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Everything posted by my_rainbow_radio

  1. Hahahahahahahahahaladidahahaha:roftl: watching more Monty Python right now They rock my argyle socks off! Aghhhh hahaha! Ooh, speaking of British humour, has anyone heard of the show called Keeping Up Appearances about Hyacinth Bucket? Me and my best friend are obsessed with that show.
  2. Monty Python's Spam Skit!!! Hahahahahahaha Monty Python rocks my argyle socks off http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ7YedEopp4
  3. Yes yes yes My Interpretation would be perfect. Wishing you luck! Make sure you post a vid!
  4. Hello, Mika! We love you! Can't wait to get your album here in the states, it's all I've been talking about lately!
  5. I believe it's Wembley, or at least it is on the cover, but I could be wrong!
  6. This is my favorite picture of him. My ending stance program (figure skating) is something like that. Skating to We Will Rock You this Saturday for a competition! I'm gonna try to get the vid on here but it may be awhile because, yes, I'm rubbish at techonology. Keep an eye out for it!
  7. Wow. Over My Shoulder was gorgeous. At 3:25 on that vid he looks like an angel.
  8. Hrmm...hahaha I like this thread:roftl: my_rainbow_radio- obsessive compulsive 14-year-old with a peculiar username who can't go through one post without saying how cute I am! Says wowza woo and fabbity fab fab a lot. Don't forget rubbish and kudos, she says that pretty often too. Never been to one of my gigs...maybe I'll take her to one someday.... Yup yup, that's me God, he is so cute... See, I told you I can't go without saying it!
  9. Fabbity fab fab, loved it! The falafel part made me smile like a loon and what you said about Mika fans is, yes, oh so true. Thanks for posting this, it was definitely groovy.
  10. Yes, I'm glad that he kept his originality. He could wear multicolored feather boas and bright pink leggings and still pull it off!
  11. Shelby (me)- crazy teenager that giggles too much :roftl:
  12. Oh god, that would be mighty mighty horrid. I don't think it would happen, though, but the press would have a field day with that one. I don't know much about Perez, so can anyone tell me why a lot of people don't like him? I know that he bashes celebrities, but can someone give me details or something? I'm slightly...clueless...
  13. Death threats? Are you kidding me? I don't want anything, and I mean anything bad to happen to him. I just hope that he doesn't feel obligated to tell just to end all the fuss, and that he does what he wants and not what others want. Why are people so desperate to know? And what do people get out of harrassing him over something that doesn't affect them at all? If he tell us, he tells us. People need to understand that and let him be! Period. Sorry if I sounded aggressive, but those articles really upset me!
  14. Gah! I've been voting and voting and nothing is happening! 19%? Rubbbbbiiiissshhhh!! *votes over and over until her computer breaks down*
  15. Wowza, I've never heard of that! Every time I hear Freddie sing I go weak and go into a trance...hrmm...is this normal?
  16. Sensible : 1. What is your favorite song to perform live? 2. Do you ever get tired of the same songs or do you like them all the time? 3. What was one of the best gigs you did? 4. What on earth is Stuck in the Middle really about???? 5. What is your definition of happiness? ? ? Hahaha naughty? 1. Erm, how would you react if I told you that you are hot hot hot? 2. What do you find hot in a person? 3. Marry me, pwease? I'll leave the rest to myself, hahahaha
  17. Ditto, I'm 14 too. But a girl can dream, right?
  18. That's my favorite Queen song of all time! I seem to always wake up with it in my head. It's practically one of my theme songs.
  19. That's something we've all thought of, don't worry!
  20. Yes, I can relate to this! Me and my best friend, also a Mika fan, were watching TV and the cell phone commercial with Love Today came on and we literally stopped everything and gaped at each other in shock, then I started gushing about how dreamy Mika is once the commercial was done! I guess that buzz is because you know that his music is becoming more popular and is being exposed to more people, which makes you peppy and out of control!
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