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Everything posted by ThatPinkSock

  1. Oh GOD I hope not. Obsessed people say some pretty wacky things. Then again, Mikas kinda crazy too. So whos to judge one psycho from the next? =]
  2. If I'm not mistaken.. Mika claimed to want to achieve that during an interview with aol! But he was just jokin' around. =] I like how I can refrence anything to a Mika interview <3333 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRqtKwj001c It's at exactly 4 mins and 10 sec!
  3. HARRRRR! Oh Mika you trickster, you! <3Martin love all da way
  4. I'm going to miss the Mika/Martin love fest!!!! Its pretty much what I live for.
  5. We will prolly end up ruling the world one day. Ya know, forcing everyone to listen to Mika songs <3
  6. Aww, you guys! *blush* Maybe in exchange for that he'll lend himself to me for a month <3
  7. I wish I was allowed candles in my room!!!! =[ haha
  8. Everyone should have a Mika Shrine!!
  9. Mines been grace kelly since they offered it on his site! But when my family calls its "tradition" from fiddler on the roof. <3I want to get Ring Ring cause it's corny for a cell phone to a point of perfection.
  10. I flipped out! I was all like "grrrr" but there was nothing I could do! It was already out there causing destruction. I get SOOO angry when people speak ill of my Mika when I'm there. My family does it sometimes to tease me but theres just some things that cannot be joked about. lol
  11. Pretty freakin adorable!!! My favorites are the ones where he can be a crazy as he wants <3
  12. And that she should be! Five kids, crazy history with them with moving around and such.. she's gotta be nothing short of amazing!
  13. That day was the BEST thing that ever happened to me in my entire LIFE! The thing was, the day before my friends and I had front row spots at his concert in the Gramercy (we show up REALLY early to things) so not being in the front row again at Borders wasn't an option. We skipped outta the end of the school day to see him again. hehehe. We had a train to catch to the city! <3ahhh he grabbed my handddd... Now I'm in like a swooning puddle on the floor.. lol
  14. Oh GOSH I know THAT feeling! On mtv a whiles back they advertised "Life in Cartoon Animation" I was all like "Wtf!" =[ I hope they've fixed it by now.
  15. LAWL! Thinking about that birthday suit/lollipop image makes my brain smile.
  16. I keep making fake arrangements in my head of what i'd do if he asked me to work with him while he goes on tour over the summer. I'd have to clear my college-looking-for plans. I'd have to resign from the camp I'm working at. So much to DO!
  17. Pssh. Lets keep up with my obsessions! Cedric is in the past. lol
  18. I totally understand what you mean! I posted this video is the maniacs thread but I'm sure it works here too. Erm, turn your volume down a little if ya know whats good for ya.
  19. Most AMAZING fan video I've EVER seen!!
  20. You get personally insulted and hostile if anyone speaks ill of him.
  21. I've never been more grazy in my life.
  22. Gosh yes!!!! <3 Do you need help from fellow MFCers? Cause I'd be SO on that!!!
  23. ooo! Dare! Dare! I have to see it!!
  24. Wow! you're quite the video-making pro! When are you starting your next project
  25. It was exactly one week ago today that I went to his CD signing at Borders. OH GOD I MISS HIM!!! *hysterics*
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