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Status Updates posted by Lolliepop_girl

  1. Are you going? You are arn't you? You better be! I want to see you and Kelzy! :huglove:

  2. Just found out my mothet got asked to move in with her boyfriend of about 2-3 months. He lives in Auckland and she lives an hour out of Wellington so that's quite a move. the two will look for jobs in February and if she finds a job in A-land then she (+ me) will move there and if he finds a job here (Wellington) then she will move (+me again) to Wellington.

    Either way I change schools. I only found this out late last night but now I'm a little worried about changing schools.

    My school offers Drama and that's all I need to study. I've also studied fashion, science, english, art, math, PE, Health, social studies and History.

    CRAP! If I go to a new school I may have to do PE or math!

    See, at my school we study PE for the first 2 years compulsary but it's optional the last years and I'm terrible at it and math is compulsary for the first 3 years and I'm not good at that either! :hair:


    So I can go to a new school or I can miss Mika.

  3. Yeah I have an irrational fear of doctors.

    Well actually it's perfectly RATIONAL but I don't like to tell people why (when I was born they tested me and poked and prodded at me because of some unexplained blindness) so people call it irrational :roftl:


    What's scary about that?

    Oh but if you look to the right of the fan getting the ice cream, that guy, in that light, looks like a ghost! :D

    Did you get to see that show by any chance?

  4. Oh no wait, I jsut reread and saw the :dunno: smiley.

    Are you just afraid of him for no good reason like I'm super-scared of chilldren???


    Confuzlement! :hair:

  5. Do you KNOW what that traumatizing event was?

    Please tell me!

    *Is not such a freak fan of Wells that I can't take a Wells-beating*


    Tell? :puppy_eyes:

  6. No no, a fringe. Like, I hated how I looked and the fringe made me feel childish!

    I was a 7y/o who had the dream of being sexy so childish would simply never do :roftl:


    Page boy?

  7. Yes, I see with my left eye but my right eye is blind.

    My sight never changed, both opperations were purely to make me LOOK like I wasn't blind. So they gave me the name of cross-eyed but IDK because frankly, I have never seen someone with crossed eyes and I never did like to examin myself to closely in the mirror.

    I was a child who was put into very colourful clothes and ugly shoes and they made me have a fringe.

    So I was doomed from the very beginning :D


    Doomed, dadadi dadi doomed :fisch:

  8. The surgery I had shortened the muscle that moves the eye out and lengthened the one that dragged it in so that it now follows my left eye better but I will never be able to look entirely normal and they haven't developed a cure for it because it could lead to death or brain damage if it's performed wrong. The cure is successfully implanting and growing nerves to go from my eye to my brain.

  9. I am blind in my right eye and have 6-26 vision (what you see clearly at 26 metres away, I see clearly at 6 metres away). It means I'm legally blind and have no or very little depth perception/3d vision.

    Blindness occurs because my optic nerve is a bit fried so my eye does percieve but my brain doesn't read the nerve messages from my eye so I don't see what my eye sees basically. IDK why I'm so pathetic in my left eye though. I was born with it and nobody knows why though my mother blames the sugar tablets she took while pregnant and I knows she drank a little when pregnant and at some point, she landed on her stomach, balanced on a fence after trying to jump over it when her belly was quite big.

    It shows. I had surgery when I was 6 because I was crosseyed and my mother wanted to make me look normal but after that, my left eye focused where my right eye wondered off to the side.

  10. Intermediate was interesting. When I remember it, the first thing I recall is all the bullies. There were a lot of them but there was this teacher who always wanted to read my writing that I did outside of school and loved my art and my artistic mind. He once approached me about being drawn into a picture he'd done with a sabre toothed tirger. My friends thought he was what a lot of immature school kids think all male teachers were but he was realy nice.

    My teacher (not the guy) had a degree in psychology and had travelled the world and read us stories and had us analyse the characters who were always very complex. One story she read us, "Bloomability" had lots of Itallian words and so she talught us bits of Itallian on the way. I went to 2 intermediates and that was the first one.

  11. We did do science in yr10. Sorry, there are so many corses in 9 and 10. We didn't do anything in intermediate, it was more like advanced primary school where people stopped teasing me about my eyes and found that it hurt me more when they were mean about the Lion man (he was to me what Mika is to me now).

    I was told not to do art in yr12 but that the teacher would take me back in yr13 to do photography but I'm jubious because everyone else says I'd be lousy at it because of my eyes.

    Another reason I hate school is that it's this constant reminder of things I CAN'T do. My sight's not even that bad FFS!

    I was good at SS because the rest of my class were bad. I seemed like a good student IN COMPARRISON to my class who sat on their asses all lesson (and once made the teacher cry) but history was so boring and pointless, I can't remember dates and I never want to hear about irish history, WWII or New Zealand EVER again!!!

    Basically I'd just had enough by that time :wink2:

  12. Yeah I think my mother "Rags" secretly thinks I'm a bit of a disappointment. She was the sporty one who was great at math and spelling and grammar and has no artistic or creative side that she really cares for but she's weight obsessed and all that crap...

