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Big Girl

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Everything posted by Big Girl

  1. Lol! I have a cupboard full of herbal & fruit teas which looked & sounded lovely until I got them home & tried them! I wouldn't put milk in them thoug, but I do put milk in Earl Grey.
  2. rofl at us brits going "urgh, tea that isn't hot & stewed with cow juice & sugar in it"
  3. Gonna go and get kiddliwinks ready for bed. Back soon xxx
  4. Lol! it comes in different flavours like peach & lemon etc.
  5. Not exactly - it doesn't have milk in it for a start!
  6. sounds brilliant! Weather was georgous here too.
  7. Yes please, ice tea sounds good! Been really busy at work today and it was such nice weather, loads of people were in the pub garden with their families eating their lunch. I wanted to be out there as well
  8. Hi everyone Just finished work yay!!
  9. I guess we've probably already spoken, but Hi anyway
  10. Big Girl


    Hi Cathy, welcome!
  11. I must have missed that bit!
  12. OMG wouldn't you just kill to live there?! It's beautiful Wildsong!
  13. I've just watched the majority of this and I can only think that producer or somebody had just bought LICM! They used three songs that I heard - Relax... (x2), Grace Kelly & Happy Ending! Mika rules - bring it on!!!
  14. It's great isn't it! I miss it there soo much In Peterborough you get all the emo kids sitting in the centre and they all look so bored and miserable, the people who sit on the steps of te forum always seem alright! But I get your point - there are a lot of better things to do in Norwich!
  15. D'oh! Just realised the pic didn't come up! lets try another one!...
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