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Everything posted by ThatPinkSock

  1. Yeah but WE are the ones he should be listening to. Anyone who speaks ill of him is a complete loonie! A psycho! Completely demented!
  2. You're moving up to the BIG times!! Have an LA agent yet?
  3. Oh boy *fans self* Havent had one of those since I saw him live at Borders...
  4. Welcome to these fine forums <3 You'll be addicted soon enough.
  5. Gahhh *pouts* Thanks anyways. Martin'n'Mika are SOO adorable together. Adorable in a 'just friends' way!!
  6. Have they played Mika on z100 yet? Because at his NY CD signing, some guy with a camera came up to me and my friends and made us say "We love Mika and we love z100!" into a camera. =p
  7. Is there a video of this? Cause I'd DIE from over-swooning if there was
  8. You mean the cover he did from Dave Matthews Band? http://perezhilton.com/topics/mika/listen_to_this_hidden_treasure_egg_20070406.php
  9. SO easy to fall in love! I saw him in Borders and my friends and I, after meeting him, had to run back and see him before catching the train out of the city. Ahh I miss him.
  10. It's probably just simple lotion since his skin is PERFECTION and nothing needs to be fixed <333 That pic was too amazing.
  11. When I look at some of the pics posted in the last few pages of the body hair thread.
  12. Oh I love this! <3 Theres Mikagasm. Theres Mikangel and sometimes Mikangry! I get Mikangry when people say bad things about him.
  13. We have to add the word "Obsexed". It basically describes how everyone here feels for Mika.
  14. Now I start most stories off with "Oh my god, at the Mika concert..." or "My friends on the Mika forums..." =] =] =] <3Mikaa
  15. Ahhh Mika Puns <333 I have the Mika article from the NY times cut out.. but heres the online link to it. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/31/arts/music/31mika.html?_r=1&oref=slogin
  16. Jabs the one who shakes her butt in some random point in the video. Loves it!
  17. I hope he comes back to NY! It's hard for 16 yr olds to fly across the country themselves. NY showed him crazy love at Borders! 550 people! I mean, c'mon. 50 cent had like 300. MIKA PWNS HERE =]
  18. Oh, most deff! I LOVE reading these forums because of the friendly enviornment =] Reading some of those mean comments made me depressed, but these forums put a smile back on my face!
  19. HAHA! It's not our fault that people just can't get enough of us =]
  20. Its soo... gosh. I can't think of a word for it! It sucks that there are some nasty comments on that page. DON'T READ THEM! They're all just jealous of our Mika. <3Our wonderful amazing perfect delish MIKAAA!!
  21. Holy crap. Why is Mika so amazing at EVERYTHING his voice touches?! KJSDFHKDSJFH This song is perfection for him. I'm listenin' to it and I can't stop smiling!
  22. Welcome to these forums. Say goodbye to your social life cause we're addictive!!!
  23. My mika bubble has Mika slide shows and Mika music playing 24/7 <3 Best Bubble EVER!
  24. Mika most deff loves all of us. Sooo technically, we're all in some kind of relationship with him =] And I'm allowed to be as delusional as I want.
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