage by 2 big girls! This was fabulous and Mika ended up with lipstick on his cheek for the rest of the set! He rounded things off with lollipop and was joined by the lollipop girls, some HUGE balloons and pink confetti! After the show was over (it was only 10pm) I headed to the bar, danced like a loon and star spotted. By now you probably know that Sophie Ellis-Bextor and The Feeling were there but so was Scott Mills and various tv journos that you know the faces but not the names of! By 11pm the party was over and we knew that Mika was not going to come out from the back stage area (even though Dazzle was trying to get back there!), we headed home. I must admit I got some very strange looks walking through Liverpool street in my bright pink coat and headband and carrying a huge balloon flower! I really cannot put into words how magical an evening it was but Mika did well when he declared it as the 10th birthday party of his dreams! Alice in wonderland eat your heart out, I've licked the Mika lolly and I'm stuck! Jemmalee x pictures to follow __________________
  19. [quote name= Sparse piano ballad Ring Ring was nearly bleak enough to deflate all the balloons floating around. --- [/quote] This is quite a good representation but Mr jurno guy I think you'll find that Mika didn't sing Ring Ring last night and are confusing it with the beautiful over my shoulder, which was awesome btw! Get your facts right! rant over, my review is much better!
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