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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. The vowel in "live" is a short one (like the i in "with") and in "leave" it's longer (like the ee in "sheep") Sometimes, in songs, singers slightly elongate the vowel in "live" so I understand the confusion. However, when they do that, it tends to be a sound more like "eee-uh" rather than the definite long "eeeee" in "leave". Does that help?
  2. I don't know why that one tickles me in particular, but it does.
  3. Thanks for all the reports etc. I enjoyed listening to the gig on the Portuguese radio. It almost felt like I was there, except that I was dry, and had full access to a toilet I'm amused by the universal disdain of Tindersticks . I used to like them back in the 90s. Perhaps they weren't the best thing to be standing listening to in that awful weather though, I admit .
  4. I agree with you. It's something that always bugs me a bit too. Mika singing in French sounds fine to my ear (as someone who speaks French but is English mother tongue), but not 100% flowing, as you say. It concerns me a bit too. I don't know how much is just subconscious, and how much is carefully calculated recycling of tunes. Either way, he needs to be a little bit careful, as does any musician.
  5. I was thinking exactly the same thing. I still think Overrated is his best ballad to date - but like you, I fear what would become of it out there in the big bad world of full-on studio production . The tune is indeed very pretty. Nice video, thanks for (re)posting.
  6. I don't think there's anything wrong with the tune in this song, in fact it's very good. I especially like the verse, in particular the first part. I just have a problem with the lyrics and the duet thing. It turns what could be a very effective ballad into something too contrived. And as I've said before, I'm not a great fan of Ida's vocals. They certainly don't gel with Mika's in the way Imogen Heap's do. I wonder if there's any way Mika could rejig the lyrics (or even completely rewrite them ) and sing it as a solo, preferably done minimalistically without too much sweeping 'Disney' orchestration. It might work much better. Sorry if I am repeating anything others have said but I haven't read through the thread properly.
  7. It's definitely possible to enjoy a song without understanding the language. A good singer can transmit meaning (if only a general emotion and feel) which transcends the language barrier. One of my favourite bands sing mostly in Latvian, their native tongue, and I only know a very very small amount of that language yet I much prefer to hear their songs in Latvian than the English versions they do. We live in hope .
  8. Yes! That's what it reminds me of too, thanks for reminding me
  9. I think it does have a strong tune, it's just not an immediately obvious one, as there is no standard chorus to hook the listener. It seems to be a song that takes a few listens to get into your brain. We tend to know Mika as the writer of very instantly catchy songs and hooks but maybe he is learning to write songs that are growers. Often such songs are more rewarding in the long term. This is just one song out of many new ones we'll hear by next year though, and I'm sure there'll be plenty of instantly hooky songs in the new repertoire too, it's his trademark after all along with his Freddy Mercury Bee Gees Leo Sayer vocals and curly mop (oh wait...)
  10. I have to say, it has grown on me. It's quite a mature tune, and the song structure is a departure for him, so at least you could say he is trying something a little bit different. There is no obvious chorus but for me that's not a bad thing. Choruses are overrated . It does sound a bit derivative of other songs - bits of vaguely familiar melody here and there - but we should be used to that by now with Mika. We know he is a magpie when it comes to his melodies.
  11. Force yourself. It's not that bad. Look, not even a smiley after that comment. (Just don't listen to the words in that weather song )
  12. I enjoy the sound of Mika singing in French and in a way I don't even question it any more, as it feels as if he's been courting France as a market for a while now. He's popular there and as such he is wise to pander a little to that market. Fair enough. As I speak and understand French (albeit poorly these days) it isn't a strain on my ears, but I understand it might be for those who don't know the language. If he was singing in German, for example, I would probably complain a bit . If the French songs are indeed going to be bonus tracks, and we must believe Mika on that (yes we MUST ) then I can't see they will feature much if at all on a UK tour. We can expect 12 new songs in English eventually and as that IS his main language - he is not even partly French after all - then that's how it should be But as he is marketed as an international artist, he needs other strings to his bow and good luck to him.
  13. I find you can say whatever you like as long as you put 'in my opinion' after it Well almost!
  14. Love your honesty- as always. It's what this forum needs more of, in my opinion!
  15. I get your point there but I would personally say that I hope it doesn't end up like I See You on record. For my money that's the most vastly overproduced thing Mika's ever done, to the point where I can't really listen to it. I hope this news song will be more subtly handled.
  16. Yes, it's extreme cliche and rather cheesy. Always a shame when lyrics let down a nice tune.
  17. Viva La Vida - that's it, I couldn't think what it reminded me of. And the Rain remix, of course. What do you mean about Coldplay sueing....did they? Must have missed that .
  18. I think there is a pretty tune in there, but the lyrics and title, and Ida's voice in this version, do it no favours, to be honest. I think it's wise to reserve judgment a bit on this one and see how it turns out in future. I remember disliking Rain quite a lot when it was first played live, yet I came to really like the album version and later live version (on the Imaginarium tour)
  19. Queueing fiascos aside, it seems to have been a great gig, I'm glad people have enjoyed it! Thanks for posting reviews and pics and videos The new songs: On a quick first listen I quite like them both and I'm look forward to hearing the recorded versions and more live versions. 'Blame It On the Girls' - oops I mean 'Weather' - well it sounds like it needs more work with the duet thing, and I agree with what some others have said, that I don't think Ida's voice blends well with Mika's at all. (I'm sure Ida is a sweetheart but not a fan of her singing or stage presence I'm afraid). Also, rubbish title, no two ways about that. But, pretty tune especially in the verse. I always think Mika's verse melodies are better than his choruses! 'Karen' also sounds promising, kind of an upbeat dance ballad, which is the thing Mika does best in my opinion. The costumes and set looked fantastic if a little bit over the top, but it was a special gig in a chateau location so it seems to have been fitting. Wouldn't want to see it on the main tour though. Thanks again for all the gig feedback and links everyone .
  20. Hmm...there are certainly other female (when it suits) people who tell Mika what to do, that's for sure.
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