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Status Updates posted by Lolliepop_girl

  1. LOL I think she'd be unconcious before you could manage that - My mother drinks so much that she's sane when drunk or otherwise face down on the floor :roftl:

    Mind you, she did sing that one time at the local RSA's karioke night. I wasn't too pleased for that becaise THAT'S WHERE IS SAND! She has the tendancy to do the same things I do and wear the same kind of clothes...


    My passports valid at least.


    I just twittered a radio personality (@markjamesdye and you should see the other tweet where I had a picture of a woman with huge breasts standing next to him and they weight like, over 11lbs or something and they're both bigger than his head!


    I don't even have a smily to show how I feel about that one... :roftl:

  2. Mother says it's not looking good. She's taken it off my hands now :bow:

  3. Aaw :(

    It's in the Caption thread and on the last page. Mika looks uncomfortable and I was being super cheesy :roftl:


    Damn Flight Center. I've moved on now to Jetstar and House of Travel.


    My passport expires NEXT YEAR! HORAY!

  4. OMG I am super proud that a couple of these are actually not mediocre!



    Neither replied.

    Just had a very frustrating morning of disappointment and wanting to strangle a woman through the phone...

  5. We should ask Carla to make us a Mika picture with gold tentacles!


    You'rwe right, Mika would be the smexiest mutant man alive or otherwise :roftl:

  6. LOL I just saw your siggy and wasn't paying attention and was wondering what the thing on the left is because I thought it was his legs for a second then I looked for a while and saw that it looked a little like he had tentacle...

    but I like the picture, it's very cool :wink2:

  7. It looks damn good - It STILL does at even nearly 7:ooam as I sit here refreshing my outlook until I get a reply from Flight center (or twitter to try get M to reply to me :bleh:)

  8. I'm off to bed now so will see in a couple hours if I can get to where yous guyses are or not.


    I hope I can because no christmas present will evern live to shadow that kind of disappointment!...

  9. LOL, oh right!

    Just checking :das:

    If it's this one then yes please, I would like a peace :wink2:


    Ya wanna read my new song?


    I like HLing because it makes me look like I've got a clue as to what I'm doing :roftl:

  10. That depends... Is it like the one you made for my birthday?

    Cos if it is... :roftl:

  11. Yeah but money's the problem ATM unfortunately...

    Wish me luck...

  12. Thanks :flowers2:

    I guess you might know I was hoping to go to the Aussieland show anyhow :wink2:

  13. Yo!

    How ya doing? (tell me, I'm actually interested unlike those who ask it just because it's polite :wink2:)

    Hey, you're Mika-smart, do you think he might come to New Zealand?

    He did say he wanted to come...

  14. There maybe hope yet but I'm not holding my breath this time.

    I just posted about it on the calander bit (@ Enmore theater etc) and TKT as well.


    Did you get lots of presents??? :flowers2:

  15. Happy birthday miss youthful! :huglove::yay:

  16. Just sent aunt a text: "Wot u and "Da DOCTA" doing around 24th Novemba?"

    She said "Y?"

    I explained the situation and just now (as I was writing) got a reply.

    She said I will have to be accompanied (CRAP!) and "We haven't heard of the concert dates of venue yet" and that she'll talk to me sunday.

    No! Not good! Not good! :tears:

  17. I'm taking a huge risk if I'm going to do this.

    I've just realised that exams are around the same time so I'll probably have to fake a family death to get my mock exams to count as the final mark.


    You can get compassionate consideration if there is a death or illness that pervents you from doing end of year exams but I've just finished my mocks.

    If I get compassionate consideration then they'll just use the marks I've already obtained but they will not accept family holidays or anything like that.

    They actually tell you to NOT GO which I find a bit rude.


    Anyway if it doesn't go well then there could be a bit more on the line than just the ticket... :s

  18. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3200575519444354494#

    "She" was the prime minister before the one we have currently.


    IT is in fact a she but I still like to poke fun :D

    Actually, there were rumours that her husband was gay as well :teehee:

  19. Sorry, I forgot the whole point of that post was that I can do SO MANY good accents but Kiwi is NOT one that I do :D

    Actually my Helon Clarke's pretty hilarious but that's assuming you know she's really a man :roftl:

  20. I do Scottish, various Brittish, South African and Asian, I speak French in a very convincing French accent (was told by the subway girl that nobody'd tell if I went to France and spoke French that I wasn't actually French) and when I knew Arabic, I spoke that really well too :wink2:

    But try getting me to recite the 9x tables and you're in for a looooong night :roftl:

  21. I'll give the manager a call and see if I can do some work for her.


    She'll think I'm bonkers :roftl:

    Actually I don't have much of a Kiwi accent - I sound hoity-toity for my crisp anunciation :wink2:

  22. Sivvers that's quite a bit of money :s


    Ok, I'll see what I can do...

  23. I might be able to do the ticket...

    I currently have $55 but I get $10 per hour at my job, as I said, so a couple of hours on top... Maybe I can pay GD and Rags back if I can't do it all myself?


    Come on Aunty! Tell me yes or no! :bow: (that is the closest thing I could think of to greasking/pleading)

  24. How much is that in Kiwi do you know?


    And what do I do with it if I can't go, do you know?

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