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Everything posted by daisylou

  1. OMG i have done nothing today am glued to here for news....just like the olde days...and I LOVE IT!!!!! xxx
  2. You weren't here at the time and as everyonelse ignored me and you were the one who said about them where can I find them? I think has to play new RAIN, and a couple of oldies to get the crowd buzzing then ....???? xxx
  3. Hey Girlies! are we all? Can any of you tell me what page the videos are on Freds twittered earlier said they were good...but my computer is so slow take me forever to look through everywhere. Oh how lucky are the lucky ones..... He looks divine all tanned and xxx
  4. Just got up feel dreadful, computer slower than a slow thing that is very slow...thought would just check on here see if any news yet but thought doubt it....FRONT PAGE!! OMFG! How gorgeous?????? I feel soooo much better, sure he can't cure my cough but sure can make me smile! Thanks guys for cheering a sick chick up sooooo much! xxx
  5. cancel that just need for info found the appropriate post? was back on the first page....bizarre! is someone playing with my head today??? xxx
  6. Oooo what's going on I get bits of threads and then the wrong order posts...Who said what to upset Perezzle? How dare they??? -when he is helping us out on here? Ok we know it was all a set up him telling us..the worst kept secret=Twitter! but hey it's NEW GIGS!!!! From what I understand...? someone is unhappy about having to get to LA for a gig? Hey honey I can't go either! ...and ?????? The whole world can not fit into one intimate venue!!! It could be in freaking Jamaica or Iceland or Australia...then what? come on we are all (or hopefully) are wishing it was closer to us, but it has to be somewhere first! I am soooooo envious that it is not gonna be in the UK but am sure the peeps who can go are more than happy and will do a good job with reports and tell Meeks that he is well loved from all over the globe. Hopefully MOST people will get a chance to see him soon...if not this year ..in years to come. It must be frustrating for those that have yet to do so but from where I am standing MIKA! is going nowhere so just keep your fingers crossed! xxx
  7. awww thank you!

    Happy Easter to you aswell!

    I am ok taking every day as it comes ...like we have to!

    Hope you are well.



    x x x

  8. This is not happening anymore. The "gig" taking it's place is "WRANGLER'S STORE 08/05/2009 17:00 at Wranglers Store - Carnaby Street 8 Carnaby Street, London, W1F 9PD Cost: Free as part of this year’s City Showcase, we’re playing a free gig in the Wrangler’s store! http://www.cityshowcase.co.uk/" ...taken from Fran's MySpace page. Just to keep you all informed and updated xxx
  9. Rocky and Rufio are in this months Tatler magazine...page 162. They were at an auction in London. Good to see the boys out and about xxx
  10. Well he can afford it IF he had to pay...it's not like he is stoney broke and is for charity afterall. He might even have been a guest at someonelse's expense. I wasn't there so I don't know. You ARE right!...in my opinion. IT IS all speculation and assumption on everyone's part .....unless MIKA! actually says it. Sorry Christine (I don't want to row about this but sometimes others should be able to saw things too) When people say they know things or how he is thinking....most probabaly don't. People on here THINK they know MIKA! so well but they don't. They (we) are just fans....not his friends (or if so are not saying so) we don't KNOW him well enough to think for him...end his sentences etc. I have the feeling, you can for your boss as you KNOW him ( i would hope) more than just speaking to him a few times and reading interviews, etc. Yeah his people say things for him but afterall they work with him day after day and KNOW him, not just assume things. Plus, we don't know if he said these things to them in the first place.... I just think it would be better, rather than people to say MIKA! did this that or the other, to say I assume that he would....etc. Then it clarifies what he HAS said and what is just somenone's opinion. Christine I am only mentioning your name as you responded to the quotes above not that you do assume and speculate all of the time. Hey That is MY line!!!! Especially when asked about MIKA! Gee whizzz! At Last!!! I said the same thing earlier.....my opinion EXACTLY!!!! xxx
  11. Rose please don't take such offence at my posts. I meant the one last night to everyone not to you in particular...and he probably does think we are cheeky buggers...I know he thinks I am from the giggle and nip (that ended as a huge bruise) I received at Paris.

    Fmbm reiterated what I said so wasn't just me...just have to think how we would feel reading some of the posts as M will. Some people (not any one in particular! lol) seem to go that little bit tooooo far. It is their opinion and they are entitled to it but can be seen as hurtful seen through older eyes.