    She came to one and only one sport evet when iwas 5. I came last and she was so mad at me that she never came again.

    I get mediocre grades in math and english except for anything creative and I failed history. I said "I'm just not good at those things." she said "YOU'RE A (my last name) ALL (people in my family) DO WELL IN SCHOOL!"

    It's not true. Her sister was like me but she refuses to acknowledge that I'll get anywhere and her mind is set on money where mine is set on reasonable pay and happiness in one's job so I'm a bit of a grey horse in my family.

    The dark horse is her brother who is gay and never keeps in contact.

  13. Next year I've chosen to do French, IT, Drama, Media Studies and health.

    The only compulsary subject for the alst 2 years of school is English and I'm considering Gateway which is going to work but it's still linked to the school. It's hard to explain :wink2:

  14. We have Performing arts or music in Year 9. you have to do one of the two and also 3 other options.

    I took PA (dance and drama), Economics, Sewing and I got time out of class because of my disability so I didn't have to choose a 4th option but my teacher aide said Economics wasn't really a "Khayla kind of subject" so she took me out and got me to choose out of music and art and the music teacher refused to teach me because of my sight so I did French. I also did science, math, english, health, social studies and PE.

    Last year I did english, math, pe, health and my options were French and Art and because I was exceedingly good at social studies I got to do yr11 History instead of yr10 SS.

    This year I did english, math and science and my options were French, Art and Drama.

  15. He looks like my first kiss only I don't think he's as tall :wink2:

    (Seriously, he was an INCH taller than Mika and only 18!)

    But he is cute and funny and super smart!


    How do you forget you're not listening with headphones???

  16. Dance, computer graphics or clothing technology.


    I don't feel as if I've actually learned anything that I would use though.


    It's almost 3pm already! Damn daylight saving!!!


    What did you do in highschool

  17. They're all about Mika and those around him. I do them with stick people and minimal detail because I only mean for it to be glanced at and it's more focused on the joke so I illustrate a lot.

    But then there's a lot of pin up art I do and drawing things because I want to show what I'm trying to say (I'm not so articulate when I talk, leave it at that :roftl:) or if I want to show a dress or a kind of house I want or that I saw.

    So I can draw clothes, houses and general figures but I'm not good at great art.


    So I think you're right! :thumb_yellow:


    Did you see Demetri Martin?

  18. True but it means I've waisted 2 years because now I can't do some courses because I lack the experience I would have if I hadn't have done art.


    Ugh, they're playing Leona Lewis. Sorry, I just had to say that...


    Hey, you're right about Mika!

    never thought of it like that tbh.

    My art is so variant though. I do 5 frame comics with stick people that have 5ish word sentences to explain each frame and there's a joke at the end...

  19. Maybe. But I have a problem with people who draw a lot of anime stuff.

    If we stuck to inanimate objects then it really would be a great match!

    She's annoyed at me also because I didn't take art for next year. But I was told (as I said on twitter) that I'd struggle because of my drawing skill (or lack thereof) although I'm not a bad artist, I'm very specialised and that's not a good thing when you're so young.


    Demetri Martin is a comedian and no, it's not that bad. He's not so well known :wink2:



    Mika? Why do you say that?

  20. I sit next to a girl in art class. She's the most amazing artist and she's always annoyed at me because she wishes she had my ideas but I wish I had her talent in drawing and painting.

    I'm not the greatest artist but I am artistic.

    In fact the best thing I every did was my picture of Mika that even my mother loves and she HATES Mika, pictures of him and she's not fussed in the slightest with my vaudeville/Mika esque art either so that says something :wink2:


    LOL Demetri Martin says Glittler is the cyphilis of the art world (gets on everything it touches) :roftl:

  21. Oh God no!

    I hate pastels with a PASSION! I also hate charcol and dye (unless it's used on clothing/fabric things).

    I like to do tidy art ;)


    Do you want to see my portfolio pics when they come back?

    The pinstripes were a fail but they wern't nearly as bad as the piano who's lines I couldn't get straight with the glugy paint :furious: the teacher saw I was close to an edge and said to leave it and do something else.

    It was overshadowed by the stronger works though thank goodness :wink2:

  22. I wonder if I could use white crayon underneith dark blue crayon and then etch the lines into the blue crayon. I've done that once with a card, it creates a pretty rainbow-writing effect if you make the under-layer all your fave coulours :wink2:

  23. What do you think about twink?

  24. Oh right, now I understand!


    I was like "Huh?" over on twitter and I was thinking you were talking about the conversation I was having with a radio dj (@markjamesdye) about the largest breasts in the world and if he got to touch them :das:

    And WTF do I need a white gell pen for THAT? :roftl:


    But no. I will go find ne, thanks!

    I painted Greg Wells' legs for a peace of my art portfolio from the picture on his twitter background and had to use a white chalk pencil to go over the navy blue paint and it didn't really look right so I wondered how I could better do it :wink2:

  25. SANG sorry. You know what I'm like :blush-anim-cl:

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