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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Glad you had a good time! Please do a full report, when you have time, I'd love to hear about it! From the videos I've seen of recent gigs it really seems as if they are a much tighter, better rehearsed band now, and Andrew's voice sounds stronger and more confident. I'm going to watch your videos now (merci).
  2. Pass Grandad (or Grandma??) their slippers, someone. Makes 40 sound so fuddy duddy I suddenly feel really young and with-it, and I'm 41!
  3. These videos are fantastic. Thanks for posting. The new songs sound really great live don't they?? I'm totally obsessed with Flash Delirium at the moment, I can't stop listening to it. Best song of 2010 so far, for me. I love Andrew's jacket on the videos I hope they come back to the UK this year..to Manchester preferably.
  4. I thought this was quite funny. I really must try and go to see them again this year : http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/music/news/a210583/mgmt-perform-hits-in-1980s-queen-style.html
  5. Procol Harum's most well-known hit : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbWULu5_nXI Although Whiter Shade Of Pale isn't a good example of the sound I was thinking of Bonus track...? I like bonus tracks.
  6. YES...it's been bugging me, but that's what it sounds like. Thanks *phew* I love all the influences on the album. This is my list of 'who' I hear on Congratulations: Bowie Zombies Beach Boys of Montreal Libertines Kinks Procol Harum Pixies Radiohead Pink Floyd Hawkwind Cocteau Twins (yes...) Belle and Sebastian Elvis Costello I could probably add more. But they take the influences and make it something uniquely MGMT.
  7. Well, if I'm totally honest, I wasn't sure about it at first listen. But I know that with some bands, you really have to be patient and give the songs time to grow on you and MGMT is one of those bands, so I knew that if I listened just a few times I would like it more and more...and I was right. For example Flash Delirium: I didn't like it at all the first few listens, but now I think it's BRILLIANT It's an album you really have to listen to as a whole, without skipping tracks. I really admire Ben and Andrew for having the courage to follow their instincts with this album, and reject the 'pop star' label they have been given. Those boys are smart . And great songwriters.
  8. Fanny you just read my mind, I swear, I was just about to bump this thread I really like the new album! It's very different to Oracular isn't it, but I like it. I had to listen about four times though before I started to really like it. Quite a lot of fans are saying it's rubbish .
  9. Thanks for posting those pics. For the very first time ever, I think, I looked at Mika and thought, there's a man heading towards his thirties. In a good way, I should say. He just looks older . But..what's with the pom poms?? It seems to be an unwritten rule with Mika these days that he looks quite stunning at these events yet there is always that one downright weird and quirky THING on him. If it's not crotch flaps it's crinkly jackets or multicoloured pompoms. I'm not criticising as such, because I love his quirkiness..I'm just commenting . Ah but would I have him any other way??
  10. True His eyes are so amazing in RL and as you say, a clever video editor could make much more of them, and I hope in future this happens. I'm just loving the geek factor atm though
  11. I've just got a geek fetish, full stop, never mind the glasses .
  12. Yes I think most men are improved by the addition of geeky specs. Strange but true! I wonder why that is? Edit. Most attractive men, I should say. I'm not sure I'd like to see Chris Moyles in a pair, for example.
  13. I do! I always tend to focus on his lips a lot.. one of his nicest features.
  14. Yes I agree. Love that song! It's funny because Mika has always reminded me a bit of Jarvis Cocker, not looks-wise obviously but in some other ways.
  15. Ooooh! Mika in specs is :mf_lustslow: On first listen the song sounds very catchy and I'm glad it has the trademark Mika vocal sound on it. Thanks for posting.
  16. thanks hun!! :))

  17. I think I have finally come to terms with the relative lack of chart success of TBWKTM and the singles. I found bearing the following things in mind helped me on my rocky road to enlightenment: a) "The charts" are an outdated and obsolete load of old rubbish now. b) Singles are a bit of a waste of time..especially physical ones c) The British record-buying public has, in general, no musical taste , and d) Mika is just too good and too talented for most mere mortals to understand. Well it works for me!
  18. Yes, but be prepared for psychedelic weirdness (I loved it but never understood what the heck was going on!!).
  19. This will be interesting. I'm not sure what else to say at the moment. Who said it was like a parallel universe..was it Christine? I agree .
  20. You always were partial to a drummer weren't you
  21. I see I'm not the only one who was paying particular attention to the drums then . I'm so shallow....LOL
  22. Hi, yes, I live in Wigan but it's quite a big place LOL! I don't know any Jennys or even any Portuguese here (unfortunately) but if I meet her in the supermarket I will say hi from Wonka..lol!! xx

  23. Vicky, those pics are great! I especially love the last one. Thanks to everyone else who has posted pics and video. I only had my rubbishy phone camera with me so I have hardly anything worth posting, though I will double check and see if there's anything half decent once I've put them on my laptop. But don't anyone hold their breath
  24. Brilliant report!! I loved reading it, sounds like you had a great first Mika experience..the first time is unbeatable .
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