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Everything posted by my_rainbow_radio

  1. I first heard him on MTV one morning getting ready for school and I literally stopped what I was doing and gaped at the TV! My first thoughts were a) wow, that song is awesome, b) he sounds like Freddie!, and c) WOW HE'S GORGEOUS! Then I screamed downstairs for mum to turn on the tv and listen to the groovy song that was on.
  2. Aw thank you! I read it in some article about Mika and I thought it was one of the most genius things I'd ever heard! Embrace your inner freakiness, it's the best
  3. I was thinking about this and I'm getting more and more scared and angry that society has been reduced to this level of disgust. I'm absolutely astounded that someone would want to ever cause harm to someone so kind and down to earth just because of something like sexuality. Is that all people care about anymore? Are they beginning to look past the quality of music and the good things about a person and only see who they find attractive? It makes me sick to my stomach. Why can't people just give the guy a break and get on with their own lives instead of making others miserable?
  4. I don't think they sound that much alike, to be honest. Sure, they sing in falsetto, but so do other artists. Why are they suddenly attacking Mika? Hmmm. I'm just hoping it didn't actually happen and that it is just made up to get some stir from the readers, because Mika doesn't need more people accusing him of stealing again. He's an amazing person and he doesn't deserve all this drama!
  5. Oh I wish I was you! He looked so happy and adorable and dreamy and and ...gah I just love him! I hope he comes on here and says hello to everyone. I would faint!
  6. Wow, he had the idea to what Grace Kelly is about all wrong. And then the lyric slip at the end? Hmm. Not to mention "assume any position"? Whatever. I'm sure more people will listen to The Rolling Stone than this critic who doesn't even know what he's talking about!
  7. I heard about this earlier and I'm really scared now. I just wish people would let him be happy without having to worry about others getting in the way.
  8. 155 lbs?! We should all get together and go out and take him somewhere to eat eat eat so he can get some meat on those bones! But his lankiness is extremely hot...
  9. I think we all do every now and then!
  10. Haha, I'll admit it, I was and still am laughing! Very cute description, brightened up my day
  11. Yeh, I read through the bar posts and was enraged at what that person wrote about Freddie M. I was pretty steamed, being a huge Queen fan, but at least it's taken care of now. *sips coffee intellectually*
  12. Hello! Yay, I like Fall Out Boy too. Pete Wentz... Welcome to the site!
  13. Yes, we just want you to be happy, Mika! Ignore all the hype and live your life the way you want.
  14. I read this one in particular that got me so mad I was shaking! Sometimes it's not the review itself that is horrid, but the comments that people leave! Some people can be so heartless and cruel! But at least Mika has sincere fans that will stick by his side regardless of any negative attitudes given off by others.
  15. Congrats! Can't wait to get mine tomorrow! I'll probably cry or something embarrassing, I've been waiting so long for it!
  16. Yes, without them then his hair is probably just messy and unruly and everywhere...hot either way, though!
  17. Wowza, I didn't know it was also about Lady Di. This sounds stupid, but when did Brian write it?
  18. Thanks for this, Mel! I've been trying to learn the keys to this song too and I can't read actual notes so this definitely helps. Kudos!
  19. Wowza, love the wallpaper:thumb_yello: Is it just me and you on this one? Oh well, we can worship Brian May together then!
  20. Brian May is just amazing! He does support Mika a lot which gives him even more points, and plus I love everyone in Queen. Marv guitar player! Have you heard the song "No One But You" that he wrote about Freddie I believe? I just saw this video with that song in the background and it's beautiful. LOVE the pic too.
  21. I love his jacket in those pics. It's so awesome. And yes, very very powerful in that pic!
  22. Ooh, another Freddie fan!!! Whoo!!! Come visit this thread if you want: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1987 Welcome to MCF!
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