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Everything posted by electasy

  1. My niece told me today that Mika was playing at her school. She asked me "Who's that guy that you like?" "Mika" "Yeah, and what's that song?" So I sang a bit of Grace Kelly for her. She said he had been on their Channel 1 TV station. It is an educational tv channel that the whole school usually watches during their home room. She said it was just a clip of Grace Kelly at the end of one of the segments. I was so happy, I was jumping up and down in the hallway.(I felt a bit like that part in That Thing You Do when they hear their song on the radio for the first time. I still feel that everytime I hear him somewhere new!) It is so great that Mika is getting all this exposure!
  2. I agree with all of you. I joined there first (first fan club or forum I'd ever joined) and posted a couple of times. Then I joined another fan website that never seemed to get off the ground. Then I followed a link to this one, joined and have only been back to Mika's once. The atmosphere here truly is different and you feel it from the first time you see the home page. All the really true fans come here, I think, and we don't get all the others who don't really love Mika. Over there, I feel kinda embarassed to show for Mika (and his music, of course:naughty: ). Here, it is expected!
  3. Thanks for the posting the translated interview. Very funny comments!
  4. That fits in so well with Life In Cartoon Motion!
  5. Wow, I am grinning from ear to ear just reading your story! So awesome for you! How wonderful of Mika to stop like that and sign an autograph. He is such a great guy. I'm sure your pictures will be worth the wait!
  6. Thanks for the video! That shirt pull-up, playing with his braces (sounds much better than suspenders!) hips moving, that leg kick in the Love Today video Why, Mika, why must you drive me so crazy?! :mf_lustslow: C-C-C-Can't stop watching!
  7. Yippee-yi-ki-yay! This is great! Sunny and other mods, you have really done a great job with this site. These Buds are for you! And the trophy for the Best Fan Club Website award goes to.............. this one!
  8. Oh, and does anyone know the names of everybody in his band? (The first way I worded that question had me blushing!)
  9. FUNNY stories! I am so interested in seeing him live and I usually have little interest in concerts. But his just seem like so much fun! Apart from the great music, it looks like there is so much craziness and silliness that he reveals in, so you are allowed to reveal in it too.
  10. Kata does not like Danish music and seems to like the word "craptastic". That word will probably pop up somewhere in my conversation now!
  11. That's so cool! I love the thrill I get when I hear Mika somewhere unexpected. I have always felt from the beginning that his music would be perfect for movies.
  12. sinatrasdame1915 is younger than me, is from NY, loves issey miyake, has straight hair but loves Mika's curls, as do we all!
  13. Does it say anywhere how often you can vote? I'm confused as well.
  14. YES! I'm so excited and I just can't hide it! He has got to, got to, GOT to come SOMEWHERE in Texas! Come on, Texans! Let's do the wave and get Mika's attention! COME TO TEXAS - COME TO TEXAS - COME TO TEXAS. Say it over and over again and maybe it will happen! Oh, and cross everything you can cross. If we all pitch in, it WILL happen!
  15. I was into the habit of listening to music at the Yahoo Music Videos UK & Ireland sight. Videos of him singing several of his songs came up randomly and I clicked off of them for the first couple of times. (I know, I have had to come to terms with my shame and guilt for this) Finally, I listened to one all the way through, then all of them all the way through again and again and again. Then I went searching for him on the internet. Isn't it so cool to be someone who heard him before he was REALLY big? The first time I heard him in public in the US was background music at a movie theatre. At first I didn't even recognize Grace Kelly because it was so out of context. He had been my own private little gem for so long!
  16. Beckar knows German, does not have a xBox 360, does not like plain brown jumpers, is a competitive poster and loves Mika!
  17. Hello, Mika. I would like to tell you that it is just suberb that you stuck to what you knew was the right way to go with your talent, even with the bigwigs trying to change you. That says alot about you. Your voice, energy and inner and outer yumminess:blush-anim-cl: are a potent combination. Sing on!
  18. Okay, I GUESS I'll share oxygen with you if you share Darren with me. However, I reserve the right to renegotiate in the future. What custody arrangement will you agree to? Also, to add to my list: Viggo Mortenson and Mika's lips
  19. First of all, Steph, GREAT job! Some of those lines just fit together so perfectly! Much better than I thought it could be. And Dee, I think that is the perfect place for that line. A+ and gold stars to both of you!
  20. This is fun! Ok, here is my long-but not complete-list: All of the songs of Savage Garden and Darren Hayes Can I claim the character Darren Hayes played in the Crush 1980's Me video? Daniel Jones Daniel Craig Mark Whalberg Denzel Washington Simon Baker Taye Diggs Gary Lightbody Trace Adkins David Collins (from the Umbilical Bros and Upside Down Show) Clive Owen Artem Chigvinsev Jason Statham Tony Jaa Humphrey Bogart Cary Grant Fictional Characters- Mick Tremore Jason Bourne (as played by Matt Damon) Colin Bridgerton All male voices with an English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh or Australian accent:mf_lustslow: (excluding any already claimed) crystal clear waters of the Caribbean:surfing: crystal clear waters of the Frio river the peaceful happiness that summer evenings spent catching lightning bugs brings mint mocha frappachinos Bellini (the drink) And I also claim oxygen, unless its already taken. (I hope not-I really need it as a bargaining chip!) I share my oxygen with all freely, except for claire. claire, if you want oxygen (and really, you have to have it to survive!) you must trade me Darren Hayes:mf_lustslow: . How about it?
  21. Floats are yummy! Try it with it with Big Red (the best), Dr. Pepper or root beer. That is not beer-it is a float with the ice cream foam on top!
  22. Before (and still) Mika, there was Savage Garden and Darren Hayes (Although Daniel Jones has an AWESOME smile!). I just really discovered them about a year ago. I fell hard for him. I don't know why. I am not into being into famous people, but for some reason, he just caught me and would not let go. Mika is having that same effect. I have also been into Snow Patrol recently, but nothing to the extent of the other two-yet!
  23. I don't get it. What exactly was Mika supposed to have stolen?
  24. I am in San Antonio, which is about 2 hrs or so south of Austin. SO VERY CLOSE!!!! (Sorry, but I have not finished grieving yet)
  25. Alas, my dream bubble has burst. Looks like SXSW is some kind of big thing where acts come to show their stuff for people in the industry. You have to buy a music badge for $600 dollars to see all the acts. If I had it, I'd still do it, but I don't, so I won't. So close and yet so far away.
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