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Everything posted by my_rainbow_radio

  1. Thanks for these! I bet it was awesome to be there with him. Damn security guards...lol
  2. Oh no, bad thoughts, bad thoughts...see what you've done to this poor 14-year-old? Gah, he's gonna freak out and lock himself inside his room and never come out after reading this!
  3. Oh. My. God. That one pic of Mika standing at the mike on your third page is STUNNING! Thanks so much for posting! They were mongo fab!
  4. Oh just remembered something else that I have to get off my chest... HIS HANDS. They are so......look at that pic of just his hands on the piano and you'll know what I mean. Okay, you can laugh at me now!
  5. I like Patrick Wolf's song "The Magical Position". The video is awesome! He reminds me of David Bowie and the lead singer of Thompson Twins whose name I can't remember. Gah!
  6. Wowza, I never thought in my entire life that I would buy braces...but I have two pairs now! I love them! Wore them down with some groovy jeans a few days ago and got strange looks at school, but who cares. It was awesome.
  7. It works now? Yay! I cried watching it, almost as much as when I watch These Are the Days of Our Lives.
  8. Yes, the gingerbread one is officially our downfall! I'm gonna pray every night that he hasn't read that one...
  9. Hey, bring him on, I wouldn't mind marrying him!
  10. Yeh, you guys make everything better!
  11. I have this book of the 1001 Greatest Songs in History by Toby Cresswell and Bohemian Rhapsody's in it! Here's the article that they wrote about the song in case you guys want to read it: Bohemian Rhapsody Queen were the little hard-rock band that could. They had seen some success with their first three albums but not much more was expected and the group seemed to lack direction. Then, when recording their fourth album, A Night at the Opera, singer Freddie Mercury turned up with a six-minute song in four parts that included a light operetta section. The whole thing was set in medieval Italy. Bohemian Rhapsody was one of the dumbest ideas in the colourful tradition of pop. So much so that it is a masterpiece in a class all its own. It has been reliably voted Britain's favourite ever single and has become one of the bets known pop songs in the 20th century. It was a majoy hit when first released and enjoyed a whole new lease of life courtesy of the film Wayne's World. Producer Roy Thomas Baker recored the song in six studios over three weeks. The various parts, once committed to tape separately, were stuck together with sticky tape. The most difficult section was the opera portion, with as many as 120 vocal parts bounced down to twenty-four tracks over the course of a week's continuous rerecordings by the quartet. Equally well known is Brian May's grandiose guitar solo, so beloved of air guitarists. "Freddie came in pretty well armed for that song," said Brian May. "He had these little pieces of company paper from his dad with the notes of the chords. As I remember, I don't think he had a guitar solo such as planned. I guess I steamed in and said, 'This is the point where you need your solo. And these are the chords I'd like to use.' Because it's like a piece of the verse, but with a slight foray into some different chords at the end to make a transition into the next piece that he had. I'd heard the so many times that, when it came time to play the solo, I knew what I wanted to play, in my head. And I wanted the melody of the solo to be something extra, not just an echo of the vocal melody. I wanted it to be an extra colour. So I just had this little tune in my head to play. It didn't take very long to do. The heavy part was really part of Freddie's plan. I didn't chnage what he had very much. Those riff things that everybody bangs their heads to are really more Freddie than me. "If I were to do it now, hoever, I would adjust the tuning. It's not quite right. Things like that botehr me a lot these days. Because, if you get overexcited, the guitars really go sharp. And that's what happened there. I'm giving away precious secrets. YOu can tell, because the piano sounds a little falt in the end. And that's because I was a little over the top in vibrating there. These days I would have probably harmonised to make it in tune. And that probably would have ruined it." Bohemian Rhapsody is a triumph of kitsch. Cliches are strung together in a rocco structure and piled on top of each other. If the Beatles' A Day in the Life were a meal, Bohemian Rhapsody would be an all-you-can-eat-buffet in a food court. Just as Mercury had piled odd tunings and keys together ovet the basic pop structure, the lyrics of the song are full of exotica - characters from Italian opera and theatre, Islamic phrases and names, and some archais English words combine an obtuse narrative. "We didn't speak to each other about lyrics," said May. "We were just to embarrassed to talk about the words. When we were recording Bohemian Rhapsody, it was a nerve-racking time. We were all very competitive and we knew there was a lot at stake." "A lot of my songs are fantasy," said Mercury in 1974, prior to the Opera sessions. "I can dream up all kinds of things. That's the kind of world I live in. It's very sort of flamboyant, and that's the kind of way I write." Clearly it paid off. British radio DJ Kenny Everett was so enamoured of the track that he played an advance of the disc fourteen times in one weekend. The song went to number one on release and transformed Queen from contenders to champions.
  12. My faves are always gonna be Somebody to Love, I Want to Break Free, Bohemian Rhapsody, We Are the Champions, Don't Stop Me Now, Fat Bottomed Girls, and Killer Queen. I go crazy every time I hear them! *turns on CD player and blares Queen CD*
  13. I know, it is very beautiful! The end of the vid when he says "I still love you" feels like he's saying it to us! I get shivers just watching it and I'm only 14! I never even got to see him in his peak and it breaks my heart, but he is still with us and always will be. My mum and I were blaring Don't Stop Me Now a while ago in the car and were rocking out and all the people driving by us gave us funny looks! That song always has that affect on me!
  14. Ugh the whole week has been blah. We've had these huge tests every day and we just had another today , not cool. And all of my friends are arguing all the time which sucks because they always want me to get in the middle of it! Gah! At least I have Mika . Thanks for asking, I feel better now.
  15. I can't stand the idea of eating beef. That's the one meat that I find most repulsive. Yuck.
  16. Hello, Kaiti! Rejoice, I'm a music geek too! Welcome to the site!
  17. Oh my god, I have to be there!! Gahh!! New York is closest to me, so I'm gonna beg my mummy to let me go so I can meet him for the first time! Cross your fingers for me!
  18. May I join? I need to chillax, had a pretty rubbish day.
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