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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. By private, do you mean private ?? Well, Fabiola Gatti's not really a model, she's a singer so maybe that's not her. Whatever .
  2. Hmm..is that Fabiola Gatti? Or someone else? There's a girl in the Flash Delirium video who really looks like Fabiola Gatti, and I didn't know if Andrew was still dating her or not. I know Ben's girlfriend is in the video.
  3. Thanks! Andrew in purple trousers = love.
  4. Driving directions for Mika: Turn right at the Pyrenees, keep going, when you reach the green bit of Spain turn left and then keeping going till the language changes and you see the Cristo Rei AND SET OFF NOW!
  5. It'll be fine...I'm sure Mika has contingency plans. HE'LL BE THERE!
  6. Hey everyone I'm just dropping by to say I hope you all enjoy the gig, and have a great time..this is the ONE European gig I would LOVE to be able to go to, as I spent four of the happiest years of my life in Lisbon and I adore the place, it's kind of my spiritual home . I even used to live really close to Campo Pequeno. So I will be there in spirit with you all!! DIVIRTAM-SE!
  7. Enjoyed that, Mika was as funny and intelligent as ever. I'm just so mystified as to why he didn't sing HIS NEW FREAKIN SINGLE.
  8. I think Terry said Mika 'will be back', didn't he, so maybe he will close the show...hopefully with Kick-Ass.
  9. Me too, surely it would be a good idea It's his new single after all . WAG came out 7 months ago
  10. I love Mika with canned laughter!!! LOL I know it isn't canned, but you know what I mean
  11. This latin-tinged acoustic version of BIOTG is so much better than the album version, I still don't know why they techno-ed that up .
  12. Strange . Could they not have included a new version of Kids instead :mf_rosetinted:
  13. I just spent ages doing a multi-quote reply to various posts on here and it took a long time for me to get my thoughts/wording right and then MFC logs me out and I lost the lot...aagggghhh Why is it I can stay logged in unintentionally for days sometimes, yet get logged out every two minutes other days??? pfft. I can't be bothered to redo it .
  14. What certificate is COTT? Is it a family film (ie unlike Kick-Ass, Cert. 15)? If so then that's possibly why it is being 'pushed' in front of KA, as it's the school holiday period. Not that I know ANYTHING about the way the movie industry works. As for the way the Japanese do the single/album thing, that's the way it was over here too back in my youth ( :wheelchair:). It just seems to have turned around completely now, here. Albums are everything and singles are the poor relation.
  15. He will NEVER be allowed not to sing Grace Kelly.
  16. I'd welcome a few stalkers on there actually , it might liven things up, it's a big old place isn't it and not as friendly or interesting as our cuddly MFC .
  17. Digital Spy. Now don't you go stalking me there Caz
  18. On the same forum I mentioned in my last post there is a thread called 'Your Current Three Favourite Songs'. A very encouraging number of people have Kick-Ass in their top three. It obviously IS relevant, and people like it. This we already know..pity some radio stations don't . Maybe as the single release date gets closer it will appear on the R1 playlists, I have a feeling it will, well you have to be optimistic .
  19. They have improved massively over the last couple of years, from when I saw them live in June 08, judging from recent Youtube footage I've seen and from word of mouth. Andrew still hasn't got the strongest voice in the world IMO but even that has really improved, and he seems to be a little more confident too. They're all great musicians actually and the whole ensemble finally seem to have gelled together. Also, the new album seems to have been written with live performance in mind and thus sounds great! I can't wait to see them again in September. I don't think they really enjoy playing Kids live any more . It's going to end up being their 'Creep' (Radiohead) isn't it.
  20. I wouldn't worry too much about the wording of the email..it is word-for-word identical to the email somebody else got (who posted on another forum I frequent) when they questioned Radio One's playlist policy (not to do with Mika in that instance). It's obviously the standard email they send out to anyone who dares complain I agree with you about Gaga though, if it was HER singing Kick-Ass Radio 1 would be all over it like a rash already.
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