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Big Girl

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Everything posted by Big Girl

  1. Just a snippet from the Dailly Mirror site... http://www.mirror.co.uk/showbiz/3am/tm_headline=mika-has-a-pop-at-cowell%26method=full%26objectid=18836728%26siteid=89520-name_page.html MIKA HAS A POP AT COWELL 31/03/2007 NOT content with knocking Simon Cowell's protege Leona Lewis off the top of the charts, Grace Kelly star Mika has had a dig at the music mogul himself. The 23-year-old tells Attitude mag, out next week: "I had a meeting with Simon a few years back. He said my songs weren't very good and I wasn't a songwriter. "Then I spotted a gold disc for the Teletubbies single to the left of him and thought, 'This is possibly not the man for me'." Ooh, you bitch! Go Mika!!
  2. Is the lady in the orange dress in one of the pics Mikas mum?
  3. These are some pictures of Norwich which is where I am from, and it is still one of my favourite places and I do plan to move back one day... http://www.norfolkcoast.co.uk/location_norfolk/gallery/vp_norwich001.htm
  4. This is "our" pub. Well, at the moment my parents-in-law own it and live there, but my hubby and me (as well as my sister-in-law and her hubby!) all work there and are taking it over soon. At the moment I live in a house in the village!
  5. We have only just found out for definite that he does read the boards - there are some very embarrasing threads floating around!!
  6. I know, I will say sorry - in my own time Quickly whips up some fairy cakes with extra butter cream icing and leaves them for Becks xx
  7. Hi and welcome - I think Mika has that effect on many people
  8. Just a fleeting visit today! I told Mr BG off yesterday for playing his game on the pc too much (probs cos I was anoyed I couldn't get on here!) and he kinda brought up how much time I spend in here! Oooops
  9. Mmmm Blueberry - my fave! I've got a cold coffee - too busy reading forum and forgot to drink it lol
  10. Morning Any of those muffins left Freddie or have you scoffed them all?
  11. This new hippy bar is going to be a very, ahem, chilled out place methinks I can smell the incense now...!
  12. Yeah, it's great here. Thanks Becksi
  13. Why thank you Can't wait, we'll raise the roof!
  14. Hi Steph *waves* Just picked myself up off the floor of the body hair thread
  15. Well, if you need any help I think we should have an official re-opening party!
  16. Are the fixture & fittings in yet?
  17. Big Girl

    3 videos

    How long ago did you put the request in Jen? I just put one in.... here's hoping!
  18. Big Girl

    3 videos

    Wow sia, thanks for posting, I had not seen these before Grace Kelly, yes I am sure that MMMM is Mika. The myspace addy is picamica. Oh how sweet....
  19. I would love to meet everybody, but the majority of you all live up north, while I am stuck down here in East Anglia Oh, woe is me
  20. Have a great time (how could you not?!!)
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