    Hope that clears that up!

    Take Care


    x x x

  12. Poor guy I kinda feel so sorry for him...he goes out thinks he looks really good..the papps get him ...someone on here stalks the inet and finds the pics ...then we (yep me included here) pass judgement on him. I know it is OUR opinions but still if he came on here he would probably think we are all cheeky buggers! does he care what we think?....I doubt it ...but still must hurt just a little bit reading how many people hate his hair, jacket, his hand in his hair pose....etc. Oh well his fault for spending time reading on here instead of doing something more productive with his time. sorry forgot to shine my halo before the last bit! xxx
  13. That is exactly as I said...It is NOT a Dinner jacket...like he wore at the Oscars so the trousers IF they are the same ones...won't match. Bet that jacket looks good with white tshirt and jeans tho xxx
  14. Don't be daft his Mum doesn't iron clothes...they employ people to do that type of thing! lol I think he went down the King's Road this afternoon and treated himself...looks good on him....he is Mr Quirky afterall! xxx
  15. Different jacket Rose...it is not a Dinner Jacket as such but looks sooooo him! NOT silly at all ....I always feel the same way...all the way up here! lol AGREED!!! Meeks + stubble = xxx
  16. Sttttttand and deliver....Prince Charming...and Antmuuuussiiicc! lolol! Those were the days! xxx
  17. You are correct my dear as IT WAS ME!!!!!!!!!! I was suppose to get travel, accomodation tickets and ended up with....ZILCH! not even a message from MIKA! I received an email saying they were just pleased I had managed to be there and enjoyed it. They could have apologised and honoured the prize ..said I could go to Beirut in exchange or even waited till these gigs and asked me which one I want to attend. I know I am silly and soft and should have gone crazy about it all, as the way it was handled was despicable for such a huge company. If had been well I would have complained but I was too exhausted (with my illness) when I came back. All I can say is I am pleased I had already got tickets (and paid a fortune on ebay for them) as relying on winning a competition just is not worth it. Not everyone would have been able to go the day before the gig (I actually would have) as people have life commitments (I don't have a life lol) I must be the only fan who wants him NOT to give out the dates of the new gigs anytime soon!!! I had surgery 2 weeks ago and won't be able to attend any gig without a backstage pass, incase I get hurt in the pushing and shoving that will go on (if not from the Mikafanclub ) from other fans who attend. So I need to watch from the wings!...or not at all The thing that upsets me is MIKA! won't know anything about the whole Paris competition...if he did I am sure he would look onto it....not because it happened to me...he wouldn't want it to happen to anyone. xxx
  18. I'm ok thanks...gonna take a whole to recover after my surgery but I just have to be patient...something I am not good at lol.

    An old pic now ....need some new ones...I miss Him sooooo much but I couldn't go to any gigs at the moment so keeping my fingers xd they will be later rather than sooner for me =oP


  19. Woah! she looks sooooooo young to be her Mom!...obviously the family has good genes! xxx
  20. thanks for asking for friendship hun!

    Hope you are well =0P

    x x x

  21. She was on Jonathan Ross too....With her SISTER (?) not her Mum. Beverley....I always thought she was her Sister anyway. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gle1tNdnSs&NR=1 xxx
  22. I also love Tony with a passion he looked after me so well I thank him from the bottom of my heart. You guys have forgotten already????....RELAX was made with a sample of Cutting Crew's ...(I Just) Died In Your Arms....well that my dears was the group Tony was in!!! He just doesn't have a connection to Fran Rodino he has a massive one with MIKA! Such a small world we live in! xxx
  23. Ok have put my vids on YouTube of Fran's gig at The Bedford...without Blood and Any Day now as my camera battery died half way through ...grrr! They are crap compared to Bab's and Sari but hey they are there. Took all afternoon as I realised I had taken them the wrong way round so had to rotate them...nightmare! Anyway for those who missed out if you can get to a gig as he ROCKS!!! and can be funny too when he tries hard -kidding! Science ...just a biddy bit Walk With Me Wonderful From Here Don't Say Never Burn Drink Walk with Me
  24. Thanks Hun. I have come to the conclusion Fran was the last one probably this year as after I am fixed from this I have to get a metal cage and nuts and screws put in my spine so more recovery and not being able to get bumped about in crowds.

    Just pleased Fran's was as good as it was..he rocks!!!!

    x x x

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