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Everything posted by sunshine931

  1. yeah let's wait and see... oh well, I guess I'll read about it tomorrow maybe... to bed I shall go now...
  2. That IS rude indeed... and crowding him as well... room to breath peeps, room to breath
  3. me too if he really was in a foul mood, I would be very disappointed to hear it was fan related... some people just have no respect... Oh well, we'll wait to hear more from the people who were there...
  4. Thanks for reporting, glad you had a great time!! Brian May offered you a drink!!! o m f g
  5. Soooooo happy she FINALLY got to meet him!!! Hahaha this is so great!! Thanks for reporting! OMG Blue I hope it's true!! lllooolll!! o m f g... Brian May... ALL HAIL hope so too... :s
  6. Great pics, thx for sharing ! And thae makes me very happy... hope I can see a vid of that Me me me !!! I know Bouli !! I even remember th song (lyrics in french though) *bursts into song* Un chapeau gris Une écharpe rouge Voilà Bouli avec son p'ti nez rouge Un chapeau gris Une écharpe rouge Bonhomme de neige emporte moi dans tes rêves! BOULI BOULI !!!!
  7. Thanks Cotton for the report and pics!!! Glad you had such a great time!!! The venue looks stunning indeed!!! Was this your first Mika gig? Can't wait for NYC!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!
  8. Guess who's back Back again Martin's back Tell a friend
  9. You guys are the shiz, actually... Thank you so much for the hard work, time and dedication! Without you guys MFC wouldn't be where it is right now!
  10. You're coming?!! YAAAAYYY!! Looking forward to seeing you again!!! lllolll!!! Aaawwww no !!! When I found out it was in NYC I was really hoping you would come!!! And I wanna meet Guylaine too... can you believe we're less than an hour away and have never met! My new landlords mentionned the Pod Hotel in a conversation recently... they said their son stayed there and it is really nice and inexpensive. lolollll!!! come on Sara, you know you wanna come hehehe !!! yeah ! lol... just kidding, I know how complicated it is... Be prepared to be addicted for life !!! Oh and welcome to the forum !
  11. Well actually I'm trying to be careful with my expenses these days and I have been to NYC a week ago already... But screw it, I can't miss this!!!
  12. I AM THERE Suzy, Christine !!!! Looking forward to seeing you girls again !!!!
  13. So many opinions... I kinda agree with everyone, in a sense that you are all making good points. As for LGG being a true artist and a good performer... pretty much everybody agrees on that... except maybe people here in Québec. Gaga performed here on a TV show a couple of weeks ago and she did an interview as well. It was all rubbish. She was off tune, her voice was bad and almost unrecognisable from how it sounds on the album... and as for the interview, she didn't make sense at all, she harldy answered the questions that were asked to her, she covered her face and her eyes the whole time... to a point where people questioned if it was really her. She seemed to be either very drunk or very high... Didn't make a good impression on the people here...
  14. Can't stay here long, have to go to bed.... but just had to say... WOOOOOOOOOWWW !!! This is beyond cool !!! So excited for my fellow MFCers in LA right now !!!
  15. wowowowoowowwwww !!!! That's so exciting, lucky MFCers in LA !!!!!! Enjoy it, have fun, and we want DETAILED reports and LOTSA pics so we can live it vicariously through you !!!
  16. tbh I didn't like Perez at all before... but lately I've been warming up to him... and now I completly wuv him... thanks for your honesty perez and telling it like it is... you effin' rock
  17. I really wonder what he means witht the ice cream... The only thing I can think of is ice cream party ! lol !
  18. I still think the golden donkey is all randomness... But here's a new title : All hail Albert
  19. Yep the Canadian version is the same as the US version (I got both), except the CD itself doesn't look the same... it's like "non-colored" (u know like just the shine of the CD) where it's white on the Canadian version... don't know if I make sense lol... But yeah Erase is a regular track on it and I'm with Guylaine and Debs, don't care much for it. I just don't think it fits in with the rest of the album and it just doesn't seem like it's "him" to me... Now please don't kill me
  20. love your siggy by the way Mika has the coolest twitter background, that's offish Another one : Twitter me all you like, I'm not releasing it
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