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Everything posted by sunshine931

  1. My memories from my NYC experience : Waiting for the bus in the early morning, after being up all night stranded in Montréal because of a snowstorm Eating lunch on the bus... that salad was actually disgusting and made me feel nauseous for the rest of the bus ride... and little did I know I would not have the chance to eat again until after the gig ! Putting makeup on a moving bus... think I did an ok job ! We FINALLY made it to NYC !! MFC peeps queuing Finally meeting Debs !
  2. This is such great news, of course I had to share !!! They're doing a gig at the Club Soda (where Mika performed 1st time he came to Montréal ), I can't wait !!! It's been too long since I last saw them !
  3. yeah when slowly falling in big fluffy snowflakes, it is very beautiful indeed !
  4. yeah I could actually escape from the snow ! if you want a 100% chance of seeing snow, come here in Montréal, we have snow from november to april... which is WAY too long if you ask me
  6. I'm going to her gig in Montréal on feb 26th.... CAN'T WAIT !!!! Saw her live in Boston in June 2007 when she opened for Mika and she's simply amazing !
  7. Sara your pics are beautiful !!! and your dogs are so cute !
  8. Thanks Guylaine ! Well come on down to Montréal !!! We have PLEEEEEEEEENTY of it here ! well it's an unusual thing for london to have snow... so if you wanna see snow perhaps you should move somewhere else hehe... but then again, london is mikaland.... hold on, I'm moving with you ! here
  9. I thought the weather was pretty warm when I got there ! Lord I wish I could wear the exact same outfit I was wearing that night... but that's kind of impossible lol !
  10. Mom4Mika !!! Once again I want to thank you for helping us, poor little Montréal girls who got stranded the entire night !!!
  11. yeah I think it is... shouldn't it be in General Chin Wagging ? Maybe a mod can move it...
  12. Totally agree !!! I really really hope she's gonna be part of the next tour !!! and A.Clay, those pics are beautiful, thanks for sharing !
  13. omg INDEED !!!!! I remember it all like it was yesterday though !!! Best WEEK of my life EVEEEER !!! Did anybody invent a time machine yet ?
  14. I know Thanks ! Feel free to leave comments on them ! Oh Sara.... how I miss this day... this entire week !!! It was the best week of my life, really !!! My reports are all posted on my blog (in one part, not in 1000 parts like in the gig threads lol, and complete with pics) if you ever feel nostalgic
  15. Reading this thread and seeing all the excitment and all the beautiful pics makes me realise how we take our snow for granted here in Québec (province of Canada where I live) lol !!! We have A LOT of snow during winter and snowstorms where we get 20 cm of snow in a few hours is a very common thing. We don't get excited by it anymore. It's so usual for us that we don't get all excited taking pics of it, making snowmen, throwing snowballs, making snow angels. The kids do it but us adults just complain about the amount of snow lol. Here's what my street looked like after one of the biggest snowstorm we had last winter: Yes, those are parked cars hehe[/color][/font]
  16. ONE YEAR TODAY !!!! nostalgiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!
  17. Oh ! think you can send me this pic by email, it's much clearer than the one I got of the two of us.
  18. oh shut up you don't have a double-chin !!! me too I regret not taking more pics... and I should've filmed backstage !! now I'm gonna have to do it again to get more pics and some footage... especially since it seems Andy won't share his footage with us
  19. With the M With Lukie (awww miss him) He remembered my name this time And finally... Pulling an all nighter reporting in this very thread before leaving for Toronto !
  20. Lollipop Girl !!!! Big Girls about to go onstage With my fellow Lollie, Marie-Hélène, right after the show... I think the look on our faces says it all ! With our favorite Big Girl, Cathy, who spent the gig behind the stage with us jumping and dancing With Nadja, the one who "recruited" us, took care of us and stage manager... SUCH a sweet girl, miss her !
  21. Memories from the Montréal gig... Becky and Danie ready for a few hours of queing in the cold ! Carolina looks pretty stoked Marilyne, me... and my subway Going inside the billeterie to warm up and.... hark ! what do we hear ? mika soundchecking !! weeeeee ! Bet you're totally jealous of our fancy dressing room...
  22. If you want to see more pics and read my complete reports, you can check out my myspace
  23. :crybaby: I'm happy and sad at the same time.... WAAAAAAAAAAA I wanna do it all over again !!!
  24. And... last but not least... Is it a wallet or a purse ????? http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=32512153
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