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Everything posted by daisylou

  1. i want one of those tamagotchi Leashes so i can carry it around on my neck and be a proud parent Bexxy go to http://www.bandai.co.uk and you can buy the lanyards there. Only £3.00!! Mind MIKA`s Ichigotchi red one is a boys one (as he is a boy!) the girls are the pink and orange (oooo my fav 2 colours just like a certain jumper!) Other boys colours are;light blue,green,and black. You can get a case and lanyard too!! but go and have a looky lots of nice things xx
  2. DUH!!! Where have you all been ????? I got wrong for putting the vote for Erase and Your Sympathy up!! REMEMBER NOW!! Not allowed to put up links so if you go to his record producers website Jodi Marr you might get a nice surprise if she hasn't changed her site xx
  3. MIKA does very well for someone who doesn't like Champagne as he is rather inebriated when confessing! he is still funny drunk or not. Wonder if he played in the end as the schedule says its to be confirmed not sure what time he was in confession but he might have hit a few wrong notes if his set was afterwards. Looks a fantastic party wish had been there xx
  4. Andi If you have had a hug already does that mean you have to stand at the back and let us in first??? xx
  5. and has Man bits I thought this was about facts!! Come on whose seen his bits?? xx
  6. Haha.. At that time Mika will have invented his own Tamagotchi, getting rich selling those.. Enfa how old are you? are you psychic? I PMd Mika and told him the very same thing!! xx
  7. Please don't all shout at me at once but..... I don't like it when he puts turn ups on his t shirts. His arms look to long and gangly looks much better in a shirt open (down to the waist LOL!! only in my imagination!!) Do like the heart t shirt though not as much as MY jumper!!xx
  8. Nah you'll play LICM then be all happy again! Thinking of MIKA where he is, what hes doing with whom?? xx
  9. *hates things that's pooing and smells!* At least you can't really smell it not like our cat she's dirty!! ( I leave all that for my husband to clean up!!)and Yes a child at heart I am definately not my real age at all. i was told I looked in my twenties last week-I smiled all day!! Its thanks to Decleor skincare xx
  10. .But I have a really important work thing to do the day before Kath can you not do the work thing before the day before the gig (did that make sense??) like a week or so before?? then you could come too!! If its a meeting just skive it. It is for a good cause as wouldn't normally advise this but we are talking MIKA here!! Orrr you must still know someone in York (I love York so olde worlde) go and visit them on the Friday night and then get a flat tyre Thought you might as well stay the weekend now your there. Come with us on the Sunday and travel back Monday morn. Sorted! xx
  11. Mine came today and i had a baby girl who is called MILLY but she is v smelly and keeps pooing all the time. Been to Tama Town so much fun you get carried away so easily as made for kids really so games extra easy and get heaps of points!! What have I let myself in for??? xx
  12. Seen this before but def worth another look when he is wearing my favourite jumper!! xx
  13. I would have to ask him -where he got that pink and orange jumper as I go on about loving it so much! -When was the last time he cried? -What facial products he uses? -Is he allergic to anything? -If he could choose to be a certain height how tall would he like to be? Think thats it for now xx
  14. I wish my Tamagotchi would hurry up and come!! Here is a photo of it. Isn't it so cute!! xx
  15. I have to admit I used to have one years ago but it kept dying and I got really upset- I am a sad person but you really get attatched to the blooming things!! It was my husband who told me a few months ago that the turtles and tgotchies are coming back so me being me thought I would get one got my birthday but think you won't be able to get them in May as they will have sold out through MIKA fans all buying them!! Thats gonna have to be my reason for getting one not that MIKA has one of course!! I am too old to get one really but who cares!! YeY to Tamagotchies!!! xx
  16. Yeah I've got a new Tamagotchi coming!! I've not gone for the MIKA one tho I couldn't resist the pink one and the pink lanyard-the red one is suppose to be just for boys???- but the pink one has the cutest charm!! I went to the Bandai site and they are only £13.00!! Bargains!! Hope they all meet each other when we go to Leeds they won't stop beeping!! xx
  17. Thanks so much this interview is great and MIKA is just sooooooooooooooooo cute especially with his Tamagotchi!! and his motto-Why Not!! ahhh bless him! xx
  18. Oooo... and "take your skinny girls and multiply them by four" xx
  19. I should be but am not as feel deflated with this forum and MIKA as most of my threads get monitored and I get told off by Sunny for not doing anything that everyone else is doing!! For Gods Sake do not download or even put up links to anything to do with MIKA from now on or Sunny will be after you!! Really pleased you are happy! Don't forget 11.45 am tomorrow channel 4 video exclusive of MIKA then repeated at 2am which will be when we roll in from a wedding do tomorrow!! Lovo xx
  20. There has to be a "Kerching!" somewhere!! and "You have a dangerous obsession" xx
  21. Thank Goodness for that thought I was going on my own for a bit what number are you? LEEDS! LEEDS! LEEDS! xx
  22. I love ebay!! I got the Billy Brown cd from there and two rosettes. I can't get to go shopping when I want to so Ebay is good for that. As for the signature thing I wouldn't buy either but if I was at a loose end and had a few quid to spare I might!! but you never know if they are real anyway! Def wouldn't sell mine if I had one it would be in a frame in the front room!!
  23. wow it's much better than the UK site!! xx
  24. Thanks for that interesting read!! xx
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