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Everything posted by mel_tinydancer

  1. haha cuteeee! i feel bad for whoever got cut out of that one.
  2. Found it here - http://theedge.bostonherald.com/musicNews/view.bg?articleid=193585 UK popster Mika hands out ear candy on new CD By Shilpa Ganatra Sunday, April 8, 2007 - Updated: 07:13 PM EST Blame it on Michael Jackson. We’ve become oh so negative about adults who haven’t quite realized they’ve grown up. But thank Johnny Depp for making childlike behaviour enjoyable again with his performance as Willy Wonka in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.†Now maybe Mika will do the same in the world of music with his new CD, “Life in Cartoon Motion.†It couldn’t be more aptly titled. Mika, a 23-year-old Beirut-born Londoner, adorns the album cover with bright colors and bold patterns drawn by his artist sister Yasmine. But that’s nothing compared to what’s inside: a rainbow of pop tunes, falsetto vocals and not an unhappy minor chord in earshot. It’s a formula that’s working in the UK. In a flurry of hype and radio airplay, and helped by Mika’s stunning looks and eccentric personality (The mad performances! His great style! The fact that the only thing he won’t confess is whether or not he’s gay!), lead single “Grace Kelly†became only the second track to reach No. 1 in the UK on the strength of downloads alone. The song continues to linger in the top 10; it’s still at No. 7 after more than two months. The track, which uses the iconic actress to illustrate a person’s need to be liked, is typical of the album. Mika’s influences - Queen, Scissor Sisters, Jellyfish and other grandiose pop music makers -couldn’t be more in your face if he scribbled the names of his favorite bands on the inside of your eyelids. Further into the CD, which was released in the United States last week, you’ll encounter: “Love Today,†camp disco at its best; “Happy Ending,†which calls on a full gospel choir; and “Big Girls (You Are Beautiful),†which has a melody that sticks like a limpet to your brain. Clearly, he gets under your skin. Maybe that’s to be expected from a man who cut his teeth writing jingles. Before releasing his solo material, he was hired by Orbit and British Airways (“I’ll never forget calling up British Airways to get a ticket, only to be placed in a line, listening to my own voice,†he told a reporter). Yet his catchy songwriting could also be his downfall. Critics - myself included - can argue that his sugar-sweet pop becomes sickly sweet after a few minutes: What first strikes you as a delicious burst of flavor quickly becomes overbearing. Or to put it another way: One song heard on the radio is great; an album’s worth of such sucrose is vomit-inducing. So whether Mika (whose last name is Penniman, though I’m quite sure he’s no relation to Little Richard) is a shiny, pop-tastic artist who will bore us quite soon, or whether he’s about to corner the novelty rock market remains to be seen. For the moment, only this much is certain: Elton John would just die for Mika’s oversized, rose-tinted sunglasses. Shilpa Ganatra writes from Dublin, Ireland.
  3. omggggg i know!! the only people in Michigan who know who Mika is are the people i told!!!! and i'm not even kidding i've never talked to someone who knew who he was. and only one of my friends has taken a liking for him even close to mine, the rest are like SHUT UP WITH YOUR MIKA OBSESSING MEL BEFORE I SLAP YOU!
  4. hah yeah if only i could sing.... i sound like a cat with it's tail slammed in a door. lol
  5. all of these pictures are simply Mikagasmic
  6. this makes me want to punch someone in the face, particularly the stupidface who wrote this. I've never heard of this magazine or whatever it is though, probably because it sucks.
  7. hah cool lots of comments! Glad you guys all liked it! Oh, and Happy Birthday lovelove_mika !!!
  8. I had ANOTHER Mika dream last night!! It was once again, a very strange one. He showed up at my front door as if to pick me up for a date, and i just acted as if he was just one of my friends, i answered the door and i'm like "one second let me get my shoes!" and then we got in his hot pink limo and we went to IHOP (international house of pancakes) for breakfast. I got stuffed french toast and he got strawberry pancakes. Random!!!!! do you guys have IHOP's in europe? it would be weird if you didn't cause it's supposedly the "International House of Pancakes" lol
  9. ahh i love it! he's so cuteeeee!
  10. "A very special Easter present just landed in our Inbox!" http://perezhilton.com/topics/mika/ *Cute Pic!!
  11. haha kind of coincidental you post this, because i was going to after i just woke up from a dream that Mika posted a comment on my myspace, and when i started reading it, he stepped out from my computer screen and was like "HELLO MELISSA!!!! i'm putting on a special concert tonight just for you and your friends right here in your backyard on the gazebo!" and then i passed out and he picked me up and put me on the couch and then i woke up. really weird. really, really weird.
  12. OOoOOo wait what is this Johnny?! I WANNA HEAR I WANNA HEAR!!! :] do you have the link for the video!?
  13. Cingular has Grace Kelly on the site! that's how i got mine. but i really really want lollipop or ring ring but i can't find itttttttt!!!!!!
  14. Amen to that! What an amazing woman indeed.
  15. front row... it's all about the music hun.. but i'd most like to be in the front row and pull me up to start singing Lollipop with him!!! haha in my dreams!
  16. it's pure torture going to school everyday and now being able to be completely surrounded by his music. you have no idea how many times i've gotten in trouble for sneakily listening to my iPod during class, or caught on the fan club in computer class, or my cell phone going off with my Grace Kelly ringtone, or just everyone getting mad at me for singing Lollipop NON STOP all day and being really annoying!!!!
  18. OOOOOO!!! love this!!! thanks for posting!
  19. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've never been able to find them in this large of a size!! THANK YOUUUU<3
  20. haha, that reminds me, My friend made me a button for my Birthday that says "MIKA FOR PRESIDENT" if anyone were to rule the world, it shall be him. the god of curly hair.
  21. haha i thought something bad happened too! i'm like oh noooo what's happening!?!? haha good night :]
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