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Everything posted by daisylou

  1. Have you seen the Grace Kelly vid at Fopp where he does what he's always dreading and hitting the note on the piano arrr bless he covers it up well- sort of xx
  2. I want the huge bear statue!! Did you see it? Its in the store/gallery page and if I was MIKA I would have that in my front room cos I love it!! and not use it as a wardrobe put special secret things in there. Just noticed that Walter Van Beirendonck is sold in MAC which is where MIKA wanted to go in SAN FRAN?!! Also sold in Selfridges if you live in London can have a peep to see what the clothes are really like!!-not sure if in all Selfridges xx
  3. It's an evening shirt that men wear under their Dinner suits DJ'S/Penguin suits?? You get what I mean?? but MIKA wears his open at the neck where normally you would wear a bow tie. There' s nothing better than a man in a Dinner suit all dressed properly .....MmmmmmmMIKA...... xx
  4. Think you should read a few of the early threads then you might get why we are why we are about MIKA my dear xx
  5. May May What's happening in May???? My Birthday and Oh Yeah MIKA is coming to town xx
  6. Mireille Your photo of MIKA looks like Jason Orange from Take That. Who is another hunk how coincedental xx
  7. I think I am the only really sad person on this site as I LOVE EUROVISION!! We all sit with a pad and pen and rate them!! Get heaps of junk food and alcohol and can never remember who was at the beginning when we were sober!! I always did it at home so I call it a tradition!! Terry Wogan is the best with his onel iners!! MIKA won't do Eurovision its prob just some tidbit a journo heard somewhere but then again if his career goes like Mr Hawkins then why not I say!! I will be there watching him even if nobody else is LOL!! xx
  8. Sorry guys I just can't spell!! But yeah he is the guy and his clothes aren`t as weird as he looks!! I thought MIKA got his clothes from somewhere like GAP as really they are nothing out of the ordinary just bright. In the interview above he also says he wants to go to MAC-Modern Appealing Clothing although MIKA calls it Modern Apparel?? in San Fran. I thought this shop was for hip hop fans obviously I am wrong or there is another side to MIKA we haven't seen yet. xx
  9. Wish I had gone down and read the posts before I tried 4 times to get past the Puff Daddy bit-DOH!! xx
  10. Would be great but going to a wedding so if anybody can save it for me please!! xx
  11. Would he go on tour with anybody when he wouldn't go with Take That?? xx
  12. I am a neither person as some days sleep right through the full 24hrs!! but thats my illness. Otherwise I don`t really like mornings and have insomnia so nights are usually the best time but then its only a few hours till morning Oh the vicious circle!! xx
  13. Just got new HEAT magazine and the time is.....11.40pm Channel 4 Friday 23rd March! xx
  14. Now now with your watch and listen!!- Cheeky Monkey!! The video clip was actually not for Jensen that I was talking about!! It was a clip of Mika performing alone on youtube. I saw the Jensen clip yesterday so thank you yes I am now fully aware of the passport situation xx
  15. Did you check out the members?? 1 says how much people care!! Ok then guys enough said on this matter!! Case closed xx
  16. Have you not seen these photos before Freddie? I posted them a while ago. Haven`t got time for a drink so might come in later xx
  17. There was a controversy about Ratatattag saying that their former management (who now manage MIKA) came to one of their gigs and stole the idea of using rosettes as a promotion gimick.You can read the full thing on the thread OMG. Mika changed his Secret Society logo by retracting the rossette so a few of us left disgruntled posts on their site. Their fans were disgusting threatening Mika fans etc. so have sent a reply to this and that is it we stood proud by MIKA and won the battle!! xx
  18. When Mika got to No.1 he was in NewYork and he got his cousin who is 8 years old to to the intro for Grace Kelly. He said that she was the girl who did the lollipop song??? and she sounded American so who knows. For those of you that missed these photos last time. Here is Yasmine ( MIKA calls her Yesmeen?) in pink and the artist and Paloma in white. Two of these were on flickr so hopefully not really invading their privacy too much and are afterall part of the whole MIKA madness by working with him. Hope these solve part of the mystery xx
