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Big Girl

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Everything posted by Big Girl

  1. Going to have to go (no-really ) for a bit - be back later. Luv oo xxxx
  2. Ok, I found my way here from TTT... how about - It's those Grazy, Grazy, Grazy Mika-ites?
  3. How about - "It's those Grazy, Grazy Grazy Mika-ites"!
  4. We are not a very big country! but I guess London would be your best bet! It would be easy to get from London to Birmingham, and maybe someone could meet you? I would love to be able to offer, but unfortunately I am going to have to pick up people from Northampton en route.
  5. Wow, I can't wait to meet you all too! Only thing is I am going with non MFCers, I will convince them you are all nice people and they should be cool about it!
  6. Wow, I can't believe this place - everyone is so cool, making it happen for people to come to England to see Mika! It's hard to believe that everyone has only known each other for a few months too! *goes all gushy & sentimental*
  7. Kewl - I must admit though, i have absolutely no clue about the area at all! I have only ever been to the NEC before (to the Computer Trade Show - thrilling it was )
  8. We'll be able to spot you then Freddie - the nutter jumping off the stage! Please forgive me if I'm in the first few rows and dodge out the way of a flying Freddie! :roftl:
  9. Is everybody meeting up at Birmingham then?
  10. Exactly - all of those, then I'll try a double bluff and go well go and check the pc then and see if I've been on there - thinking "please don't, please don't" lol!!
  11. Yeah, I think I'll wear something nice - but maybe bright colours or something. My friend Charlotte who is coming with us is training to be a fashion designer at uni and she's really good - I might ask her to help out!
  12. I'll be sitting downstairs watching telly with hubby and I'll make an excuse to go upstairs (pc is in the bedroom) - I'll come down an hour later and hes like - "you've been on the Mika site again haven't you?!"
  13. OMG - I have noooo idea!! I am getting panicky about it now. Mr BG wants to dress up as Big Girl I am going to try and change his mind - if not you will definitely be able to pick us out of the crowd lol!
  14. OMG me too! I am always thinking - right I'll go and do something now, well in 5 mins, 10 mins, 15 mins....
  15. Yyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :roftl:
  16. I would like to, but I don't know if I can make it yet...
  17. If it wasn't for ebay I woulnd't be going to see Mika! Although the tickets were twice the price, but hey-ho, how can you put a price on Mika?!
  18. OMG some people will sell anything on ebay, even sadder - some people will buy anything off there too!
  19. I know, I can't get over how excited I am and it is nice to be able to talk about it on here cos everybody is fed up with me going on about it already. They keep saying "are we going to get this everyday for the next month?" and I was like "no....every other day!"
  20. Great video, I had a limited vinyl edition of The Joshua Tree, but an ex half-inched it off me when we split up What a winker!
  21. Please don't be worried Nicole, you should just be excited. I am sure everyone will understand you and it will be a great chance for you to practise your English and hear the accent and how things are pronounced! Besides you are going to Birmingham and nobody can understand what they say there anyway! Just jesting Brummies
  22. I love U2 too, but not everything they've done. Wasn't so keen on Achtung Baby and Pop era. Fave album and song - The Joshua Tree/Red Hill Mining Town.
  23. Oh, Rosie I would say you could have it, but I think there is already going to be a fight over it lol! There are still some on ebay though:wink2:
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