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Everything posted by raha!

  1. hi ashley! yepp it's REALLY warm out here tonight...it's freaky! and the sun set really late, too.
  2. oi now that is something that doesn't happen often! think it's interesting how the CD actually is like that: so childlike yet mature, it's weird. my dad heard lollipop and asked me, "it's catchy and all, but..lollipops? isn't that a bit kiddish for your age?" and the irony of it all just made me laugh!
  3. that's what happens when you're on a mika high...
  4. wow i never knew that...thanks! your mum seems like such a sweetie, like you
  5. Satu is a lady but a kid at heart, with a love for all things tamagotchi.
  6. i'm printing this out. it's too cute; it is giving me the irressistible urge to doodle! and also write a poem, erm dunno why. b.if you are doing things to me......
  7. ah yes; i'd be happy with cherisse's bunny one, actually... ooh, forgot one thing:: i never knew a person could jump so high when dancing to my songs. (i swear, i felt like i was off my feet the entire show! if mika saw anything, it was a jumping thingamabob with a flashing cam. )
  8. jodi ice has a teensy weensy smidgeon of a guttermind in her (i'm sure the avatar has nothing to do with that ) and uses it in the FUNNIEST ways.
  9. aww this is ADORABLE, b.i.f! i was imagining the whole thing as you wrote. teehee!
  10. good idea. i mean, the title will keep attracting new readers....lol!
  11. most of the bad articles are all to do with opinion/taste. but mika's got such technical prowess; nobody can go against that! and i think that's simply amazing.
  12. hope he likes our letters! were urs typed out or handwritten?
  13. i'm just so happy about the scrapbook right now.
  14. aww man. so sorry to hear that, sivan. but it seems like that was the best way... with the way things were going and all. things are changing now! your life is changing. god, this whole month must have been one hell of a shakeup! *hugger*
  15. quite on topic actually...this is prolly the reason!! gosh i feel so happy right now. i bet you all do. especially SIVANO....holy frickin cheese!
  16. sivan, just read over everything in the other thread; god my mouth is open in awe right now. ack you ROCK!!!! and yoppappop- olivia- oh my!
  17. ai caramba... sivan, you DID ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!! and wow, what a story...you deserved EVERY moment of it. god you're such a sweet lady... see, i told you your move to LA would turn out amazingly. and he LIKED IT! i'm lost for words right now....ka-chinnnnggggggg-a! mika deserves it, you deserve it, jeez what a deserving world we have here.. thanks again, sivan, and congrats!
  18. you got that right, missy!
  19. erm, overhyper girl who jumped at me in toronto! do NOT look in the eye!! has instilled in me a strong phobia of girls in orange skirts. oi. steph, you never fail to amaze me with these threads...
  20. where there's a will, there's a way. welcome!
  21. poor thing, someone poured mustard in his hair no no no, imagine a black mohawk with piercings! i'm thinking of the guy who lives across the street now; quite funny really. and tight leather pants.and black heeled boots! and cheap cologne! ok this is borderline torture; will stop now.
  22. and ANOTHER thing...DONT tell me your father owns Rabba Fine Foods. No way. this is too much of a coincidence...mum shops there all the time!!!!!
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