  19. seriously, these mika fans are pretty intense and they're all in their late 30s, interesting, it's nice you're so protective though, you must be getting maternal, haha. I thought the adverse reaction to mika was quite amusing and most of it seems to be tongue in cheek. Yes mika had a no.1 album and single, but being in that position you have to expect to be ridiculed, it's healthy, it's called rebellion, don't take it so personally. This was never attack on his music anyway, i really couldn't give a crap about that. I don't really see why you're attacking our music, it's quite obvious that anyone who has a passion for mika's music isn't going to have any interest in the music we make, or probably even understand what the hell it is we're trying to do, it's a completely different thing entirely. I'm not a big fan of mika's camp jaunty cabaret (obviously from record sales i'm in the minority) but each to their own, i make the kind of music I love and do it well and have no desire to change that to sell a few more records and desperately attempt to scale the charts (before you start bitching about this comment i'm not saying mika is doing that, i know nothing about the guy and for all I know he is very passionate about his music it just not my 'bag'). And you're right rosetttes we're quite common promotional tools in the 70s, although silk scarves were more popular for bands (which is also a good idea) but the point was that the idea was taken from us, in the same year that we came up with the idea 30 years since anyone else did it (other than policians and gymkhana prizes) not from Gary Glitter. Anyway, all this squabling is all essentially pointless and was never supposed to be this long and drawn out, it's starting to get rather boring and I'd much rather read something amusing/interesting (and who knows maybe even something thought provoking) when I log into this page. Let's dispense with the "nerr nerr nerr nerrrrr", i'm guilty of that too I know, but I thought it was funny, mika's fans obviously don't agree I think it's healthy to be able to criticise the person dominating our charts, and i'm quite happy for our fans to call him a 'dickhead' or whatever, if people didn't criticise the things they didn't like in mainstream media nothing would ever change, just try not to take it so seriously, "it is all just pop music after all" (cheesy quote of the day) x Posted by Ratattagg On Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 8:40 PM Controversy over! He obviously realises he can't win were MIKA fans are concerned!! Good he replied though and so eloquently compared to his fans!! Let MIKA and his rosettes live!! LOL xx xx
  20. Don`t know why I typed french I meant Spanish-DUH! I must be getting tired!! xx
  21. Read the list again Mika is at the top!! It was Allegra who was missing but I read he had two brothers-journos just write anything but the truth!! xx
  22. Just got on my high horse and told them to grow up! The text key wouldn't work properly and have a red background instead of red font but hey shows up anyway. Basically told them their fans should spend more time in their English classes and learn more language then wouldn't have to be so vulgar!! And the fact of suing MIKA I think I know who can afford the better lawyer!! Enough for now but keep it up the nasty simpletons shouldn't be allowed to dis MIKA for no reason!! xx
  23. Don`t know what they have done with all of your posts as there is nothing good about Mika on the posts I have seen. I went to the part where they are giving tickets away and made the comment "having to give your tickets away because nobody buying them- MIKA doesn't have that problem with or without rosettes!!" Just hope they see it!! xx
  24. I remember i did wonder why had Mika's secret society's profile picture (it used to be the Mika-rosette) changed in myspace... So Mika actually HAS done something about it and doesn't use the rosette anymore! I thought exactly the same thing and now I know why!! Wonder if they are still available at this gigs?? Wouldn't have thought MIKA would have changed anything to suit that group of thugs. Maybey its the confrontation thing and being bullied over something so small?? Come on MIKA get a grip everyone will try and sue you for something if you let them. Time to make your stand!! xx
  25. Actually seen that before but still worth another read!! Why doesn`t he have his blinking big top now over here for every gig not just in the USA!! Ok he did Berkeley Square but thats it. We want all of the razmatazz and fun and why not when he lives in the UK. he could have chosen bigger venues if the ones he chose weren't big enough!! Maybey we will have to wait for the next tour or just live in London as that must be the only place to have any fun in the music world!! xx
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