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Everything posted by daisylou

  1. 1 day! then dancing and fun begins! Cya there!!! x x x
  2. Stop playing with the innocent minds or they all start to think you are a nice person and everyone will want to be your friend :roftl:



  3. I didn't realise you had gone to University to study business. How did you manage to get the time down to 2 years? Who knows what might happen in 2 years, you might get Francis Rodino everything by then...even duvet covers and underwear!.. like you can with High School Musical Just think we might all be putting him in our mouths .....ahem! by using a FR toothbrush of course what did you think I meant??? xx
  4. Not long to go now till the 23rd Mr R!!! Hope you are not crapping your pants too much.....your CD will sell (I have a feeling in my water) and looks like you are gonna get heaps of support from here too on the launch night ....even tho I can't be there I am sure ...the force will be with you !! :darthvader: and it will be fab! ...just remember to breathe Guys don't forget to write at the 24th FEB at THE BEDFORD in your diary too as Fran needs you there for support again! xx
  5. Of 'course I will hun! Rose you are ready yay!.....I can't believe it's here so fast...I haven't decided what to wear yet!!!!! Think it will be take a case full of clothes and decided on the night! ...is it still gonna be freezing cold in London next week does anyone know? I wasn't gonna bring my thermals but hey if I wear a short frock might need them! xxx
  6. 1 week to go!!!! Hope you have all shined your dancing shoes! xxx
  7. Promise I will change my MySpace profile song after the 19th....:wink2: Have to support the dancefloor diva...Miss Saranayde!!!


    Have put a huge pic of the CD cover up on there (after taking 2 1/2 hours faffing about on it... all writing should be pink as default :roftl:)

    ... so that should work a little bit....unless whoever looks is blind :roftl:

    Have fun on the 23rd! :band:

    Be thinking about you and the boys!


    x x x

  8. Going Sunday then home Tuesday....then to bed to recover...which is where I am now ...to get ready for it! My life is so crap! ...hey the good times are few but worth having!!! Would love to do Fran's launch too but need a chaperone inbetween and it is too much for me (I keep thinking I will be ok but not worth being ill over). Am going to the Feb gig instead...altho not the same as the launch xx
  9. That is me I shine my halo and practise my harp every night. So, who off here is going to Fran's Circles and Squares Cd Launch night on the 23rd? I can't go... as too close to Sara's for me. Some of you guys must be going tho?????....think Jennie is...anyonelse? xx
  10. I was wondering that too....and with it being sooooooo cold. No need to go early as she isn't on till 9pm and we have tickets so should get straight in ok. Is there more than You, me and Sariflor gonna be there from here Rose? Get your dancing shoes on Rosie! xx
  11. Sorry it's a bit late but Happy New Year!!!

    x x x

  12. aww thanks for your post about the Saranayde party. You are such a nice person and I will take my camera with extra batteries!!!! lololol

    x x x

  13. I know I hate living up here!!! I can go to Sara's but have to miss Fran's as too much for me to do both...grrrrr! I think Sara's will be a blast tho and open till 1am so lots of partying to be done! I will be dead for weeks after but hey it will be worth it I am sure! xx
  14. You never said you wanted to go!!!! Men!!!!!.... I have been talking about this for months! Sariflor is right it is at the Ginglik Club in Shepherd's Bush on the 19th....4 days before Fran's. If you wanna go tell me and see if I can get in contact with Maz. xx
  15. Oh i wish I was going...have seen him twice and he is brilliant...disgusting and filthy but astonishingly marvellous! I live miles away too sorry, hope someone can help you out. xx
  16. Need a ticket Fred and not sure if will be any left with only a couple of weeks left....did leave plenty of posts asking who wants to go tho so no one would get missed out. Happy New Year BTW!! xx
  17. Have you got yours then Rose?...Sariflor? anyonelse? xx
  18. But everyone knows you are not good you are Man flu is so bad tho girls......might even turn into real flu...and then that would be soooo bad. You need a teddy bear Fran! xx
  19. THE TICKETS ARE HERE!!!!!!! well being sent out as I got mine this morning :mail: anyonelse got theirs? xx
  20. It was for Suzanne ...as haven't seen her on here for ages. Hun is a word we say here up north for anyone nice....also I spell it Hunny as WTPooh spells it like that and it's cute! xx
  21. Hi Hunny! I don't know about the acoustic tour ...if it ever happens will go as far as Canada....altho if he doesn't give out dates soon he might aswell just do the world tour and promote the new CD!! Hmmm then again that might be a while of the new album isn't finished is it???? I need dates before....21st Jan (luckily my appt has been rescheduled from the 6th) so I can book my Spine surgery so purleeeeeese Meeks! I wanna see you before your whirlwind worldwide tour or you will have to come to hospital and serenade me xx
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