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Everything posted by ThatPinkSock

  1. I think the lack of ability to stop posting is from deep seeded mental obsession... with MIKA! <3 I took AP psych and this bahavior is atypical, disruptive of daily life, and disturbing to others. It's a mental disorder! But I wouldn't have my life any other way.
  2. I'm rootin for ya too! If you go you'll be as happy as Mika when he got this present from Borders! Sorry. I'm addicted to posting Mika pics. But yeah, I'm SURE Mika will pull through! Especially since itd be for his favorite fans<33
  3. Ya hear that, Mika? The people think we should be together <3 you + me + my camera =]
  4. oh my gosh! *waves* HI SIVAN AND MIKA!!! I wonder what Mika thinks of us.. staying up all hours of the night to rant about his location of body hair and ermm.. location of other things.
  5. Thats a pretty good bargain, Mika! And if you have any spare plane tickets from NY I'd be happy to take them off your hands *nudge nudge*
  6. Great minds think about Mika =] Ps: Is there anyone else on these forums cept us?
  7. My hand was glued to the camera so it wasn't my fault. I wasn't completely fixated on getting every angle of Mika.
  8. Well, he has to KNOW who we are for him to file a restraining order, right? Sooo OMG MIKA WOULD KNOW US!!! :mf_lustslow:
  9. It's EXTREMELY mature! In fact, I can't think of anything more adult! Mika and his MFCers are prolly the ones who understand that the most
  10. It was extremely painful! Tears were streaming the second he said it sooo he had to take it back =] Men can't handle emotions. I like that. ILoveMika!
  11. I wanna pair!! Maybe Mika will throw a party where his guests have to dress up like animals and stuff =] Not that he's obsessed with his childhood (according to him) so it'll be fun in the most mature way. =]
  12. My brother (WHO SUCKS! Stupid college kid...) anyways, he wanted to bother be about Mika so he says "You play his music too much. You made me hate him!" then he got one look at my face and took it back. The thought of making someone dislike Mika.. it burrnnnsss to think about.
  13. Shhhh!! Don't bring attention to that. And it all started with the need for Mimbo pics
  14. I still have my deflated heart balloon a clown gave out at the NY concert. And the lollipop Borders gave out! I DARE not eat it <3Gunna save it forever
  15. Love these! A little snippet of what went on last night =p And YES! That WAS suggestive.
  16. Mika balloons!?!?! Ooo.. thats low... Everyone knows a Mika fan can't resist a Mika balloon.
  17. I took that pic! <3 he's SOOOO cute!!!!! Mikagasmic pics!
  18. This is the official thread of playful, fun, Mikagasmic pics that fans have to offer! Ya know from concerts and such. So just go nuts!! Heres a MFC favorite: He's sucha cutie *swoon* Heres another from Nokia! Enjoy!
  19. Then evolution has been set right
  20. A little!? I remember when we both sent in to get the grace kelly ring tone and it came out amazing on my phone.. but yours had the weird video-game sound. HARR! Good Mika times <3
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